Monday, November 21, 2016

X Part 4 Episodes 16-20

Kamui has made his choice and that choice has cost him his dearest friends.  Kotori is dead and Fuma now stands with the Dragons of Earth, ready to lead the charge against Kamui’s allies.  The battle for Tokyo begins and with Fuma at their side, thes Dragons of Earth seem unstoppable.  As the barriers fall and the losses begin to mount, both sides find their own fears and destinies becoming their enemies as well.  Throughout it all, Kamui swears he will being Fuma back…but is his best friend too far gone to be saved?

So, the opening shots have been fired.  Truth be told though, after the build up from last week: Making Fuma the big bad of the DoE and his killing Saiki and injuring Subaru, youd think more would have happened this week that really mattered.  Don’t get me wrong, some big things did happen.  But we had a lot of time wasted on parts of this series that need no attention, because in all honesty, they shouldn’t be here at all.

I’m, of course, talking about dedicating time to Aoki, Karen and Nataku.  The first two are Dragons of Heaven who were introduced fairly late into the series.  Nataku of the Dragons of Earth was seen sooner but hasn’t really done much besides rest his head creepily in Fuma’s lap (more on him later).  The fact that we’re supposed to care about these latecomers rather than focus on everyone else, like Kamui’s development, rubs me the wrong way.  Yeah, it sucks to see anyone file for divorce like Aoki and I understand his reasons why…it’s just too little too late for me.  And Karen…well she hasn’t done much of anything up until this week for her to matter to me much.  While we did get some good action in their episode, the forced developments solidifies my continued belief that both sides should have had five members and not seven each.  The series has done a good job on the DoH end with Kamui, Sorata, Arashi, Subaru and even Yuzuriha and making us care about them.  Aoki and Karen just don’t work for me in this regard…save for the fact that in the English Dub theyre voiced by Steve Blum and Wendee Lee, aka Spike and Faye from Cowboy Bebop, and listening to them speak romantically is always sweet.

Any screentime given to those two should have been given to Sorata and Arashi, both of whom I think have been on the backburner for too long.  We’ve watched them grow quite a bit on screen and I’ve grown to like them best amongst the cast.  Hell, we got some flashbacks to Arashi’s past and I didn’t even care that we weren’t getting some of her back story until now.  I stand by saying that getting rid of Aoki and Karen and giving Sorata and Arashi more time to grow as a couple would have been great.  But seeing them finally consummate their love was a big win for them.  Even better, for dramatic purposes, Arashi looks like she’s going to change sides.  Is this to protect Sorata in the wake of Fuma’s warning she might kill him?  Probably but I know those two will find their way back to each other. 

And, after thinking about it a bit, Yuzuriha gets points this week too.  I do have to say first that have to detract from her cause she ran into Fuma…and thought he was Kusinagi (Mr. GI Joe).  WHAT?!! She’s seen Fuma, hasn’t she?  She knows he’s the bad guy and red alerts should have gone off at will.  I also think she’s being a bit premature telling a much older guy like Kusinagi that she loves him…this isn’t a Disney movie after all.  Ok, that’s the end of the negatives.  Satsuki and Fuma both tested Yuzuriha’s resolve and, despite losing Inuki, Yuzuriha didn’t quit and was rewarded with a new Inuki puppy. I thought it might’ve been a cheat to give her that kind of reward.  But so far Yuzuriha has been the one in need of the most development since she’s been too cheerful for such a dark conflict.  She won big this week and I have to nod at that for coming out the other side of that battle the better for it all.

We also got a clip show this week…which you can pretty much skip all but the last five minutes of.  Episode 17 is basically around to see Kakyo narrarate a “So Far on X” montage before Kamui gets a nice chance to say goodbye to Kotori properly.  The poor guy has been through the ringer losing Kotori, Saiki and watching Subaru get hurt to protect him (though Subaru is ok and the first DoE, Seishiro, is dead).  So it’s rewards like this and an awesome meal with his friends that are welcome in this otherwise dark battle.  The clip show preceeding it all…not so much.  No one likes clip shows.  If you’re coming in this late, 20 minutes of recap might not get you up to speed on as much as youd like.

Lastly, one extra wrench has been thrown into the mix…Hinoto.  After weeks of crying over her visions, it looks like something more sinister has happened with her.  She leads Kamui and Sorata on a wild goose chase that ends with Sorata getting severly injured and she...smiles (?) wickedly for a moment when she sends Subaru off to fight his former friend for supposedly the last time.  What does this all mean?  Is Hinoto secretly a spy for the DoE who is playing her role better than we’d expect?  In any case, Kamui knows something is up and even baby Inuki was growling at her.  Maybe the pressure of her visions probably broke her.  Whatever the case, it’s a good direction for the character to head in and I hope it pays off.

Oh, Fuma’s technique of choice this week in his grab bag of OP: he can look like anyone he damn well pleases…as long as their your hearts desire.  He managed to trick Subaru and Yuzuriha in separate occasions and Nataku mentioned once that he looks like his Dad I think.  Ugh, Darth Fuma has hardly lived up to the hype since he arrived.  As much as I want Kamui to save his friend, maybe killing Fuma wouldn’t be so bad so long as we don’t get to see him walk around in his over powered trenchcoat of doom.  Seriously, the Imperial Anthem is playing in my head whenever I see him.  He could clearly kill everyone right now…so why doesn’t he, just to gloat?

So, the score stands now: Subaru’s lost his powers (I guess?) Seishiro is dead.  The DoE are down to 6 members and the DoH are at a shaky 7.  Did I mention there’s only four episodes left to go?  Man I did not expect this series to wait til the very end to start killing everybody off (if it goes the same route as the movie.).

The series finale of X is next week and two weeks from now, we kick off our last series of the year with Fate/Stay Night.  See ya then.

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