Wednesday, May 18, 2016

T5W#40-Top 5 Individual Anime Episodes

So in this weeks review of Rahxephon, I talked about how really freaking incredible Episode 19 of the series was and how it has, so far, stood above every other episode ive seen.  There are a few episodes of various series ive seen with this kind of effect, and ive mentioned one or two of them talking about that one Rahxephon.  So if you remember them, expect to see them (and Rahxephon Episode 19) on this list somewhere, along with two other entries.  These are the episodes that makes these shows watching and if I could only watch one episode over and over again from these series (and trust me I have with a couple) it would be this setlist.


#5-Jungle Cruise (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Episode 10)
It was a tough call between this one and Saito’s origin story episode from Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig.  But this one actually got an extra advisory warning when it aired on Adult Swim and with good reason.  The “war games” Marco was still playing in Batou’s city were nothing short of horrific and it was up to Batou to stop him.  Throw in two American agency D bags and a more serious Batou than we’re used to and you’ve got a very unique episode of the cyberpunk series that feels more human than cybernetic.  It was Ghost in the Shell gone into the heart of darkness and damn was it as amazing as it was brutal.


#4-Blue Friend (Rahxephon Episode 19)
As I said, this one was kind of the catalyst for this Top 5 List…so ill just let what I said in last weeks review do the talking again:

“Yes, Episode 19 ranks up there with Cowboy Bebops’s “Ballad of Fallen Angels” and Evangelion’s “Knockin on Heaven’s Door” as one of the best all around made single episodes of Anime ever made.  Narrarated almost entirely by Hiroko, we see her slow decent into sad madness as she begins to realize two things: one, she’s in love with Ayato and two, she’s becoming a full blooded Mu.  But nothing compares to her tragic end.  Awakening as a Mu Dolem arrives, Hiroko is powerless to tell Ayato her feelings while he, unknowingly, fights her in the Rahxephon.  The only way she can sort of get through is via lights on display billboards that Ayato doesn’t notice until the very end.  The way this battle is choreographed, animated, scored and dialogue driven is the best mix and a real heart tugger, especially for a character we didn’t have a lot of time with.”

For the rest, check out this weeks Rahxephon episode set here:


#3-Knockin on Heaven’s Door (Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode 24)
Much like Rahxephon basically giving us a full rounded character with Hiroko in one episode, so too did this Evangelion EP with fan favorite but short lived Kwaoru.  He never got to fight alongside the other kids, he didn’t get a chance to end the world.  What he did do, was befriend Shinji in a way no one else had at this point.  It was a friendship that fan fics are made of…and it was only a matter of time before it all went to hell.  Cue “Ode to Joy” and one of the best Eva clashes ever and end it on a full minute of waiting to see if Shinji will go through with the only solution to save the world.  This was Eva’s finest episode and set the stage perfectly for the bloodbath to come.


#2-Moonlit Hunting Grounds (Black Lagoon Episode 6)
Ok, this episode has a lot of depth to it.  Revy’s basically taking out her anger after a soul questioning chat with Rock on everyone she sees.  She even comes close to gunning down innocent civilians until Dutch puts her in her place.  But really, it’s most just Revy and Dutch mowing down Neo Nazi’s in an invincible manner…you can’t not get behind that and love every bit of punishment that is delved out to the would be next generation of the master race.  Brad Pitt and his Inglorious Bastards had nothing on the sexy, gun totting Revy not even batting an eye when killing these a-holes.  It’s one of the best bloodbaths to cheer for ever.


#1-Ballad of Fallen Angels (Cowboy Bebop Episode 5)
Spike’s past comes back to say hello in the most entertaining manner.  Gangsters, Faye in a beautiful dress, cryptic memories and a shootout in a church with a katanna wielding mad man.  This was it.  If you weren’t on board with Bebop after this episode, you might as well stop watching.  The moment the organ starts playing the opening to “Rain” and you see Spike walking up to the church, I get chills.  And when the song stops and the shooting starts…it’s one of the most glorious gun fights ever animated in history.  This whole sequence is enough to prove how powerful of a storytelling medium Anime can be.  Now, that’s not to say that the rest of Cowboy Bebop isn’t great.  But this was the episode that made it the absolute, undisputed masterpiece I fell in love with.


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