Wednesday, June 29, 2016

T5W#46-Top 5 Gundam Characters I Absolutely Hate

As a lot of you know, I love the hell out of the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise (COUGH COUGH it’s in my blogs title COUGH).  But I cant be a blind man and say it’s all perfect.  Not all entries are the best (G Gundam (yes deal with my dislike of it), Gundam Build Fighters Try).  But even the ones that work for me have their flaws.  Today, I’m looking at the characters who either bring down good stories or ruin really bad ones more than the writing already has.  Why am I doing this list?  Well, look let’s start with…


#5-Michel Ninorich (Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team)
Not only is Michel a spineless waste of a character, he’s also the reason I started this list in the first place.  Anyone who’s been keeping up with my 08th MS Team reviews know I don’t have a lot of love for this guy, especially in recent reviews.  Whereas most of the 08th Team has dealt with their inner demons and become stronger for it, Michel is still exactly where we found him at the beginning of the series, no growth, no progression.  Any sympathy I should feel for his love story (cause long distance relationships are tough) kind of fall to the wayside when he cant stop thinking about it for a second to help his teammates.  Doesn’t help he has no faith in Sanders to overcome his fears and that he rats out Shiro to Alice Miller in Miller’s Report cause put anything scary in his face and he gives away every secret plus his social security number.  For such a solid show so far, Michel is one of the more noticeable chinks in this Gundam’s armor.


#4-Mariemea Kushrenada (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz)
UGH this brat.  Just because you bear the name of a great man does not mean you’re going to automatically win a war you started.  Mariemea was a soulless puppet moved around and brainwashed by her grandfather, Dekim, and her lack of personality showed how much of a freaking tool she was more than an actual threat.  Leave it to the surprisingly effective double team of Heero and Relena to get this doll to show some emotion.  Heero put the fear of God into her, calling Mariemea’s God Mode Cheat bs by saying “yeah I’m Heero Yuy, this is my Gundam and this is it’s boom stick”.  But Relena…oh man no one, not even Lady Une, was going to steal her need to slap the mess out of Mariemea.  We’d all wanted to do that but Relena had been stuck with her the whole movie.  This is why little kids do not make good movie villains.


#3-Yuuma Kousaka (Gundam Build Fighters Try)
This @$$hole…oh so much hate.  There are a few reason why I detest Gundam Build Fighters Try and Yuuma might be at the top of the list.  His introduction was kind of sad, him losing in a nightmarish Gunpla Battle.  But he never tried to recover from that, even when joining Team Try Fighters.  All he ever did was mope and belittle a hobby that looked so awesome and fun, based on it’s predecessor series.  Everytime Yuuma opened his mouth I wanted to punch him.  He was always the nay sayer, always the negative nancy, always the most infuriating fraker in any episode.  There was a moment in the series where a news report once hailed him as the “Second Coming of Sei Iori” (the protagonist of the first series).  I pointed at my TV screen and shouted, “YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT THE F*** NOW!!!”  Sei and Reiji were awesome reps of how awesome Gunpla could be…Yuuma pretty much showed me how crappy it could be, and I’ll never forgive him for that.


#2-Riddhe Marcinist (Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn)
“I love you, I hate you.  I want to marry you, I want to kill you.”  That’s about the gist of Riddhe’s back and forth personality throughout the entire series.  Starting out as a cheerful series hotshot, he changes his tune when he finds out Audrey Byrne is actually Mineva Zabi and practically detests her…but then he breaks her out of confinement and takes her to Earth…and PROPOSES MARRIAGE!!!??  Now I’ll admit, Mineva’s draw sketches me out a bit.  Banagher was her loyal puppy after like five minutes so he might not be any better than Riddhe.  But still, Riddhe has no definitive drive and every excuse he comes up with to justify his actions or role in this series are just that, excuses.  I am really not happy he made it to the end of the series.  What’s even worse is that he becomes Banagher’s rival not because he’s a villain (more or less) or because he’s a freaking Newtype Xenophobe…it’s because Mineva chooses Banagher over him and Riddhe will be forever trapped in the friend zone…dammit.  Mineva’s a pretty cool character and she was always going to choose better than Riddhe, makes all his pouting and whinning worthless.


#1-Graham Acker (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
Ohhhhh ho ho ho.  So last summer was a bit of an adventure on the Anime Corner.  As I rewatched Gundam 00 and reviewed all of the episodes, I discovered something: I hate this @$$ hat more than I thought.  Everytime Graham pops up on screen, you can see his boner whenever he sees a Gundam.  He practically wants to sleep with one and he treats them like girls on dates the way he talks.  I mean seriously, did he have a mecha fetish we weren’t aware of in the series?  I mean yeah Setsuna wanted to “be” a Gundam but Graham practically says he wants to “F***” a Gundam whenever he is near one.  AND THEN, Setsuna kicks his ass and Graham becomes a depressed d-bag who hides behind weak Bushido excuses that I don’t think even match up with the philosophy…he’s just looking for an excuse to mope and try to look important.  Even when his comrades are in danger, hell when a freaking orbital elevator is falling down over Africa, Graham says “eh” and just wants to fight Setsuna.  RAGE SO MUCH RAAAAAGE!!!!!  It was the best “F*** YEAH” moment when Setsuna did kick his ass and DIDN’T finish him off (cause Setsuna is a wise guy like that…and cause Graham’s not with slicing up with your Gundam).  And it’s funnier that Graham tries to make a sacrifice play in the 00 Movie, telling Setsuna to go on, only for Setsuna to have my reaction, “Uhhh…who was that guy?  Was he important?  Oh oh, moving on to finish the mission.”  Never have I hated a character in Gundam this much…and enjoyed ranting about him.  Keep your Gundam away from this guy…I fear the worst if he actually touches one.

 So next week we’re into July, holy crap.  And that means that not only are we starting the epic coverage of Code Geass in the reviews, we’re also in the COUNTDOWN TO OTAKON!!!  So the next few T5W’s leading up to the con will be my memories from each year prior to this one.  Six Otakons, six T5Ws.  And it all kicks off next week with my Top 5 Moments from Otakon 2010 (my very first one).  See ya then. 

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