Monday, May 1, 2017

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Part 1-Episodes 1-4

Tokyo 2040AD.  Six years after a series of earthquakes devastated the region, the city stands as a glowing metropolis of the future.  Unfortunatley, it isn’t always peaceful.  Some of the working class robots, known as Boomers, are beginning to run amok as mutated berzerkers.  That’s where they come in: The Knight Sabers.  No one knows their identity, only that they fight the Boomers themselves in specialized mecha power suits.  Linna Yamazaki has thrilled at the chance to meet them and join their ranks now that she’s arrived.  But will the team be as accepting of her and is Linna ready to stand with them as the Boomer crisis grows more dire?

Bubblegum Crisis was a series that I always had my eye on.  I promised myself if I ever got a hold of the series, I’d give it some review time.  Well, the time has finally come.  This was one of those early Anime titles I saw on a preview montage on a random DVD.  I liked the intro theme and the sight of four beautiful women in Iron Man style armor kicking ass.  So, being able to finally dive into it, did it live up to any expectations.

As with most intro sets of episodes for a series, the answer is both yes and no.

First off, despite what the opening animation might make you think, the animation style is very much mid 90s in execution rather than digipaint.  Not a bad thing but it is a bit misleading if you expect the actual series animation to mirror the amazing intro.  There’s always been a charm to hand drawn Anime from the past, for me especially in the 80’s and 90’s where a lot of my first Anime come from.  It just works.  And then there’s the obvious cyberpunk and definitely Blade Runner inspirations running about.  Working class robots, an overcrowded city, neon lit skies, the lead character is actually named PRISS.  If you’re a fan of this genre, the mere look of the show will grab you instantly.  I also hear this Anime had some inspiration from the 80’s rock opera, Streets of Fire (no it’s not a take on Streets of Rage, sorry folks).  Look for no further evidence of that than the hard rocking tunes both in the soundtrack composition and the vocals of Priss herself.  This is definitely shaping up to be a soundtrack I should have on my shelf somewhere.

But what of the Knight Sabers themselves?  Well half are great and half are puzzling.  Priss and Linna easily steal the show in whatever scene they show up in, even making up for the faults of their teammates.  Priss is the loner, the bad ass, the definition of an Anti Hero and I cannot wait to get to her backstory.  “I’m no superhero.  There’s no wings on my back.”  Even if a line like that sounds a bit cruel, how can it not be cool at the same time.  Priss is literally a heroine for hire, kind of a nice change of pace.  Her opposite is Linna, the pretty new girl who wants to be a Knight Saber AND take Priss’ spot as top dog on the team.  There’s definite naievety to Linna’s character but she’s got plenty of wildfire.  I love how she chased down Priss after their first (literal) run in with each other.  She doesn’t want to take any crap from anyone, but Linna still remains so darn likeable.  I think the show is going to benefit a lot from her and Priss alone…is it wrong to start shipping them?

And then there’s the other two Knight Sabers.  Nene started off cute and bubbly, offsetting Priss’ no nonsense attitude.  But she quickly became grating and annoying.  I don’t know if it’s because of the voice actress or the way her character is written.  Nene just likes to whine about everything, especially when Linna starts getting preferential treatment for a rookie.  Nene may be cute but I’m hoping her character gets an overhaul and fast cause right now I’m kind of wondering why she really is hanging around here.  As for Syllia…could there be a more shifty leader?  This girl goes from perky fashion store owner to crazed, borderline psychotic at the drop of a hat when she gets word of rogue Boomers.  Clearly she’s connected to the Boomer crisis in a way no one else knows or realizes yet.  But the way she changes tunes from sweet to psycho is almost like watching Eddie Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending…except she doesn’t whisper as much but she shouts for no reason at random and loves breaking crap to vent.  And this girl is the leader?  If I were Priss idve taken the suit and GTFO ASAP and just done my own thing. 

I do like the designs of the Knight Sabers suits.  They’re like a cross between Iron Man and Power Rangers.  They’re sleek and sexy, but tough and formidable.  They have a ton of gadgets but users like Priss can get by with brute strength alone.  They more than match some of the grotesque and downright scary mutations that the Boomers go through.  The one from Episode 3 was scariest of all, taking a degrading command from a disgruntled customer and turning it into borderline Hentai territory.  While not billed as a horror style Anime, the monsters of the week in BGCT2040 do give it that kind of vibe.

There are a couple more side characters thrown into the mix as well.  The most entertaining are Leon and Wong, two AD Police Officers determined to stop the Knight Sabers as well as the Boomers (The Knight Sabers aren’t exactly a sanctioned team btw so theyre kind of criminals).  Their comraderie was believable and I got a couple of good chuckles out of it.  Mayyyybe Leon could’ve used a less gruff voice actor but that’s kind of being nitpicky.  There’s also Neigel, who seems to be the builder of the Knight Sabers Hard Suits.  There’s something weird between him and Syllia but I think he’s more interested in the machines than the hot girl…in the case of Syllia’s raging insanity im not sure that’s a bad thing.  Lastly there are our supposed villains of the series, Rosenkroitz and Mason.  Not much to say about them besides cryptic talking from their Ivory Tower (in space?) and knowing they can somehow predict when Boomers are going to go berserk (when Syllia comes to the same conclusion she has a flip out…is she jealous?)

All in all, for an intro set this isn’t bad.  BGC Tokyo 2040 is old school 90’s cyberpunk at its finest with hot leads, good music, fun action and impressive visuals (though they do try to merge 2D and 3D animation a couple of times and it fails).  If nothing else, the combination of Priss’ devil may care attitude and Linna’s optimism make this show worth the watch.  This is only the beginning, I’ll see you all next week as the crisis continues.

BTW was Nene playing Star Fox 64 while on the job?  I gotta admit, that’s pretty cool.

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