Friday, November 11, 2016

FIF Special Feature-Second Impression Friday Part 2

Welcome back.  For those of you just joining us, for the month of November, every Friday will feature a look back at the first 26 titles ive reviewed on First Impression Friday.  Have I continued these shows, dropped them, still on the fence?  You’ll find the answers as the month goes on.  And if you missed out on Part 1, you can check it out right here ( ). 

Onto the continuing adventure…


#7-Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans
So my first impressions on this one ended up being, more or less, a review of the first season itself (just cause of timing when I finally decided to look at this one).  My feelings are still mixed: lots of good, lots of confusion.  I was excited to get back to the world of IBO when it returned earlier in October and I am still keeping up with it as it airs weekly on Crunchyroll.  This is pretty big for me, being able to catch Gundam just as it’s airing in Japan.  Plus, it’s kind of good to see the old cast back (Mika, Orga, Atra) while the Gundam Barbatos looks better than ever.  I’m not quite sold on the new cast or the supposed  main villain.  But I’m committed, that’s for sure.  I might even come back to this and do a full series review when Iron Blooded Orphans wraps up sometime next year.


#8-Ace Attorney
I never continued this one.  I was a bit turned off (and I think others were too) by this series being a blow for blow adaptation of the video games.  Maybe it got more original down the line, but I wasn’t too keen to keep going after Episode 3.  This felt like less of an Ace Attorney Anime and more of an Animated Strategy Guide for the video game.  And that’s a shame.  The world of Phoenix Wright has long deserved it’s Anime due.


#9-Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3
I was with this series a lot…and then suddenly stopped right before the finale.  I couldn’t think of too much I disliked about it.  The character designs looked less CG (as did much of the series), the humor was back and the cast felt like they always should have.  As for the arrival of Uranus and Neptune, that was handled…not as great, it took a while for them to fully reveal themselves I think (and even longer for Pluto to get involved).  I guess pacing was my biggest issue with Season 3.  It was very slow burn and by the time we started for the finish line, I just kind of stopped.  It is only three episodes I have to watch.  I could knock that out in a short marathon.  The bigger question is, will I be back for Season 4 with Chibi Moon and the Magical Unicorn…God that sounds so wrong but that’s exactly what it is.


#10-Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV
I was set to keep going on this one.  I guess I ended up losing track of when each episode was coming out since it was a little sporadic.  Plus I was a little bummed that the actual Final Fantasy XV game got pushed back from the end of September to the end of November.  Really, this should give me more time to get through the other four (or five) remaining episodes.  They’re all really short (like 10-15mins).  So really I have no excuse to plunge back in since I did like the first episode quite a bit.


#11-Little Witch Academia
I freaking loved it and while the sequel was good, but not as good as the first one, I am definitely stoked that Studio Trigger is set to make a full series of this one.  There’s such a (pun intended) magical quality to LWA that I haven’t seen in an Anime in a while, not since…well Trigger’s other huge hit, Kill La Kill.  The fact that the sequel: The Enchanted Parade, was a successful Kickstarter campaign proves this little Anime that coulds staying power.  Looking forward the continuing adventures of Akko, Sucy and Lotte.


#12-Cyborg 009 vs Devilman
I stayed true to my word on this one.  I didn’t get it and I didn’t continue it.  Two Anime that I feel have no business crossing paths unless it’s unofficial fanfiction; why did they crossover?  Why were they set in the same universe when they hadn’t acknowledged each other before (to my knowledge anyway)?  WHY WAS THIS EVER A THING?!!!  I never looked back after Episode 1 and am not planning on it any time soon.  If anyone did see it, did it get any less confusing or any better?

That wraps up this weeks recap.  Next week, my final thoughts of RWBY Chibi and my continuing thoughts on One Punch Man, Charlotte and others.

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