Monday, February 27, 2023

Sailor Moon R: The Movie

When he was a child, Mamoru Chiba met an alien boy named Fiore and the two swore to be friends forever, a promise made with a rose.  Years later, Fiore has returned but he seems different.  He’s angry that Mamoru seems to have replaced him with someone closer to his heart: Usagi Tsukino.  Corrupted by a dark power from deep space, Fiore abducts Mamoru.  Determined to set things right, Usagi and the Sailor Senshi take to the stars to face Fiore, save Mamoru and prevent a rose covered apocalypse on Planet Earth.

So originally when I decided to look at all of the original Sailor Moon series, well the Movies weren’t even part of the plan.  Then I decided, why not, theyre pretty easy to find through various means.  Then I decided that rather than hold off on them til I finished the series, I’ll just look at them as close to the end of each series as I can.  That’ll certainly be the case for the S and Super S movies later this year.  I think this works better too because the Sailor Moon R movie feels like a nice encapsulation of everything that worked with the shows Second Season and even provides an adequate scenario for which a failed arc could have actually worked.  In short, this is a pretty solid, if simple, first theatrical outing for the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and justice.

Friday, February 24, 2023

FIF#180-Samurai Pizza Cats

Welcome to Little Tokyo, where everyday is filled with hustle and bustle.  But there’s sinister plans afoot.  The duplicitous Big Cheese is plotting to overthrow Emperor Fred with the help of his criminal gang of Ninja Crows.  Only one thing stands in his way: a trio of Little Tokyo’s most beloved delivery cats who also happen to be Samurai Super Heroes.  They’re Speedy, Polly and Guido: The Samurai Pizza Cats.  Whether evil is afoot or youre desperate for a late afternoon pizza, these crime fighting felines are here to save the day, guaranteed or your money back.
The morning of my third day at Katsucon (Saturday), I wandered up to a viewing room after eating breakfast to see if there were any fun, Saturday Morning Cartoon style screenings I could check out and I lucked into a good blast from the past.  Adapted from the early 90s Anime Cat Ninja Legend Teyandee, Samurai Pizza Cats could be considered Ghost Stories before that infamously hilarious dub ever came about.  The dialogue is random, the jokes are a bit dated but also get plenty of chuckles and its just a fun show to check out to kill time.  This isn’t a show that requires a lot of brain power to enjoy and I’m surprised I never watched more of this when I was younger (probably because it was aired at like 6 in the morning on Saturdays when I didn’t dare wake up if school wasn’t a thing). 

Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl

Sakuta Azusagawa and Mai Sakurajima have braved many strange experiences together.  But when Sakuta’s first love, Shoko Makinohara, appears before them in two different forms, their love will be tested like never before.  The deeper the pair get into this latest case of Puberty Syndrome, the more clear it becomes that lives are at stake.  For Sakuta, in the end, it doesn’t just come down to choosing who his heart belongs, but who’s happiness matters more: Shoko’s, Mai’s or his own?  What is the Rascal who Dreams of a Bunny Girl Senpai willing to give up in order to ensure those he loves the most have a future together?

Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai was my favorite Anime I reviewed in 2022.  For a show that baits you with the promise of sexy antics with a sexy clad bunny girl, it caught me off guard with how well it blended the troubles of growing up at a teenager with crazy but intriguing scifi concepts.  Factor in a cast that didn’t really have a weak link in the bunch and brilliant character writing and you have one of the most thought provoking and beautiful Anime since the new millenia kicked off.  For all of its greatness, the one thing that held it back from a perfect 10/10 score was the one case left unresolved specifically so it could be told in this movie.  In hindsight, this was a very smart more.  As this is pretty much the true finale of Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl has saved the best and surprisingly most important mystery to be solved, and that’s saying a lot given what Sakuta had to experience in the TV Series finale.  Forwarning to all, even if you aren’t familiar with the story so far and are going in blind, be ready with a ton of tissues, this ones a tearjerker.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

T5W#393-Top 10 Katsucon 2023 Moments

Back in February 2020, I couldn’t imagine the sharp turn the world would take barely a month later with the Pandemic shutting down everything worldwide for the better part of a year.  I guess it was a small consolation that if I had to be forced into quarantine with the rest of the world, at least I got one last good Anime Convention before it happened with Katsucon 2020.  Flashforward to present day, up until this past weekend, I hadn’t been back to Katsucon in three years.  I skipped 2022 due to the Omicron surge still being a concern and while Otakon 2022 was my first full Con since the Pandemic, I still really missed the grandeur and all night fun of National Harbor.  Factor in 2022 being a hard hitting mental and emotional year for me and I didn’t just need another Katsucon, I needed it to be spectacular from start to finish.  Well, with expectations very high and also uncertain, I returned to National Harbor this weekend for Katsucon 2023 and it was AWESOME!!!!!  So awesome in fact that I’m going to do something this week I don’t think I’ve done for an individual Anime Con since Katsucon 2018: I’m gonna to give a double sized Top 5 Wednesday.  Cause the more I thought about it, the more impossible it became to even narrow down 5 incredible memories to talk about.  So, Dear Readers, it’s time to return to the Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center for one of my most anticipated Top 5 Wednesdays of the year, these are my Top 10 Katsucon 2023 Moments.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

T5W#392-Top 5 Questions I Get Asked Most Often About Cons

If you could feel my pulse right now, you could tell within seconds how fast its going.  Why?  Because tomorrow I start the journey back to a place I haven’t been in almost 3 years: Katsucon.  Weirdly enough I’m looking forward to Katsu this year more than my big return to Otakon last year.  Do I like Katsucon better than Otakon?  Well that answer varies from year to year but both are that hard to choose between sometimes.  Speaking of, that’s also a question I get asked most often when it comes to my Con travels.  It got me thinking about others and for today’s Top 5 Wednesday, I think it’d be cool to provide some answers to you Dear Readers about my experiences in these nerd infested nirvanas I call Conventions.  If you’ve ever wondered, today you might find out.  These are the Top 5 Questions I Get Asked Most Often About Cons.

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom X Part 3 Episodes 9-12

Keith has vanished.  There are many theories but Katarina is worried she might be the cause of her brothers absence.  Little does Katarina know, dark forces have come for Keith and his life is in actual danger.  On top of all that, Graduation is nigh and Katarina must finally make a decision about her next steps in life.  Can she save Keith, make it to the Graduation ceremony and sort out her feelings for the several people who are openly confessing their feelings for her?  And is a memory message from Atsu true…could there really be a Fortune Lover II?

Much like with the end of the First Season, this Season Finale (yes Season, not Series, silly me) of My Next Life as a Villainess decided to dial up the tension with potentially the darkest storyline to date, one that would push Katarina to her limits and test just how kind of a heart she has when someone was close to her as family is threatened.  For a finale, those are good ideas to explore.  Sadly, I think that the finale highlights the many negative qualities Next Life’s Second Season has had and even the finale itself cant recapture some of the lost magic, save only for the end when the setup for a proposed Third Season starts to take shape.  Katarina still rocks like nobody’s business, but could even her wholesome goodness save this climax?  Let’s find out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom X Part 2 Episodes 5-8

Unable to think of a life without Katarina after her abduction, Geordo makes a stunning move that puts the rest of Katarina’s friends on high alert.  After all, if Geordo’s being more honest (and physical) with his feelings, he’s well on the way to winning the war for Katarina’s heart.  But Katarina still has adventures of her own waiting for her and those dearest to her heart, including a reunion in a haunted forest and a trip into the Department of Magic where a haunted Doll House and some old friends await them.  Between ideal lives, overbearing parents, political intrigue and the prospect of one of their own leaving forever, will Katarina even have time to worry about who she herself might have feelings for?

After a premiere that introduced potential stakes early on, My Next Life as a Villainess Season 2 dialed things back considerably with several reflective and classic fun tales that relied heavily on flashbacks to simpler time and the reusage of a familiar plot from Season One.  While it feels like things weren’t progressing very far or old ground was being retreaded, there was still good stuff to come out of it.  Granted the most boring character finally got an episode and I still don’t think that was enough to make him interesting…yeah all in all this set of episodes was a little uneven and I wish we couldve just delved more into the political mess Katarina got kidnapped to implement.  Let’s break it all down.

Monday, February 13, 2023

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom X Part 1 Episodes 1-4

Reincarnated into her favorite video game after an untimely demise, Katarina Claes worked hard to avoid all of her “Doom Flags”.  Now that she’s in the clear, a new adventure begins…the rest of her life.  But just because Katarina dodged her demise, that doesn’t mean she’s completely out of trouble.  The School Festival’s big play requires a Villainess and she might just fit the bill.  Then Katarina becomes a pawn in a secret deception that could have dire consequences.  But worst of all: Katarina doesn’t realize she’s become the object of the affections of every friend she’s made since she’s come to this world…and now the battle for her heart is on.

And we’re back.  Back when I wrapped up the First Season of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Roads Lead to Doom, I felt like the full story had been told and a Second Season might not even be needed.  Well, surprise, surprise.  Even though the main campaign of Katarina’s quest has been successfully completed, there’s still a lot of fun to be had in what I’m calling the “Post Game Content”.  To quote Sarah Conner from Terminator 2: Judgement Day, “We’re in uncharted territory now, making up history as we go along.”  Katarina has not clue what’s going to happen to her now and that actually makes the beginning of All Roads Lead to Doom X a lot of fun.

Friday, February 10, 2023

FIF#179-Kaze No Stigma

The Kannagi’s are a proud and strict family of Flame Magic Users.  When he is unable to defeat his young cousin, Ayano, in battle, Kazuma Kannagi is stripped of his title as “heir” and is banished from the Kannagi Clan.  Four years later, a mysterious foe is using Wind Magic to kill off various members of the Kannagi Clan.  The prime suspect is Kazuma, recently returned and now practicing powerful Wind Magic that puts him on par with those who shunned him.  Ayano vows to kill Kazuma to avenge her Clan but only Kazuma is aware that someone else is pulling the strings behind this forced conflict.
Brooding Anime Protagonist.  Cute, random haired color high school girl with magical powers.  Espers and Magic Users.  Kaze No Stigma could be mistaken for an early 90s Anime sans the copious amounts of blood, not that the first episode doesn’t lack its fair share.  And yet, like many Anime I come across sometimes, it not only fails to bring anything new or unique to the table, but what’s presented is…well kind of annoying and irksome and only a small portion of that falls on the protagonist.  It’s the supporting cast that are a major pain.

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom Part 3 Episodes 9-12

Ever since her reincarnation into Fortune Lover, Katarina has been very careful to ensure her character “The Villainess” doesn’t meet one of her fated “Doom Endings”.  But despite her best efforts, something has been stalking Katarina from the shadows, fully intent of making sure she doesn’t get her happy ending.  When that darkness captures Maria, Katarina and her friends are on high alert.  Katarina has fought hard and forged genuine friendships along the way.  But is it truly impossible for her to escape her fate?  Katarina’s Judgment Day has come.

It always catches me off guard when comedy Anime decide to take a slight detour into darker territory.  Like, why does it need to do that when the conflict comes from the comedy and the light heartedness is doing just fine on its own?  Still, a lot of RomCom Anime tend to take that route: Fruits Basket and Love Hina come to mind, each with varying degrees of success in that divergence.  So how does the Season Finale of My Next Life as a Villainess handle a somewhat last second villainous twist?  Well…for the most part rather well but that’s mostly thanks to the power of the awesome that is Katarina Claes.  Let’s get into it and wrap this season up, shall we?

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

T5W#191-Top 5 Gunpla I’ve Built (So Far)

Since my last Otakon, I’ve been steadily getting back into regularly working on a core component of being a Gundam fan I haven’t really embraced: building Gunpla.  Actually, I shouldn’t say I’ve been steadily doing this.  I’ve been diving in head first and gathering as many new models as I’ve been able to from local shops and stores that happen to sell them.  I’ve amassed quite a collection in the last 7 months and with Katsucon on the horizon, I’m definitely planning on bringing more home to assemble.  You could call this me catching up on lost time with Gunpla, a new calming activity for dealing with mental health or finding a hobby that brings me closer to my Dad (who did some train model work here and there).  Anyway, like I said, the collection has grown and today I’m gonna highlight some of my personal favorites.  These are the Top 5 Gunpla I’ve Built (So Far).  Hope you don’t mind the photo quality, I need to add making a proper staging are to my list of 2023 objectives.

Monday, February 6, 2023

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom Part 2 Episodes 5-8

After 7 years of planning, Katarina has finally arrived at the Magical Academy.  It is here where the main plot of Fortune Lover begins and where Katarina’s future will be in constant jeopardy if she doesn’t play her cards right.  Her actions in the past have already altered potential route for each suitor and she’s even befriended the girl who will ultimately spell her downfall, Maria Campbell.  But is Katarina changing things too much?  What happens when all eyes start moving away from Maria and over to herself as the object of their affections, even Maria?

So this sophomore outing for My Next Life as a Villainess surprised me in a number of ways.  Not only did we get a lot of major improvements over elements introduced in the premiere that felt tacked on and useless, but we also got some good expansive and surprisingly heartbreaking backstories for several characters.  One of these backstories seemed to come not quite out of nowhere but it was decidedly the most tragic aspect of an otherwise feel good Issekai Harem Romance Anime about a girl making a new life for herself in her favorite video game while trying to avoid certain doom.  Let’s dive right into all of the goodness and especially break down that one revelation that I’m a little on the fence about but thankfully don’t feel that it detracts from the sheer fun this show can be…unlike another Anime but I’ll talk about that when I get to it.

Friday, February 3, 2023

FIF#178-The Legend of Vox Machina

The continent of Tal’Dorei is under siege by a malevolent and powerful evil that is decimating souls brave enough to stand against it.  Desperate, the rulers of Tal’Dorei turn to the only remaining option they have: a crew of rowdy, drunken, no F’s giving mercenaries known as Vox Machina.  An Elven Ranger, her Rogue brother, a Cleric, a Gunslinger, a Bard, a Druid and a Barbarian who are prone to messing up quests more than completing them are all that stand between Tal’Dorei and total annihilation…yeah when you put it like, Tal’Dorei might be in trouble.  And thus begins the Legend of Vox Machina…God help us all.
As big a nerd as I am, I hardly dabble in Dungeons and Dragons.  I admire the game, the creativity that goes into each campaign and have watched many of them played out among friends but I’ve never been able to commit to the phenomenon.  But I know plenty who have and all of them have recommended this series to me (some of you reading this know who you are).  The Legend of Vox Machina is based on a D&D campaign played in the Web Series Critical Role, whose cast of players includes many famous voice actor friends including Laura Bailey & Travis Willinghem (Fullmetal Alchemist), Ashley Johnson (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) and Matthew Mercer (Overatch).  This Kickstart funded animated adventure has become one of Amazon’s biggest hits.  Do the first couple of episodes justify jumping into this quest with the Fantasy equivalent of the Guardians of the Galaxy?

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom Part 1 Episodes 1-4

Katarina Claes, a girl of noble descent, lives a privledged life.  One day, however, an accident causes her to remember the truth: Katarina isn’t a noblewoman but a 17 year old Otaku Girl who met a tragic end and has been reincarnated as the Villainess in her favorite video game, Fortune Lover.  Even worse, Katarina knows well enough how the game always ends: Exile or Death.  But Katarina knows Fortune Lover like the back of her hand and she is determined to steer clear of death and change her fate.  Katarina’s already died once.  She’s not in a hurry to do it all over again.
As much as I like to rag on Issekai for taking the spotlight away from most other Anime (especially Mecha), most of the ones I’ve seen have actually been pretty decent, if not good (Rising of the Shield Hero comes to mind).  And it looks like that trend might continue as I take on a request from a friend for the month of February: an Issekai Romantic Comedy Fantasy about a girl who tries to change her fate when she’s reincarnated into her favorite video game.  There’s no escaping back to the real world, there’s just playing the hand life has dealt and from the looks of it, Katarina got things under control…for now.  Welcome, Dear Readers, to My Next Life as a Villainess: All Roads Lead to Doom.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

T5W#390-Top 5 Zombie Anime

Zombies, Zombies, Zombies.  Ever since George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead, they’ve been all the rage in media from Movies to TV to Comics and more.  While many can say that the genre has run its course thanks to the overabundance of The Walking Dead, the overnight success of The Last of Us indicates that isn’t totally true.  But with all the live action focus on these legions of the undead, what about Anime?  Oh yeah, youre definitely covered in that department and while you can commend incredible make artists for the hard work they put into Zombie makeup, Anime can really bring the threat of the Zombie Apocalypse to a whole other level of terrifying. So, for todays Top 5 Wednesday, I’m picking my Top 5 Zombie Anime sure to wet the appetite of any casual horror fan.