Monday, July 18, 2022

Sailor Moon Part 5 Episodes 21-25

Tuxedo Mask.  Long has he been Sailor Moons secret protector from the shadows.  But what is his true identity?  Mamoru might have answers as dreams of the gentlemen hero begin to plague him.  Meanwhile, Naru’s love for Nephrite leads her down a dangerous path that even Usagi might not be able to save her from.  But when a jealous Zoisite plots Nephrite’s downfall, will love prevail?  And what about the mysterious giant, the beautiful Makoto Kino?  Is it possible her arrival signals the birth of a fourth Sailor Senshi?

After last week ended with the show in neutral filler territory, Sailor Moon returns with some major shake ups, a more dramatic tone, the arrival of one of the shows best characters by far and some very complicated intel about the potential endgame that the First Season is headed towards.  All in all, this was probably the best set of Sailor Moon episodes since the beginning, complete with a filler episode that I actually didn’t mind.  Well we’ve got Nephrite’s end and Jupiter’s arrival to go over so lets break it all down.
It's strange how even after all the wicked things he’s done in his tenure as Sub Boss, Nephrite still managed to have a pretty emotional send off.  The man was an absolute monster once he started focusing his machinations on Naru, well aware of her feelings for him.  And yet, much like Usagi’s change into Sailor Moon is heavily influenced by Cinderella, Naru’s doomed romance with Nephrite has familiar shades of Beauty and the Beast.  We all knew that Nephrite wasn’t going to make it but the scene with Naru patching up a wound he took for her while talking about eating deserts on a date was incredibly sad, which is the last thing I ever expected to feel for Nephrite.  Naru refused to back down with Nephrite and even stood against Usagi and the others to protect him. “Even if you keep lying, as long as we can stay together, it’s ok.”  Jeez, Naru’s got a kind heart and I think it actually broke through to Nephrite…which makes his end all the more tragic.  The emotions are real, as are the tears from Naru and the Senshi.  Nephrite met a noble end…which is more than I can say for Jadeite and more likely his two successors.
With Nephrite off the board, the teasing Zoisite stepped in to fill his shoes but he isn’t the only new baddie for the Senshi to contend with.  We were also introduced to Kunzite, the fourth member of the The Dark Kingdoms “Four Kings of Heaven”, which also includes Jadeite, Nephrite and Zoisite.  Oh and he’s also Zoisite’s Lover.  Fun Fact: in the original DiC Dub of the Sailor Moon Anime, Zoisite was changed to be a girl because 90s America wasn’t too keen on same sex romances…we’ll get to the more infamous casualty of these practices when we get to Sailor Moon S (and yes you know exactly who I’m talking about).  Kunzite didn’t get too much screentime as we had to establish Zoisite’s strategy and new mission to differentiate him from Jadeite and Nephrite.  That actually needs its own section to go over cause it leads into some newly introduced and complicated story elements.  Suffeice to say, while Zoisite might’ve been all annoying and braggy to Nephrite, and did play a direct role in his demise, Zoisite doesn’t get the best first outing as a solo villain since he got his ass kicked by Makoto…and she wasn’t even Sailor Jupiter yet.  All bark and no bite on Zoisite so far, he needs to step up his game.
So let’s talk about the Dark Kingdom’s new assignment for Zoisite.  Apparently to complete the gathering of necessary energy for Queen Beryl to awaken “The Great Ruler” (who got a proper tease moment in this set), The Dark Kingdom needs the Legendary Silver Crystal.  To find it, Zoisite needs to track down the Seven Great Monsters who have all been reincarnated as Humans with no memory of their past.  Once he awakens them, he can collected a Rainbow Crystal Shard, hidden within them that grants the Monsters powers in Human form.  Ok…so maybe now that I’ve written it down, it’s less complicated really.  I’ll say this, the show has given each Sub Boss their own mission and I commend it for continuing that trend with Zoisite.  Question is, will he meet his end near the end of said mission or will Kunzite take over at some point?  You’d think once the Silver Crystal is formed it would signal the beginning of the end.  Guess we’ll just have to see how this plays out.  Oh and good on Luna to note that the Monsters are indeed Human, so she’s given Usagi a new weapon: The Moon Stick, that she can use to erase the Monster half from these Humans so they can return to normal.
The set closed out with the arrival of Makoto Kino, aka Sailor Jupiter.  And man does she make one helluva entrance: stepping into single handidly save Usagi from a bunch of thugs.  She’s tall for her age but nonetheless gorgeous, tough, competitive and a really good cook.  Plus, as I mentioned, Makoto gets to show off her amazing strength as herself and as Sailor Jupiter.  I think her fighting Zoisite and managing to score a hit was an even better first impression.  As has been the trend with the other Senshi, Makoto is seen as a bit of an outcast due to her height and physical strength.  But Usagi latches onto her quickly, maybe even quicker than she did with Ami (certainly more than with Rei).  Girls a klutz and a bit of an idiot but that heart that can accept the word and even mourn the loss of an enemy should not be underestimated.  Also, looks like Makoto might have the insta hots for Motoki…might this cause a bit of tension between her and Usagi?  Or will Usagi’s deepening feelings for Tuxedo Mask nip that in the bud quick?
Once again, “Odds and Ends featuring Mamoru Chiba” will take up the last part of our review today.  Our resident Usagi hater who’s actually Tuxedo Mask upped the creep factor by kissing the poor girl while she was drunk during a Masquarade.  This is wrong on so many levels from the age difference to taking advantage of an inebriated minor (which makes it sound worse).  I don’t care if Usagi says it feels familiar, hinting at some deeper connection, from the past maybe?, wrong is wrong and I’ve never been ok with a potential romance between Usagi and Mamoru (even if that does become the cannon case).  Mamoru’s also been having dreams about who I assume is the Moon Princess Luna’s been looking for and she’s asking him for the Legendary Silver Crystal…did he have it at one point?  Speaking of potential Princesses, that filler episode focused on a pair of aspiring animators working on a Sailor V Anime Movie. Now, I’m a softy for behind the scenes Anime Studio stories like this a la Golden Boy and Otaku no Video.  This is a fun episode but it raises more questions about Sailor V herself.  She has her own video game, merchandise and now an Anime feature film?  Just how long has she been around?  And even if Usagi and Luna haven’t gone to look for her, why hasn’t SHE gone looking for them?  Surely she’s heard about a series of similarly dressed and empowered superheroines running around Tokyo slaying Monsters.  When are we gonna actually see Sailor V?
Think that about covers everything.  Fare thee well Nephrite, I hope this doesn’t mean Naru will be ejected from the show (Usagi never checked in with her during Makoto’s intro.).  I can see why everyone is in love with Sailor Jupiter after her intro and its hard to argue with that fan base.  We’ve also got a new sub quest that could lead us to the McGuffin crystal at last.  Hopefully Sailor Moon can stay this busy and this good and provide some answers to those lingering mysteries.  The Quartet of Senshi beauties will be back on Friday as Sailor Moon continues right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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