Friday, May 13, 2016

FIF#12-Cyborg 009 vs Devilman

One is a demon housed in a human host.  Nine are former humans changed into powerful cyborgs by a terrorist organization.  Both are unaware of the others existence.  But when a force, darker and more powerful than any either have face emerges, Cyborg 009 and his friends will come face to face with the Devilman himself.  The world may have a fighting chance against the approaching darkness…if 009 and Devilman don’t destroy each other first.

This was…weird.

I know about both of these Anime properties.  Cyborg 009 I know a bit more because of it’s short run on Toonami back in the early 2000’s.  Devilman is another thing.  The most I remember about it is the little bits of footage I saw in a very old but still kick ass video catalogue promo from Manga Entertainment.  So, even with the smallest of knowledge bases in mind, was there really a need to bring these two franchises together?  Did they even exist in the same universe?  Well if the first episode is any indication, the answer to that second question is, No.  At least this is in regards to the Cyborg crew as it’s unclear if theyre fighting another cyborg enemy or a God in the opening act.  Devilman, on the other hand, thinks 009 and 003 are demons at first when he and 009 have their much anticipated showdown. 

There’s just so much about this attempted crossover event that feels out of place and rather forced.  For starters, neither set of characters is given the appropriate amount of backstory to bring newcomers up to speed, basically making this a nostalgia fest for fans of the franchises in the 70’s and 80’s (?) only.  The set up for bringing everyone together is also very simple and non complex from a writing standpoint: somethings coming, no one knows what it is, assumptions are made, fights break out.  There’s nothing deep or meaningful, just a lot of rushing along to get to 009 and Devilman’s showdown.  This just feels like fan fiction that ignores basic storytelling structure in favor of just getting to the action that didn’t need to happen.

Maybe it’s just because the, at the time, latest version of Cyborg 009 was airing on Toonami, but I don’t remember that show being particularly bloody when it came to the violence.  Sure a member lost an arm every once in a while but there wasn’t a ton of gore.  Which makes the bloodier moments with Devilman all the more confusing.  These two seem universes apart in terms of their content.  It’s like (oh God I cant believe I am making this comparison) DC vs Mortal Kombat.  It was never going to work even as a concept because the DC heroes don’t do Fatalities or kill their opponents.  The MK boys and girls have no problems decimating their opponents in any way imaginable.  Devilman’s segments never skimp on the gore or the disturbing imagery of humans being turned into demons.  Honestly, it’s a surprise that 009 only loses one of his arms in the duel with Devilman and isn’t dismembered.  Really, why didn’t Devilman tear him to shreds and be done with it?  Too many questions and I doubt any answers would satisfy me.

Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman is a three episode OVA but really, after the first episode, im not looking to continue with it.  009 was ok when I watched it and Devilman, well, I doubt I’ll ever check it out.  Bringing the two together confuses the hell out of me.  If there are fans out there who, for whatever reason, wanted to see these two come together to save the world, or kill each other, you’ll be well rewarded for your fan wishes.  Me…im still just going “huh?” and “Why?”

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