Friday, July 15, 2022

Sailor Moon Part 4 Episodes 16-20

Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars have managed to defeat Queen Beryl’s General Jadeite.  But their victory is short lived as two more appear to take his place: Nephrite and Zoisite.  And these two aren’t above playing dirty, looking to strike at two of Sailor Moons soft points.  First, Nephrite discovers he’s become the object of Usagi’s Best Friend, Naru’s affections.  Then there’s Sailor Moons secret guardian, Tuxedo Mask.  Will Usagi’s growing love for her champion lead to her downfall when Nephrite and Zoisite use it to their advantage to set a deadly trap for the Moon Heroine?

We’ve reached the point of Sailor Moon I’ve been kind of dreading.  For a series that clocks in at a grand total of 200 episodes across 5 Seasons, there’s bound to be a ton of the bane of any Anime’s existence, especially Shonen and Shoujo Anime: Filler, lot’s and lot’s of filler.  Some Anime like Naruto and Bleach have season long filler arcs that pause entire shows to fill time, mostly because the Anime has caught up to the Manga.  Nowadays, shows like My Hero Academia and Attack on Titan pause their runs entirely, taking a year off to develop future seasons while the Manga gets further ahead.  It’s a risk cutting into whatever momentum an Anime gains right out the gate but the end results speak for themselves: more faithful adaptations of the source Manga without a lot of fluff throughout (there are some but not 30 episode long arcs).  One could say that the Sailor Moon Reboot, Sailor Moon Crystal, followed this same example with three seasons covering the first three major arcs of the Manga.  But we’re not here to talk about Sailor Moon Crystal (not yet anyway, God only knows when that might come around).  We’re here to talk about Sailor Moon Season 1.  And yeah…this was arguably the weakest of the four episode sets so far because of the repetitive formula and not a lot of progression on the main story front.  I hope I’m not saying that about future episodes down the line but who knows, let’s get to these first.
The typical flow of each episode in this set: Introduction of a major event or a key player with major dreams and ambitons, Nephrite reads the stars and discovers said Key Player and enacts a curse on them, curse grows into a Monster and steals Key Players energy, fight scene, the end.  Each episode has it’s own moments of good sprinkled throughout but for the most part, it’s all copy and paste with very little variation outside of the Monsters themselves.  In truth, of the five episodes in this set, only one really matters to moving the main plot along and the other provides the most unique experience for the Sailor Senshi so far…but its hindered by one of the most annoying elements in the series being dialed up to 11…that being Usagi’s grating crying.  If you hate the fact that this girl can find any moment to break down and cry then the Beach episode is a freaking endurance test that might make you want to watch the episode on mute.  In fact, major cudos should go to Stephanie Sheh, who’s doing Usagi’s voice in this dub.  This is Spike Spencer levels of commitment she’s bringing to all the things that make Usagi kind of a pain when she isn’t showing growth as Sailor Moon herself.  It’s not her fault Usagi can break out into tears every five seconds, it’s the Animes fault.
Anyway, yeah the Beach episode features the girls taking on a Monster not related to the Dark Kingdom: an actual Ghost summoned by a young psychic girl who’s father is pushing her too hard.  It’s a heck of a concept to introduce but I’m glad it shows Usagi, Ami and Rei are willing to jump into any danger against any enemy and Luna isn’t holding them to strictly dealing with Dark Kingdom matters.  As for the main plot, Nephrite and Naru being core components continues to shine.  Naturally, Nephrite is pure evil and isn’t hesitating to use Naru’s feelings for him against her.  Poor girl, almost makes me wish Naru did turn out to be a Sailor Senshi so she can fight alongside her best friend and get some payback on Nephrite.  On the plus side, Usagi did step up a few times, actually doing more than just shooting her Tiara at enemies.  She was more physical, more determined, especially when it came to protecting Naru from Nephrite.  She’s using flying kicks and punches and even uses her smarts to use a Monsters power against it to free Ami and Rei from a trap.  It really is good stuff…then Usagi starts wailing again and it continues to become less endearing and more grating. 
The Monsters of Sailor Moon continue to be a high point and this set of episodes continued that trend.  The animators must’ve had a blast making some truly scary foes to challenge the Senshi but MVP goes to the Doll Monster.  Not only was it scary to see the Dolls created by the love interest of Shingo (Usagi’s kid brother), but the Final Boss was the stuff of freaking nightmares.  Even the Shadow Demon Monster that Kid Psychic summoned in the Beach Episode was pretty chilling.  That said, the Monsters are all coming from Nephrite’s chosen targets, when their energy is at their peak, and the source of their change is connected to a key item in their personal lives..  Is it just me or should it be easy for Usagi, Rei, Ami and Luna to spot one of these targets because of the radical change in personality. Usually it’s someone super kind to a fault suddenly becoming a nasty piece of work, i.e. a Photographer with a good eye for beautiful shots suddenly becoming obsessed with getting photos of girls in swimsuts.  Just saying, the second the Senshi sense something out of place, they should jump into action.
Lastly for this set it’s time to talk about Mamoru some more.  Yeah, his asshat streak hasn’t ended but we got some nuggets of new intel on the guy, mostly pertaining to his connection to Tuxedo Mask.  Turns out, MAMORU IS TUXEDO MASK!!!...what a shock.  No seriously, even if you haven’t seen Sailor Moon before it’s hardly a surprising reveal.  What is surprising about it is that Mamoru doesn’t seem to become Tuxedo Mask by choice.  I somehow doubt he’s even aware of what’s going on when he’s in that particular state.  Makes you wonder how he got those powers in the first place, how long he’s had them, and if he has another end goal besides always showing up to be a Deus Ex Machina for Sailor Moon.  But this is also Mamoru and I can never miss a moment to call him on his bull.  Leave it to the shallow jerk to be confused about why he and Usagi always get into a fight when they meet…ITS MOSTLY YOUR FAULT JERK FACE!!!!  Also, I guess he’s officially dating Rei now as we see them at the Doll Show together…ewwwwwww I don’t like that at all.  Even if he’s humoring her, Mamoru should put a stop to that asap and Rei, come on, you’re my favorite character but this is a major flaw in your character…other than being selfish and trying to use Usagi’s mom to make you a wedding dress for a competition.
Guess I had a mix of positive and negative things to say in this review.  Doesn’t change the fact that a lot of this set can probably be skipped over save for Naru almost ending up in Nephrite’s clutches.  But yeah, repetitive storylines, no new Sailor Senshi, very little new information about the main goals of the Villains or Luna’s grand mission.  I’m not saying all filler is bad, some can be fun.  But when it goes on for more than one or two episodes, it can hurt series momentum.  Here’s hoping Sailor Moon recovers a little bit from this distraction when we come back to it on Monday right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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