Wednesday, May 11, 2016

T5W#39-Top 5 Anime Bros

Its been a tough week on my end with some personal stuff I wont get into here.  I will say that its time like the ones I had where I really feel thankful for several people in my life, especially the friends I see as family.  I don’t think it’s sad to say that I think of Anime in the same regard.  There were always those few characters I knew I could rely on to cheer me up with scenes id watched dozens of times.  I always wished I could hang with them or go on an adventure with these characters.  So this week im counting down my five Anime bros, the ones who, whenever they were on screen, let me know that the world wasn’t ending.

#5-Tenchi Masaki
Tenchi has always been a down to Earth and chill dude, despite all the intergalactic incidents.  But really, besides the cheery attitude, the only other reason you’d want to hang around him is because he is a chick magnet.  Up to six girls around his house at all hours of the day (especially Ryoko and Kiyone), how could you not want to befriend Tenchi to take a shot at one of these girls?  But seriously, Tenchi is a loyal dude, willing to go to the ends of the universe to help you.  That endears him to me more than his “not harem” of beautiful women.

Sometimes you just need someone to sit with you.  They don’t have to say much, hell it may not be their thing really.  Piccolo is one of those guys.  He’s not about feelings or talking about them.  He’s more about training you to be the best you can be.  But I get the feeling that if I was having a bad day or was in the middle of a tough life moment, he’d just sit there with me.  Sometimes it doesn’t take words to know that the people closest to you will always be there for you.  That makes Piccolo one of the best sensei’s and friends out there.

#3-Kenshin Himura
I would love to hang around the Kamiya Kashin Ryu dojo to learn how to use swords.  Sure Kenshin isn’t going to teach me much.  But being around that cheerful but clumsy personality and all the “oro?” would be worth sticking around even more.  And even if he cant teach me swords, Kenshin still has plenty of wisdom to share about life, the universe and everything.  Oh and there’s the potential to see him in action, rare as it can be.  The Battosai has my back and I’d have his.

#2-Duo Maxwell
One of my first favorite Anime characters of all time.  How could you not want to hang around this guy?  Duo didn’t just have the best Gundam (DEATHSYTHE!!!) but he was also the kind of guy youd want to grab a beer with after a long days work.  Always an optimist (or at least always handy with a joke), never giving up, always there when his fellow pilots need him (even when not asked).  He’d even postpone his Christmas to help you with a mission to save your would be girlfriends life.  Plus dude can rock the ponytail and still look like a bad ass.  If you need a smile to cheer you up, look to Duo, God of Death and amazing friend.

#1-Spike Spiegel
The King of Cool.  The Master of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kun Do.  The man who can pull off the not so tidy suit and still look awesome.  Spike’s the kind of character you could really get into trouble with and still have a good time.  Chances of successfully getting bounties is questionable.  But Spike’s still the big brother type every one of us wishes we had (ladies might think a liiiiitle differently).  His lifes lessons got me through some tough moments in high school and I still keep coming back for more.  Spike Spiegel, the best bro in all of Anime.

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