Friday, June 10, 2016

FIF#16-Voltron: Legendary Defender

While investigating a mysterious energy signal, five young cadets are thrust to the other side of the universe.  On the distant planet of Ariss, they discover the last of a long gone civilization…and the Lions that served as their protectors.  With the forces of Zarkon bearing down upon the universe once again, these five young men: Shiro, Keith, Lance, Hunk and Pidge, become the next generation of defenders.  Armed with five mechanized Lions, they now hold they keys to forming the greatest champion of them all-Voltron: Defender of the Universe

Voltron may very well have been the first Anime I ever saw as a kid, before even knowing it was an Anime or what Anime actually was.  Either way, I would always pop in that old VHS tape that had the first five episodes as a singular movie and watch it over and over and over again.  How could I not?  I was 5 or 6 and in awe of giant robot lions forming one larger giant robot…huh I guess I kind of owe this series a bit for bringing me to Gundam eventually.  Voltron has been reimagined and relaunched a couple of times since it’s 80’s debut…but never really recaptured the magic of the initial phenomena.  Well leave it to some of the brains behind Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra to bring the magic to a new generation of viewers.

The new Voltron has the Avatar feel plastered all over it and I love it for that.  Not just in the character designs, but also in how the characters themselves feel, it’s like im watching a futuristic Last Airbender or Korra.  Lance, Pidge and Hunk have great chemistry together and lend some much needed humor that I cant ever recall being in the original series.  Lance and Keith’s rivalry was a lot of fun to watch as well, shades of Leonardo and Raphael from Ninja Turtles with their literally butting heads.  Shiro was the only odd one out for me.  I guess he’s supposed to be the Sven from the original series.  But he seemed too much like…idk not as unique as the other four members (and really Keith only worked whenever he was on screen with Lance getting into arguments). At this point im wondering when/if Shiro is going to get knocked off so the kick ass new Alura can take over as a pilot.  There’s a nice spunk to the Princess in this version, especially when she gets annoyed with Lance’s flirting or Koran’s over energetic behavior.  I could easily see her stepping up to pilot a lion at some point.  It was weird not seeing Keith in charge like he has been in previous incarnations.  That shook me up a bit too.  Oh and for those curious, yes the mice from the original series are here too…I shouldn’t be surprised given how these animators love to give Animals key roles in their series (Appa and Momo in Avater, Naga and Pabu in Korra).

I like the redesign of the Lions and of Voltron himself.  Now there’s probably never going to be an exact replica of his 80’s incarnation coming any time soon.  For this series though, his look will do.  Voltron still screams furious anger and great power whenever one of his lion limbs roars.  I do wish that we got to see the Voltron Force (no I am not calling them Team Voltron, another reason im not a Shiro fan) battle a Robeast in their first foray rather than just blowing up a battleship.  Just feels like a bit of a waste of such a long build up.  That’s another thing.  This first episode is basically the first three rolled into one hour long feature…and it kind of shows.  As much as I loved the character interactions and funny moments, I could feel how long this first story was.  The pacing could use a little work that’s all.

As far as intros go, the first episode of Voltron: Legendary Defender updates and honors its roots.  The animation and character energy is fresh while the music and mechs are both throwbacks to the heyday of 80’s mecha Anime.  Voltron is back for a new generation.  And it since it’s being run by members of the staff that gave us two of the greatest animated epics of all time, I’ve got no doubt that lessons will be learned quickly and this first season will be a blast right until the end.


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