Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Sailor Moon Part 8 Episodes 36-40

Usagi faces overwhelming pressure on two fronts: her own tragic origins as the Princess of the Moon Kingdom and the fact that her beloved Mamoru has ended up in the hands of the enemy.  Turned to the side of darkness, Tuxedo Mask becomes a new foe for the Senshi to contend with.  Knowing that the pressure is mounting, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako do everything in their power to keep Usagi’s spirits up.  All the while the Dark Kingdom prepares for their endgame and Queen Beryl is ready to finish the Sailor Senshi off once and for all.

Ok so, let me make sure I’ve got this straight.  Usagi’s just been revealed as the long lost Moon Princess.  Mamoru is her Earth Prince love Endymion (the heck is it with that name?).  Usagi’s got the Silver Crystal.  Zoisite’s dead and Kunzite stands poised to be the most powerful the girls have faced so far before Queen Beryl.  Oh and Mamoru’s been captured and has been corrupted by the Dark Kingdom to be Beryl’s errand boy.  Right, I think that’s everything and that’s a lot.  You’d think this means that this is it.  All we need is a little more backstory from Luna and Artemis and then BAM we’re good to go for a Season Finale.  So why the heck did we spend most of this penultimate set of episodes back in the early days of Season One, filled with recycled story structure, frustrating characters and a severe lack of progression?  Plus, newcomer Sailor Venus still hasn’t gotten any episodes to herself, she’s kind of just around at this point.  Look, there’s some good to be found in these episodes, I promise.  But overall, I feel like what we got today isn’t what we should be getting at this point in the Season.  Let me break down why I think that is.
Last time, Usagi was pretty crushed by all the revelations about her and Mamoru’s past and seemed to want to just give up being Sailor Moon if it meant no one else got hurt.  Her resolve seemed to strengthen at the end but I knew that was too easy of a turn around.  And yeah, Usagi got an episode to be sad and mourn the capture of Tuxedo Mask, which was necessary I think.  Usagi’s grown since the shows beginning but she’s still a 14 year old girl.  She can take a minute to process.  Now, Minako taking Usagi to get her hair done as a way of cheering her up…yeahhhhhh ok that’s fine but it was here that early Season One returned with a vengeance.  I’ll talk more about that in a second but as far as Usagi is concerned, all she needed to see was the Tuxedo Mask was ok and she was back to her normal airheaded self…even though he’s trying super hard to be a bad guy (and failing, more on that you know it’s coming).  I don’t wanna see Usagi beaten down so badly her more comical traits are sacrificed.  But I don’t know, I feel like there was a fair bit of denial going on with her in this set.  And the show seemed to acquiesce to that, trying to bring the show back to a familiar status quo of Monster of the Week and plots we’ve seen done more than a fair few times by now.  I’m not saying Usagi should be miserable.  But the story really needed to move her along, not take a big step backwards.
I did this back with Jadeite and Nephrite but I think I’ll use this bit again.  Here’s the general outline of at least three out of the five episodes in this set: Kunzite and Mamoru (should I be calling him Endymion in this state…guess I should), both come up with hair brained schemes to lure out Sailor Moon and try to capture her and the Silver Crystal; at some point Endymion becomes Tuxedo Mask and aids Sailor Moon in some way while swearing he’s gonna take her crystal eventually and that he isn’t a good guy anymore; Monster of the Week appears (often mistaking everyone else for Sailor Moon except for Sailor Moon herself); fight scene; Monster Purified; Plot Advancement minimal.  So Kunzite’s schtick is going to be going directly after Sailor Moon and her Silver Crystal while competing with Endymion because for some reason the latter is Queen Beryl and Queen Metalia’s favorite.  I harped on this last time but lest we forget: Kunzite is mad powerful and doesn’t really need Monsters to do his dirty work.  And yet, he’s been regulated to stupid sub boss sending Monsters…and not telling them what Sailor Moon looks like (Shouldn’t the Dark Kingdom know that much by now?).  All that menace built up in the last set is pretty much nowhere to be found and his rivalry with Endymion feels petty…mostly because good guy or bad guy, Mamoru is always a douche.  Oh and Kunzite, while I hate giving advice to the bad guys um, hear me out, “TELL YOUR MONSTERS SO THEY STOP MISTAKING EVERYONE ELSE FOR SAILOR MOON CAUSE THEYRE ALL MORE TALENTED THAN USAGI!!!!”
Speaking of: Mamoru/Endymion the Bad Guy…but is he though?  Beryl claims the Dark Kingdom brainwashing worked but like I said, the guys always been super jerkish so is there a difference?  In attitude, no.  In practice…a little.  Endymion doesn’t want civilian casualties in his battles, to the point where he even aids Sailor Moon in helping her heal Monsters and returning them to Human form cause we’re sticking with that plot device from Zoisite’s era.  And while he boasts and broods and poses, rarely does Endymion actually engage the Senshi directly.  To quote The Princess Bride, Endymion is basically the Dread Pirate Roberts to the Senshi’s Wesley, "Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."  I think Endymion is so full of crap and is playing Beryl and Metalia’s clear crush on him to his advantage, to be on the side of bad to keep watching out for Sailor Moon and the others while trying to end the Dark Kingdom his own way.  Really, dude should not be as active as he is given how many times he’s directly interfered with a Monsters attempts to kill Sailor Moon.  Beryl’s crush on Endymion could very well be her one weakness in the battle to come.
All of this being said, some of these stand alone returns to form were fun.  It’s funny we had two winter sport themed episodes back to back but it did allow two of the shows best characters to get stand out moments: Rei and Mako.  Rei’s always been my favorite character (her dating Mamoru not withstanding) and I think the series did more to delve into her psyche following Mamoru’s big reveal than it did with Usagi. In fact, the reveal gave Rei a moment alone with Usagi to tell her she has permission to go get the man she used to crush on and that she has her back.  Rei’s freaking awesome and it was cool to see Yuichiro return and again risk his life for Rei, earning him another kiss (granted he was KO’d for this one, still, lucky guy).  Meanwhile, Mako showcased excellent talent on the ice as a figure skater, which according to Artemis and Luna, she was in her past life.  It’s not quite Yuri on Ice but the Mako skating scenes were very beautiful and its always fun to see her get an episodes attention…until it falls to Usagi to jump in and save the day but that’s just how things go.  However, poor Ami hasn’t had an episode in a bit and I hope she does get one in the last set.  As for Minako…she’s just there.  I know she’s a popular character but we haven’t really gotten an episode to get to know her or her exposition machine Artemis.  The most I can tell you about Minako is that she has a penchant for misquoting famous quotes from history…and Ami is the one to usually correct her…that’s it.  Ami’s a brainiac, Rei a Priestess, and Mako a gamer and extraordinary cook.  Who is Minako and what makes her so special beyond being Sailor Venus?  I mean this was the girl who was a Senshi since before any of the others and yet she’s shown up and fallen in line pretty quickly.  Granted, that can be blamed on bringing her in so late in the Season.  Idk, seeing Minako around with little character or background irks me, sorry to say but it does. 
But ok guys, we have six episodes left.  It’s time to leave the stand alone misadventures behind and move to the endgame.  Is Usagi ready to take on Queen Beryl and her remaining upper echelon foes?  Can she save Mamoru as well as the world?  I guess in hindsight, these look backs on the early days of Sailor Moon storytelling might not be so bad…cause who knows how heavy the finale might be.  Well find out tomorrow when we at last get to the Season Finale of Sailor Moon, right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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