Wednesday, September 14, 2022

T5W#370-Top 5 Anime Heroines Who Would Make Good Bond Girls

One of the biggest announcements at this years Nintendo Direct Event (besides the sequel to Breath of the Wild getting an official title and release date) was something gaming fans have been waiting for years to hear.  One of the greatest First Person Shooters of all time is returning to gaming consoles, Goldeneye 007.  To be honest, I never played a lot of Goldeneye back in the day (because I never owned it), but I have been a lifelong James Bond fan thanks to my Dad and College.  Anyone who’s seen their share of Bond flicks knows what makes a Bond flick: Gadgets, cool cars, terrifying villains, lots of one liners and, most importantly, the hottest girls on the planet.  Eva Green, Halle Berry, Jane Seymour, Ana De Armis, the list is long and distinguished.  Which got me thinking (cause I wanted to tie this into Anime somehow), Anime is full of femme fatales, beautiful, dangerous and all capable of holding their own.  Who among them are the most eligible to fighting alongside, try to kill or even romance the legendary 007?  Why don’t I give this Top 5 a try.  These are my picks for the Top 5 Anime Heroines Who Would Makes Good Bond Girls.

#5-Balalaika (Black Lagoon)
In Goldeneye, Judi Dench’s M refers to Bond as a “Sexist, Misogynist Dinosaur.  A relic of the Cold War.”  The latter half of that statement could apply to everyones favorite scared beauty from Roanapur.  While Balalaika runs Hotel Moscow, she hails from a bygone era and feels her talents were never put to their true use, hence why she left Russia and started Hotel Moscow instead.  With her vast connections to the criminal underworld, Balalaika could offer Bond plenty of intelligence and assistance against various threats.  It’s also worth mentioning that Balalaika is incredibly sexy, even with her signature scars and could easily get her flirt on with Bond.

#4-Melissa Mao (Full Metal Panic)
Sometimes it takes a beautiful commando to get the job done.  Michelle Yeoh.  Halle Berry.  Barbara Bach.  All of these Bond girls are one woman armies who matched wits and bullets with Bond in equal measure.  As one of Mithril’s top pilots and special agents, Melissa Mao is the whole package.  She proficient in hand to hand combat, can wield any weapon of any calibur, Oh and if she needs to go undercover, you better believe Melissa can rock any dress, modest or sexy as sin and she can throw on the seductive charm too.  Honestly, if Bond isn’t eager for a dinner date with this gorgeous warrior by the end of their tale, he’s a very blind man.

#3-Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop)
Not every Bond Girl is on the side of the Angels, most notably Barbara Bach’s Agent Triple X from The Spy Who Loved Me.  A girl who’s willing to help out Bond but has her own hidden agenda is quite the wildcard.  Who fits that description better…well besides another name we’ll get to on this list…than Faye Valentine.  Faye’s the complete package of a near perfect Bond Girl from her hot body to her excellent marksmanship to her eye catching wardrobe.  Would Faye have the skills to pull the wool over Bond’s eyes before making off with her own reward?  Or could he turn the tables and give Faye a romance she’s probably only dreamed about with Spike (come on she definitely wanted him)?

#2-Yor Briar Forger (Spy X Family)
No way I could make this list and not have one of the most popular Waifu’s of 2022 on this list.  I mean Yor is fake married to a spy who fancies himself as good as Bond (albeit better at disguises).  In a way, Yor kind of reminds me of Ana de Armis’ character from No Time to Die, seemingly nervous at first about being on an assignment with Bond before turning into a John Wick level bad ass when the action gets going.  Yor’s nervous demeanor hides a very dangerous set of skills that could either help Bond clear out hallways worth of enemies with ease or give him the fight of his life.  Either way, I’m sure he’d be hella impressed by Yor’s stunning beauty and deadly efficiency.

#1-Fujiko Mine (Lupin the 3rd)
Ah yes, the main Bond Girl of Anime.  There’s a lot of Bond inspiration in Lupin the 3rd from Lupin’s suave personality and skill with a gun to his occasional use of gadgetry.  His on again/off again love interest, Fujiko is very much Lupin’s equal, if not sometimes superior given how she can steal right from under his nose.  Fujiko is perfectly capable of using every asset at her disposal to accomplish any job, from her gorgeous looks to an assortment of gadgets that can get her in and out of tight spots without being seen.  Like with Faye Valentine, Fujiko is a woman with her own agenda and while she might help Bond out of a spot, there’s usually a bigger treasure on her radar that she’ll slip away to pick up too, maybe even leaving Bond in a whole other bind in the process.

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