Tuesday, February 14, 2023

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom X Part 2 Episodes 5-8

Unable to think of a life without Katarina after her abduction, Geordo makes a stunning move that puts the rest of Katarina’s friends on high alert.  After all, if Geordo’s being more honest (and physical) with his feelings, he’s well on the way to winning the war for Katarina’s heart.  But Katarina still has adventures of her own waiting for her and those dearest to her heart, including a reunion in a haunted forest and a trip into the Department of Magic where a haunted Doll House and some old friends await them.  Between ideal lives, overbearing parents, political intrigue and the prospect of one of their own leaving forever, will Katarina even have time to worry about who she herself might have feelings for?

After a premiere that introduced potential stakes early on, My Next Life as a Villainess Season 2 dialed things back considerably with several reflective and classic fun tales that relied heavily on flashbacks to simpler time and the reusage of a familiar plot from Season One.  While it feels like things weren’t progressing very far or old ground was being retreaded, there was still good stuff to come out of it.  Granted the most boring character finally got an episode and I still don’t think that was enough to make him interesting…yeah all in all this set of episodes was a little uneven and I wish we couldve just delved more into the political mess Katarina got kidnapped to implement.  Let’s break it all down.
Half of this set of episodes involved returning to the kid days of early Season One and man I’d forgotten how cute but still awesome Katarina was.  In a way though, I feel like some of these elements could have been used in Season One but I get we had to reach Katarina’s older self for the main Fortune Lover storyline quickly.  Still, the one episode where this paid off in a Lost Episode kind of way was the flashback to Katarina’s summer adventure with everyone, minus Maria cause they hadn’t met her yet.  It's fun to see little Katarina climbing trees like a Monkey again and fearlessly walking into danger with her friends.  There were two stand out scenes from this tale.  The first was Sofia learning to cope with her fear of lightning by imagining she and Katarina were an older Mage and Knight respectively, fighting off a Dragon before falling in love and getting married.  The second was the payoff to the Ghost mystery.  It wasn’t a ghost, it was the monstrous, shadowy silhouette of Mama Claes berating a terrified Katarina for leading her friends into the forest, so unlady like…and the perfect comedic payoff.
However, the flashback to Geordo and Alan’s childhoods felt like a trip we didn’t need to take.  It would make sense if it was more about establishing how always around Geoffry was but Geoffry barely felt present.  He just popped up with a “hey how ya doing?” and then was quickly dismissed without a chance to see him actually bond with his younger brothers.  Most of the time it was rehashing how much more of an impact Katarina has had on Geordo and Alan, more so than Geoffry.  With that in mind, you’d think Geoffry would have a jealous streak by now and want Katarina out of the way so his brothers could see him as their one and only protector.  But sadly, Geoffry’s motivations are all we know, which is keep his brothers safe from any threat.  We don’t spend any more time with him or his incredibly sexy fiancée, Susanna…actually scratch that we do spend a lot of time with her, just not as Susanna, but as Lana Smith, Director of the Magic Tool Laboratory of the Department of Magic.
We didn’t get to see a huge amount of this fabled department but it still provided the best moments from these episodes.  Firstly, with all the talk of toxic work environments and crunch times at Video Game Studios these days, seeing just how overworked and exhausted Lana’s staff is can be kind of awkward and uncomfortable, especially since poor Raphael wants this department to be anything but hectic.  Here, Katarina and company found themselves trapped in a Doll House that showed them any alternate lives they might’ve dreamed about.  I was a bit worried about this idea because it seemed like it would be a rehash of the Book of Desire from Season One, aka my favorite episode of Season One.  But thankfully the new spins on alternate lives were great.  Surprisingly, Maria wishing to get super buff like the Incredible Hulk was the only dream not to involve Kataraina.  And Katarina herself imagined a very Umaru Chan style life where she just laid in bed playing Video Games, eating junk food and reading romance novels, classic.  Everyone else was either an animal or even gender bent in order to be with Katarina.  I loved Anne’s reaction to seeing herself as a Male Butler.  In fact Keith’s entire fantasy of everyone swapping genders might’ve been the highlight of the entire episode.  I’m glad it all paid off and Raphael got to engage in a magical duel with a cursed doll for added measure.
As for the stuff I’m more iffy on in this set…yet it’s a lot.  Considering the danger Katarina found herself in, I’m shocked there wasn’t more looking into this David Mason and his mission to get Geordo kicked out of his inheritance so Geoffry can take the throne.  You’d think that would be a serious threat to investigate and stay on top of.  Instead, Geordo doubles down on his romantic advances towards Katarina and everyone is ready to actually kick his ass to make sure that doesn’t happen.  The way that everyone seems to find their way into the same adventure, no matter what, kind reminds me of the TV Series Archer, which finds the cast in similar predicaments.  It can borderline on a bit much, like it’s ok to have lives and interests outside of hooking up with Katarina everyone…though I did like Keith’s reaction to seeing Geordo kissing Katarina again, it reminded me of an episode of Friends when Ross saw Chandler kissing his sister Monica from another apartment, “Hey…what are you doing? GET OFF MY SISTER!!!”.  Finally, Nicol finally got an episode to himself and man, oh man…I tuned it out.  Nicol remains one of the most boring characters in a show with a very vibrant cast.  He’s so dry, wooden and while he does express actual emotion admitting his feelings for Katarina to a total stranger…I’m sorry, it’s not enough to change my opinion on him and we spent an entire episode hashing out what we already kind of know. It was the first episode of Next Life X I feel like I could have skipped and not have missed a lot.  I don’t like Nicol, my minds not changing on that, sorry Nicol fans.
While I did have some fun in this set of episodes, I feel like the more important plot threads didn’t get the right amount of attention.  Katarina remains a pillar of awesome and inspiration but her friends clamouring to be around her 24/7 is starting to lose its appeal a bit and the new cast has barely had any time to shine on their own.  With only four episodes left (plus a bonus OVA episode that I will be covering), will we get any resolution to the Geordo inheritance plotline and, if so, what kind of inspirational solution and speech with Katarina come up with to save the day?  Guess we’ll find all of that out tomorrow with the conclusion of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Roads Lead to Doom X right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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