Friday, January 5, 2024

FIF#201-Case Study of Vanitas

Legend tells of a Vampire named Vanitas who was exiled by his people because of his blue eyes and the Grimoire he created to serve as his weapon of revenge against them. For Vampire Noe Archiviste, this story has remained a myth…until he meets a human, bearing not only the Grimoire itself but also going by the name of Vanitas.  Brought together by fate, Noe and Vanitas join forces to cure a surge in corrupted Vampires in Paris.  But who or what is the cause of this sudden infection of Vampires and what will it take for these two excentric souls to stop it?
Welcome, Dear Readers, to the start of a new season of First Impression Friday.  Today’s title comes as a suggestion from a friend of mine who’s looking to cosplay a character from this series.  Up until they announced their plans, I hadn’t even heard of Case Study of Vanitas.  And based on how it begins I was a little worried it was going to be a repeat of another Anime I’d covered on FIF last October, Undead Murder Farce, what with Vampires living in tandem with Humans in an uneasy(ish) peace and a pair of specialists looking to deal with them. Not gonna lie though, I think Case Study of Vanitas gets off to a better start than the other title and quickly proved to me it wasn’t a rehash of ideas (though UMF came a couple years after this dropped).
The toe tapping opening credits show off very little of the more darker elements we see in the first episode but do establish that the two wayward souls we’re following: Noe and Vanitas, are quite the eccentric and theatrical duo.  Vanitas in particular sees the entire world as his stage and he doesn’t shy from presenting his thoughts and wishes in over dramatic fashion (under beautiful blue moonlight no less).  Noe looks to be just as wacky but in, oddly enough, a Doctor Who sort of way.  By this I mean he’s inquisitive and quick to pick up on details but also has the manic energy of the popular Time Lord stepping into a new page of history for the first time.  Arguably the best laugh of the episode came near the end when Vanitas declared he and Noe would team up…and Noe quickly shot him down while Vanitas denied that was his answer.  Yeah, these two have good comedic potential together.
The first episodes presentation value is pretty damn good too.  Case Study in Vanitas comes to us from Studio Bones, who rarely ever turn out a bad looking Anime.  Honestly though, between some of the glowing visuals and the music of the ever awesome Yuki Kaijura, I could swear this was Studio Ufotable’s work. Granted, it lacks the same Ufotable movie level polish.  This is still Bones though and they know how to catch you eye with amazing images.  The sight of the gigantic airship definitely had me whistling in approval.  Considering Square Enix published the original Vanitas Manga, you can see the Final Fantasy inspiration on the Castle sized vehicle flying towards Paris.  My friend told me I’d probably like the Steampunk aesthetic of the show…and they were right, damn that thing looked so awesome.
Though the ending of the first episode teases a rather grim finale, the road to getting there might be worth it with Case Study of Vanitas.  The two leads have potential, both together and individually.  The sudden surge in berserk Vampires might not be anything new but the mystery of the Vanitas Grimoire is certainly worth looking into.  Plus, Bones’ beautiful animation and the equally hauntingly beautiful music of Yuki Kaijura (I cant remember the last OST I heard from her), is a nice attention grabber.  Hell, I do have plans for something to review for Halloween this year…but if I carry on a bit longer with this one, those plans might have to change.

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