Monday, October 15, 2018

Supernatural: The Anime Series Part 3 Episodes 9-12

Sam and Dean Winchester cant seem to catch a break.  Sam finds love with a terrified woman only to find she is the target of a powerful werewolf.  Dean feels like he’s found his luck in Vegas only to learn that his “lucky coin” could spell his doom.  All the while, the brothers continue to search for their father, John Winchester.  And what of the Winchester Patriarch?  Well he’s on a quest of his own: to find a gun that can kill any demon with one shot.  Will completing his mission lead John back to his sons or will they get lucky and find him first?

Supernatural is a dark show and im not just talking from an artistic perspective.  This week delved heavily into the real meat of the central story and it isn’t a time at the beach for The Winchesters or anyone they come into contact with.  From cursed lives from birth to abusive parents, once again we got to see that sometimes the monsters from the storybooks can just as easily be real humans.  Though the puppet master behind all of these events is just as scary too.

The second half of this weeks set deals with the aforementioned central story of the series in a couple of unique ways.  First, there was the story of Max, a child with an abusive father and a stepmother who did nothing to stop his pain.  With a homelife like that, it’s no wonder that once he found out he had telekinetic powers that Max would have some issues to work out in a violent way.  Actually, in a way, the theme of neglectful/fearful parents run across three characters this week.  Lily, the girl with the dark touch, was abandoned by her father out of fear.  Max’s dad abused him for the same reason (the alcoholism didn’t help matters either).  And Sam’s dad…well if it’s anything like the series he just doesn’t like the fact that Sam doesn’t want to hunt.  It was fascinating to explore all three parental perspectives and the effect they had on their kids and it could be argued that they had a worse impact than the powers Yellow Eyes has bestowed upon these unlucky kids.  Still, strides were made to make things better…and didn’t turn out that way for anyone.  Max and Lily’s dad sacrificed themselves to protect their families but it remains to be seen if either act was in vein.

Which brings us to Sam and his own developing psychic visions and telekinesis.  After seeing the rampage Max caused with his powers, he does have a bit of a right to be scared out of his mind as to what he could do with his own abilities.  However, something none of the other kids have that Sam does is Dean.  This week we got to see Dean be the voice of reason and the goofball we all know and love, all in an effort to make life a little easier for his little brother.  Sometimes that means making hard calls like breaking the news to Sam that a potential (and sexy, man this show knows how to draw beautiful women) love interest is a Werewolf that cant be saved.  Other times it’s a matter of repeatedly telling Sam that by using his gifts to try and save people, he’s making better strides no matter how small.  We got debates over who can and cant be saved from the darkness and entertaining sibling banter in equal doses, just another reason why the Winchester Boys are so beloved across multiple fandoms.

This week also did a couple of different things storywise.  We got a rare moment of levity with Dean being the victim of a Bad Luck Spirit inhabiting a cursed coin.  The design of the spirit was adorable and I never got tired of his chuckling…or the unfortunate spell of bad luck that fell over Dean.  Episodes from the live action series where the creators could take a break from the darkness and have some fun with this world have been some of the best and Dean’s Vegas disaster certainly ranks up there with them.  We also got an episode to focus soley on John Winchester, Sam and Dean’s dad.  We never got to see too much of his solo activities in the TV Series and, if im honest, I feel like John got a bit of an upgrade.  At the very least we got to see him in full on bad ass hunter mode, complete with his own version of parental counseling of Lily’s dad.  This is certainly a Winchester not to be messed with and I can only imagine how much action is going to unfold when he does (eventually) meet up with the boys.

I cant think of anything to complain about with this weeks episodes.  All of them continued the strong streak of giving Supernatural an Anime shot in the arms.  The visuals were haunting and nightmare inducing (especially Madison’s Werewolf design and anytime we got a look at Yellow Eyes’…well Yellow Eyes). The stories were all well handled as were the tales of all three Winchester Men.  Plus we got some movement made on the central story of Yellow Eyes and his little league of would be X Men that he’s been setting up for a while now.  With this much momentum building up, I’m thinking next week will finally be the week we see a big family reunion and a showdown with the demon that tore them apart.  I hope you’re ready.  See ya next week.

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