Wednesday, May 3, 2017

T5W#90-Top 5 Favorite Anime of the 1980’s

Each decade throughout history brings about a new legion of Otaku.  While we’ve seen a huge boom in the last 20 years or so, incase you haven’t noticed I tend to go back a little further with certain titles.  My beginnings in Anime go back to the early to mid 90’s with some titles even coming from the 80’s themselves (when I first saw Voltron I never knew it was Anime in origin).  Well, now that Gundam Month Mark II is all over, it’s time for another month long event for the blog.  Only this will be exclusive to T5W.  For the next few weeks I’ll be looking at the last four decades: the 80’s, the 90’s, the 2000’s and the 2010’s so far and selecting my Top 5 Favorite Titles from each decade. 

Let’s start with my Top 5 Favorite Anime of the 1980’s

#5: Macross: Do You Remember Love
To date, I’ve only seen this film once but it did leave a pretty big impact.  This isn’t a compilation movie.  This is an epic retelling of a classic scifi tale that is meant to be seen on the big screen.  And all of the Macross staples are here: the love triangle, the Veritechs, the music, all with the added bonus of feature film quality animation.  I really hope this movie sees the light of day in the states one day.  There’s a reason many consider it one of the greatest Anime films of all time.

#4: My Neighbor Totoro
Of all the Miyazaki, no of all the Ghibli films, this is the one that is easily one of the most adorable Anime ever created.  There isn’t even that much of a plot to the film: two girls discover Totoro and his entourage of cuteness and get into mischief.  It’s like this film was tailor made for children and the children in all of us.  Who doesn’t want to hug a giant furry forest creature or ride their own Catbus after watching this film?  It’s fun, some of the most innocent fun you’ll ever see in the world of Anime that doesn’t involve Moe girls.  Also one of my all time favorite gifts from one of my closest friends is a tiny Catbus plushie…if it hadn’t seen Totoro I never would’ve gotten it.

#3: Mobile Suit Gundam Char’s Counterattack
This film is no stranger to this blog (there’s even a review here ).  So I wont say too much more beyond what I’ve already said.  Char’s Counterattack set the standard by which I judge all other Gundam feature films and few, if any, have ever come close to topping it.  The final battle between Amuro and Char is given the epic stage it deserves and, while it ends on a pretty ambiguous note, delivers one of the best outings in the Gundam Multiverse.  This marked the end of Gundams first age of existence and thankfully, while this was supposed to be the end, there was plenty more to come.

#2: Dragon Ball Z
While this really got its popularity boost in the 90’s, Dragon Ball Z technically started at the tail end of the 80’s just after Dragon Ball ended.  What can be said about this one that hasn’t been said already?  It’s Dragon Ball Z, the gateway Anime for myself and many in my middle school class.  It was my intro to fast paced action that went on for episodes on end.  It was my first taste of epic moments that were must watch in order to be part of the conversation at lunch.  It was my first time seeing characters like Vegeta and Trunks…and knowing they were bad asses without the need for their backstory or resume.  I typically hold Gundam above this series.  But it cant be denied with without Dragon Ball Z, I might not have gotten into Anime the way I have.  It all began here and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

#1: Akira
This is the Catcher of the Rye, the Watchmen of Japanese Anime.  If you are a fan, you cant consider yourself one truly until you’ve watched this movie.  If Akira hadn’t popped up when it had in the late 80’s, Anime might not have the foothold on the world that it has.  In an age when Disney ruled the world with family friendly features, Akira brought mature and bloody storytelling to the challenge that.  And what an impact it has left.  The animation still holds up today and the screaming of “KANEDA!!!” and “TETSUO!!!!” still gets a massive cheer.  The first five minutes of this movie alone are worth it to see the perfect mix of action, visuals, music and sheer rush of adrenaline.  I’ve seen many Anime since my first time watching this film.  But still, when I hear the term “Anime”, I will always associate it with “Akira” first and foremost.

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