Monday, May 9, 2016

Rahxephon Part 4 Episodes 13-16

When the Babhem Foundation delivers a powerful new weapon to TERRA, Ayato finds that his days of being useful might be at an end.  And when he discovers the truth that has been kept from him since his arrival, Ayato finds himself at a crossroads.  As new players arrive to change the game, Ayato pushes himself away from those who care from him the most.  But Ayato only knows half of the story.  The other half awaits him elsewhere.  At last, the time has come to return to Tokyo Jupiter.
This was a busy week for Rahxephon.  We were less focused on mecha action, though what was there was great, and more concerned with starting to solve some of this shows many mysteries.  Nothing’s been clearly explained.  But now that we’re well into the second half, you can feel steps are being taken to begin that process.

Ayato’s reaction to learning about his blood is pretty understandable.  No one has been straight with him about answers ever since he arrived.  So it is no surprise to me that he decides to close himself off.     Honestly, Haruka, of all people, has no right to try and call out to him since she did promise she’d explain everything but has been too afraid to do so.  Still, it was touching to see Ayato show he still cared a little bit, holding Haruka’s hand before running off back to Tokyo Jupiter. 

It really didn’t help that Elvy turned her racist animosity towards the Mu onto Ayato when Soichi let slip the secret about his blood.  Having someone like that giving me stink eye even after helping fight by their side all this time would drive me away quick.  Seriously, Elvy’s always been kind of a bitch but this week she took it to a whole new level.  Her mini stand off with the Rahxephon (with it’s sweet new bow and arrow technique) was one of the best still shots of the series, well including the setting sun.  Still, the Vermillion is a really sweet looking mech and I feel it’s only a matter of time before TERRA has more of a mecha force to replace, rather than support, the Rahxephon.  I say support but seeing as how the shady Babhem Foundation is involved in Vermillion’s distribution, I know there’s more to it.

Following Ayato’s life changing discovery, we took an episode to look into the pasts of Makoto and Itsuki, as well as get a new intro for newcomer Helena.  If this episode was meant to humanize Makoto a little bit, it would have succeeded if his present day self wasn’t such an ass.  So he’s a clone, one of many (btw was the interestingly animated butler another clone?  Probably), and he wanted to find his parents.  Makoto’s midnight adventure with Itsuki and the proto Mu Dolem (I guess?) had an air of an 80’s kids movie to it, complete with a tragic ending.  But still, Makoto still sucks.  Doesn’t excuse that Sayoko didn’t realize she was being used by him, that’s just stupidity right there.

There’s still a lot going on in the past that will have a lot to play out in the present.  Rikudo’s daughter being Ayato’s mother was a big shocker.  As for Quon being the first Mu test subject…not really.  Given how Quon is portrayed, it’s not surprising she’s both older and a bit my cryptic than your normal 17 year old.  And Itsuki and Makoto being trained as Instrumentalists?  Were they candidates for the Rahxephon before it was even revealed.  There’s a definite connection between Babhem and the Mu there that’s sure to (hopefully) be revealed.

Whew, I said it was busy. And we haven’t even gotten back to Tokyo Jupiter yet.  God only knows how much more complicated this is all gonna get when Ayato reunites with his mom and hears the other side of the story.  Minds will be blown next week for sure.

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