Wednesday, May 10, 2017

T5W#91-Top 5 Favorite Anime of the 1990’s

(Each decade throughout history brings about a new legion of Otaku.  While we’ve seen a huge boom in the last 20 years or so, incase you haven’t noticed I tend to go back a little further with certain titles.  My beginnings in Anime go back to the early to mid 90’s with some titles even coming from the 80’s themselves (when I first saw Voltron I never knew it was Anime in origin).  Well, now that Gundam Month Mark II is all over, it’s time for another month long event for the blog.  Only this will be exclusive to T5W.  For the next few weeks I’ll be looking at the last four decades: the 80’s, the 90’s, the 2000’s and the 2010’s so far and selecting my Top 5 Favorite Titles from each decade.)

With the 80’s behind us, let’s move on to my Top 5 Favorite Anime of the 1990’s, the decade where most of my all time favorite titles came from.

#5: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
Yes it’s a tie.  But there’s no way I could make this list without acknowledging the breakthrough Anime title of my life and one of the best Gundam entries from the 90’s I found because of it.  I don’t think I need to say much about Gundam Wing.  It was the juggernaut title that made Gundam a household name.  Maybe it was because of the premise, the characters, the twists and turns writing or the general suits themselves.  Whatever the case, Wing still stays with me as a title near and dear to my heart.  And because of it, I found 08th MS Team a year later and man is it an awesome show.  Brutal mecha combat, including one of the best Gundam battles of all time (and you’re not even really rooting for the 08th Team themselves, Norris Packard is that bad ass).  08th MS Team may surpass Wing in overall quality…but just go back to the beginning of the paragraph and re read why Wing sticks around with it in this slot.  Without these two shows, my love for Gundam (which I dearly name my blog after) would not be as great.


#4: Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
NGE as a whole is pretty damn impressive.  But it was the feature length film finale that left a huge impact on the way I look at Anime.  The brutal loss of characters id come to care about.  The overall sense of helplessness knowing the good guys were not going to win.  And in the end, it haunted me for days but this depiction of the end of the world is beyond incredible overall.  Sure it doesn’t wrap up every single plot point from the series, but what it does is give fans a better end than the series ever did.  Even if we lose most of the cast, they have a moment to shine.  The Eva’s themselves get one last hurrah and Anno’s gets to give his saga the animation and theatrical upgrade it’s always deserved.  It’s gorgeous, it’s epic and the effect it has will stay with you forever…and you will never be able to get that cheerful sounding apocalypse song out of your nightmares for a good long while as well.


#3: Ghost in the Shell
What’s funny about this is, the first time I saw this film I almost swept it under the rug.  For this being a movie that inspired “The Matrix”, the lack of action was kind of disappointing.  But man, am I happy I gave this film another go.  The philosophy, the cyberpunk storytelling, the awesomeness that is Motoko Kusinagi, Batou, Togusa and Aramaki.  And that score?  Kenji Kawaii could create the ultimate bedtime musical set and I would be a very happy kid.  This was the beginning of a long friendship with the infamous franchise.  Just take a look at the blog.  Ive covered pretty much every major GitS release, including the movies, the series, the OVAs…even the travesty of a live action flick we got this year.  What can I say, I cant get enough and it all started with this classic flick that definitely lives up to the hype.


#2: Macross Plus
Besides my #1 pick, Macross Plus is as close to “Perfect” as an Anime gets.  I even gave the series a solid 10/10 when I reviewed it here on the blog.  The action, perfectly executed.  The character development, solid across the board, even with the secondary characters.  The animation, fluid, flawless, holds up even against most major releases today.  The music…Yoko Kanno, nuff said.  The most Macross I had ever been exposed to when I first saw this was the Macross Saga in Robotech.  But you really don’t need to know much about the show that preceeded this to get maximum enjoyment out of this one.  They call Macross Plus the “Top Gun of Japanese Anime”.  Honestly, I cant argue that.  Even Gundam couldn’t get it’s “Top Gun” entry perfect (talking about Gundam 0083).  It’s a title that every Anime fan must see at least once, especially newcomers before it becomes a lost classic.  It is a title “for our future pioneers” after all.


#1: Cowboy Bebop
As I said above, Macross Plus isn’t the only title one can call a perfect Anime.  THIS is the title that defines perfect Anime.  The adventures of Spike, Jet, Faye, Ed and Ein continue to wow fans both new and old even almost twenty years after they first blazed across TV screens in 1998.  Their big US boom in 2001 via Adult Swim was how I got to see it for the first time and it is a show that has stayed with me ever since.  Spike is the King of Cool.  Faye is still one of the most dream worthy girls in existence.  Ed and Ein…they need their own spin off. Yoko Kanno…is a freaking goddess of music and her soundtrack of Bebop should be owned and listened to by all.  Even if you don’t like Blues and Jazz, you’ll make an exception for these heavenly beats.  Cowboy Bebop is a show that even people who aren’t into Anime can get behind.  We need more universally beloved titles like this one.


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