Monday, January 29, 2024

Xenosaga: The Animation Part 3 Episodes 9-12

Though they’re now free of false criminal charges, Shion and the crew of the Elsa now face the full might of Albedo, an insane former colleague of Juniors.  As Albedo schemes to destroy Second Miltia, Shion and friends hurry to save not just an entire world but a captured friend as well.  It’s the eleventh hour as Shion’s team braves the toughest opponent to date but will their combined strength be enough?  And what about KOS-MOS?  Can Shion find a way to trust a weapon that has exceeded her parameters and caused her a great deal of pain? 

I’ve been really trying with this one.  Like I said, I remember how cool and exciting Xenosaga looked when I found out the first game was coming out and its production history has been of interest to me.  But man, I just cant seem to give much care about the Anime adaptation, especially in this final third of the series.  It hasn’t even been an Anime to watch, it’s a long history lecture by characters who sound annoying as heck and whose personal stories don’t elicit any kind of reaction other than “Please stop talking and give me a cool mecha battle or more KOS-MOS please”.  So come the finale, I’ll admit I was half paying attention because this show lost me several episodes ago and I can see now why it never got a follow up and why the games might have their fanbase but ultimately couldn’t give the franchise the numbers it needed to see its intended six chapter epic through.
I feel so bad for Shion and KOS-MOS.  Between Junior whining about Albedo, Momo and his past, I feel like she’s been lost in the shuffle of a cast that should be rallying around her.  The real draw of this show for me has been her and KOS-MOS and there’s a ton of drama to be mined from this very complex relationship.  But KOS-MOS was missing from most of the second set of episodes and what opportunities are there to delve deeper into her bond with Shion are never given the time they need to properly develop.  At one point, KOS-MOS sacrifices Virgil while destroying a sea of Gnosis just so Shion can have an escape route.  She explains her logic and Shion tries to argue with her but the scene is over before you know it and not traction is made on the matter.  Then a few scenes later, Shion is all about KOS-MOS doing whatever it takes to bring Albedo down and save Second Militia without a second thought.  There’s no natural evolution of this character dynamic because we never get to see them together to see it happen.  The show has been more focused on universe spanning exposition and Junior whining about Albedo and wanting to save Momo that it sacrifices the best relationship of the show in the process.
Let’s talk about Albedo and Junior next.  Albedo’s been nothing but a psychotic madman who says a couple of lines before engaging in a fit of Joker esque laughing.  Sure he hurts his young prisoners and is a despicable being but he has no character beyond EPIC LAUGHING.  I don’t even know what his end goals are but if I had to take a guess it’s because he thinks Junior abandoned him at Militia and wants to basically say “NOTICE ME!!!!”  And that’s just really sad.  It’s so sad that even Kirsch, the 100 Series Realian who Shion met back during the Series Premiere, buys into his mindset and becomes a secondary final boss in the last battle.  Then again, I’d probably go mad to just listening to Albedo chuckle 24/7.  As for Junior, God I cant stand him.  Of all the characters in this series, Junior is less of a character and more of an exposition terminal.  He can detail the history of just about everything related to Xenosaga’s plot but he has no character himself, thus I could care less.  So imagine my sarcastic surprise when he and Albedo meet for the first time in the series and their back and forth consists of Albedo spouting nonsense then laughing followed by Junior screaming his name at the top of his lungs…this goes on for a solid minute, riveting.
Now to be a little fair, Junior isn’t the only one guilty of explaining way too much about this dense universe.  I could say the same about every character, including Shion herself.  By the time I reached the end of the final episode, the only person I feel had any kind of enjoyable character traits was Allen and all he did was pine over Shion and get pushed to the side cause he couldn’t do squat in a combat situation.  The crew of the Elsa suddenly disappeared for a while and suddenly having them back for the final push to Albedo’s base was a sudden breath of fresh air, if only because these guys are a fun loving bunch not giving history lectures.  I didn’t come to learn much or embrace other characters like Ziggy, Momo and especially Chaos, what the hell was his role in this series anyway?  He literally just stands around looking important and doing nothing.  At one point I think Allen even mentions how they don’t know much about each other…and he’s right.  I know more about Momo and Ziggy and Virgil than I do Chaos, who just wants to be Best Boy by just appearing in a room and acting like he’s the best thing in Xenosaga.
The finale also suffers from one critical element that’s been holding this Anime back: The Animation.  Last time I mentioned I was getting Pilot Candidate vibes from what I was watching and…man did that kind of ring true.  Shion’s was the only character design I actually liked while everything else didn’t look well drawn or animated.  The CG Mecha action felt so stiff and lifeless plus it was rarely utilized effectively (save for a couple of cool segments with the Elsa zipping around).  Now I get it.  Anime based on Video Games hardly have the best track record when it comes to presentation and production values (though some like Nier: Automata and Tekken: Blood Vengeance have bucked this trend).  But if this was meant to generate added interest in Xenosaga to boost sales…then I hate to say it but the PS2 game graphics look far superior to anything I’ve seen in this Anime. 
Alright, Final Thoughts.  Xenosaga: The Animation spends too much time talking about why its important that it doesn’t give viewers any time to experience why its important.  What little action there is has no impact, always feels underwhelming and is over and done instantly so we can get to the next scene of characters standing around in a room, ready for the next lecture about the History of the Universe.  Every character is guilty of being an exposition machine in this regard and it comes at the cost of the cast being fun or engaging.  I wanted Shion and KOS-MOS to be more amazing than they actually were but the show fails are exploring their unique dynamic and loses them in the shuffle of a needlessly large cast and huge amounts of info being dumped on us about 70% of the Animes run time.  Plus in an era when you have nice looking Digipaint Mecha Anime like Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Vandread, this show pales by comparison with how ugly it looks. This really sucks, I wanted to like this one.  But as it is, Xenosaga: The Animation is just an animated encyclopedia for the games that could very well be superior.  But if this is the best they can do for an Anime representation…then I don’t know if I even wanna find a way to touch the PS2 trilogy.

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