Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans Part 3 Episodes 11-15

Now allied with Teiwaz, Tekkadan continues its journey to Earth with added protection.  The deeper ahead they forge, the greater the trials become.  A band of vicious Space Pirates using Human Debris Children for their attack forces challenges the young men from Mars, among them Akihiro’s long lost brother.  After the dust settles and the dead are buried, it’s time for a visit to the Colonies…where Tekkadan finds itself in the middle of an uprising and Biscuit finds himself betrayed by a close friend.  Luck has gotten Tekkadan this far but can it get them past this dangerous battle…and eventually get them to Earth?

I’m starting to see why this kind of a Gundam series hasn’t been seen in so long.  A 50 episode series might have room to breathe but unless it gets rolling fast and moves fast, it’s not gonna make a lot of headway in the new day and age of Seasonal Anime.  And yeah, Iron Blooded Orphans was aired as two separate seasons but I still feel like it’s proceeding like every Gundam series before it when it comes to pacing.  I think IBO should be a lot further along than it is, heck I think Tekkadan should certainly be to Earthy by now.  But those thoughts and complaints are also balanced out by the good amount of character work and world building going on in this set of episodes.  Betrayals, funerals, and even a little romance but IBO was definitely not skimping on the chaos, the carnage or the death.  If Reconguista in G was Gundam playing it uncharactarisically safe, then IBO is the exact opposite, going back to the series roots and not treating war with kid gloves.
A major theme in these five episodes revolved around siblings.  Both Akihiro and Biscuit had run ins with family they hadn’t seen in a long time, either because of tragic circumstances or different directions taken in life.  And yep, both encounters ended it proper Gundam tragedy.  Akihiro’s brother (whose character model felt like he was plucked from a Leiji Matsumoto Anime), had lost almost all faith in a better tomorrow having been treated harshly as Human Debris, a disposable tool for the Brewers.  It was heartbreaking to see him reject his brothers offer to save him but at least he kept Akihiro safe from a death blow.  As for Biscuit, I can understand where his big brother is coming from, trying to avert a potential massacre in the Dort Colonies.  But sacrificing an innocent girl for that goal?  It’s unforgivable and Biscuit was able to rightfully stand up to the sibling he used to idolize to keep Atra safe, even if it means dooming the Colonies.  Speaking of sibling betrayals, Fumitan finally came out as a spy for Kudelia’s nefarious benefactor, Nobiliss, and had to break poor Kudelia’s heart just after Kudelia told her she thought of Fumitan as a sister.  Even if Fumitan did own up to her mistakes, I don’t think she is going to make it out of Dort with Kudelia.
This set of episodes also gave us deeper insight into life in the Post Disaster Era, from a day in the life of a Human Debris to life in the Space Colonies and even a glimpse at the high life of a Gjallarhorn officer on Earth.  While Akihiro’s brother didn’t make it, many of his fellow Human Debris brethren in the Brewers were offered a place with Tekkadan by Orga.  In spite of the fighting, Orga welcomes the Brewers survivors with open arms, understanding they were being forced to by their masters before but now they have a choice and a chance at a better life than before…it’s a prospect so life changing it makes the kids cry, the Post Disaster Era is certainly cruel when you’ve been denied a choice for so long the mere idea of having one can make you cry.  Looks like the Colonies and Mars have a lot in common.  They want their own independence from Earth based overseers and are willing to start an armed revolution to do so, using Kudelia as their inspiration.  Somehow I don’t think Kudelia will be onboard for that idea being the pacifist she is.  Finally, we got to see how the bulk of Gjallarhorn live on Earth, high and fancy like you’d expect.  We also got to see McGillis interact with his 9 YEAR OLD FIANCEE!!!!  Seriously, that is beyond gross and even Char wouldn’t stoop that low…and yes I know he had his own hang ups with younger girls.  Is McGillis really ok with this arrangement?  It’s hard to get a read on him and his goals, especially when he went to Dort without telling Gaelio AND finally sporting his version of a Char mask.  The hell is he up to?
The Tekkadan boys definitely got put through the ringer, losing many of their own to The Brewers in space and in hand to hand combat.  Even Mika’s mindset was challenged when his opponent claimed Mika enjoys killing.  Mika seemed to shrug it off like he does most things but seeing him shake when trying to eat one of his Mars Plums shows others.  Oh and he kissed Kudelia…which apparently wasn’t as big a deal for him as it was for her (she totally freaked out).  I know I have issues with how he conducts himself sometimes but I can see Mika growing from his experiences.  He’s even supportive of Biscuit trying to reconnect with his brother so as to hopefully not experience what Akihiro went through losing his own brother.  I did expect to see more of Mika going all one man army slaughterhouse on the men who kidnapped Biscuit and Atra, especially after he saw how badly Atra got beaten.  Side note: How the hell do Gjallarhorn and the Dort Colony not know what Kudelia looks like?  She’s a pretty prominent figure and if Nobliss is fanning the flames of revolution from the shadows…you’d think he could hand out pictures or something.  Anyway, all of the fighting and losses allowed the Tekkadan boys to experience their first funeral, made to be a beautiful lights display in space (something Gundam does pretty well actually).  They may be fighters but these are still kids.  They needed a chance to let off some steam and cry if they had to (even if they tried their hardest to “be cool” for their fallen brothers).
Hmm, I still have my issues with how slow the story is progressing but I guess I did have a lot of praise to give Iron Blooded Orphans for spending that time rather wisely.  Still, it’s time to get to Earth and have Kudelia figure out how she’s going to accomplish her big plan…after she figures out what that plan is.  But before then, the stage seems set for a ton of tragedy when we return tomorrow.  Uprisings, Gjallarhorn stepping in to quell said uprising and probably another tragic fate, this time for Fumitan.  We might lose our first main character when Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans continues tomorrow, right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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