Wednesday, June 29, 2022

T5W#359-Top 5 Gundam Characters I Absolutely Hate (Part 4)

As we close in on the end of Gundam Month Mark VI-The Undiscovered Country, I’ve finally reached a point more than 20 years in the making: covering a massive bulk of the entire Gundam franchise (9 of which I’ve spent looking at on this blog).  Having bounced back and forth between several different timelines, I’ve seen legends rise and fall, characters who have defined the Gundam franchise for me, true heroes and even some stand out villains.  However, I predicted last Christmas I’d reach a point where I would type up another Top 5 Gundam Characters I Absolutely Hate list…and now that Iron Blooded Orphans is almost in the bag, we’ve reached that point.  Behold, another five Gundam characters who made my viewing experiences (even the good ones) a pain in the ass.  Oh and if you’ve missed out on any of the other lists in this little recurring T5W series, you can check them out below before you check out the Top 5 Gundam Characters I Absolutely Hate (Part 4).
T5W#46-Top 5 Gundam Characters I Absolutely Hate
T5W#295-Top 5 Gundam Characters I Absolutely Hate (Part 2)
T5W#332-Top 5 Gundam Characters I Absolutely Hate (Part 3)
#5-Lunamaria Hawke (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny)
Luna might rock the female ZAFT uniform but cute looks cant hide the fact that she’s a poorly written character in SEED Destiny…could kind of say that for most of the cast.  The biggest thing that irks me about Luna besides being made to look inept compared to Shinn and Rey is how she enables Shinn’s murderous tendencies without even realizing what he’s doing out there.  Luna should be the Angel on Shinn’s shoulder compared to Rey’s subtle Devil.  But she’s perfectly fine patting the war criminal on the back when he slaughters surrendering enemies and she even starts dating Shinn days after she thinks he had to kill her sister, Meyrin, for seemingly betraying ZAFT.  Yeah…Luna’s not that smart (or she’s just desperate).

#4-Hathaway Noa (Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack & Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway)
Hathaway is the son of the one the greatest characters in all of Gundam, Captain Bright Noa.  And yet, you would not believe for a second Hathaway could be his son because of how stubborn, childish and irresponsible he is.  In Char’s Counterattack, he pines for a girl who never liked him and kills Amuro’s would be love interest, Chan, in a fit of rage after she kills Quess.  Somehow, Hathaway goes on to become the head of his own Rebel organization (God only knows how his Dad will feel about that).  On top of all of that, I’m pretty sure that same dead girl who couldn’t care less about Hathaway is the reason he started this little revolution in the first place.  You think Bright would still be up for using one of his legendary Gundam Pilot face slaps on his son at his age? I think Hathaway still needs a few.

#3-Iok Kujan (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans)
Gjallarhorn might be filled with a legion of elitist snobs but few are as high on their own position and would be legacy as Iok.  As a scion of one of Gjallarhorn’s central families, Iok believes he is destined for greatness.  He serves at Rustal Elion’s side but hardly listens to orders or any of Rustal’s sagely advice, Iok believing everything will go right for him because of some divine purpose or whatever.  Which leads Iok to causing several major disasters throughout IBO’s Second Season…and he thinks he’s saved the freaking day.  What’s worse, Iok does have his own mini fan club who think he can do no wrong and shouldn’t be penalized for all his mess ups.  No wonder some people believe Gjallarhorn needs some restructuring.

#2-Girrard Spriggan (Mobile Suit Gundam AGE)
Girrard Spriggan.  She was the character Gundam AGE had been building up to for almost 40 episodes.  The end all, be all.  The ultimate boss and foe for Kio Asunooooook I’m gonna just stop right there because none of that was true.  Spriggan is an unfortunate casualty of how dumb it was for Gundam AGE to try and tell a 50+ year story in only 49 episodes.  The show introduces her suddenly and throws so much importance around her that, as I said, you’d think the entire series was leading to her arrival.  AGE stops in its tracks to accommodate a character who is only around for maybe an episode and a half total and the build up around her is so immense, yet she’s taken out just as easily, hardly the legend the writers made her out to be.

#1-Bellri Zenam (Gundam: Reconguista in G)
And here I thought there wasn’t anyone I could hate more in Gundam than Shinn Asuka (though 2 other #1’s on 2 other lists not withstanding).  Bellri is supposed to be Yoshiyuki Tomino’s ultimate Gundam pilot, the culmination of 35 years of Gundam legacy…and he’s just the absolute worst of the worst.  He’s a happy go lucky spoiled brat who thinks he knows everything, flys into battle with a smile on his face and can generally shake off any major life or plot development by the beginning of the next episode as if nothing had ever happened.  It isn’t until near the end of Reconguista in G that Bellri freaks out when he realizes people die in war…YOURE A MOBILE SUIT PILOT OF COURSE THEY DO!!!!!  I’ll be blunt: Bellri Zenam is the worst protagonist in Gundam and part of the absolute worst series in the franchise.  Everytime he was on screen, I wanted to punch him…maybe more than Shinn Asuka and man that’s saying a lot.

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