Monday, May 2, 2016

Rahxephon Part 3 Episodes 10-12

Just when Ayato thought he’d found a measure of peace in the real world, new mysteries begin to pile onto the mountain before him.  And he hasn’t even been able to figure out what he’s already got on his plate: Reika Mishima, the Rahxephon, Haruka’s extreme devotion to his well being.  And then there’s Quon, the beautiful younger sister of Professor Itsuki.  Something is beginning to call to her and the Mu are stepping up their attempts to reclaim the Rahxephon.  How much longer will Ayato’s sanity be able to hold out when the Real World and Tokyo Jupiter both begin to tug at him with equal pressure?

So remember last week when I said Haruka’s obvious past connection to Ayato was kind of grating?  Well this week my mind was taken off of that for a short while by some nice animation, fun kills and…yeah some pretty disturbing imagery. 

I’ll just jump right to said imagery.  Episode 11 found Ayato in a situation not unlike one Shinji Ikari had in Evangelion.  As he saw his “perfect world” mapped out before him, we began to realize that Ayato wasn’t just confronting his own insecurities and desires but he was talking with the Mu Dolem in a way, that creepy dancing image coming towards him once every few minutes.  I know I probably wont go a review without delving into Evangelion comparisons.  But this example was one where Rahxephon was the stronger of the two.  I think a lot of that has to do with Ayato being a better written character.  He’s not just huddling in a corner…all the time anyway.  He’s lashing out, he’s upset and he’s confused.  The images of Haruka trying to seduce him do show that he’s thinking of Haruka a lot like she’s probably thinking about him…or maybe im jumping to conclusions on the latter, she is a lot older than him after all.  Anyway, Ayato was able to break out of his dreamworld fantasy a lot faster and better than Shinji…even if that included Mishima, or Ixtli, or whatever, shoving her hand down his throat and pulling out a giant rod…yeah I’ll leave that to your imagination.

The Rahxephon itself was swallowed up by Dolem’s twice this week.  And each time it broke free, it broke free in spectacular fashion.  I love the glove energy sword that Ayato has discovered.  It allows for some over the top, bloody moments when slaying enemies.  The animation def seemed to improve this week.  From the arthouse features in Ayato’s dream world to Kunnigi’s excellently drawn walk of memories across the island, Studio Bones was on its game this week and stepping things up.  I’m also really digging the score more and more…save for Quon’s annoying new tune that is fascinating at first but just plain grating by the sixth time she’s singing the same few notes. 

Speaking of Quon, we got more evidence that she and Ayato have a potential clash ahead.  The Dolem in Ayato’s dream world kept grilling him on whether or not he had awakened and had tuned the Rahxephon.  It seems like Quon has a similar path ahead of her.  We got to see a larger black egg and experience some creepy Quon imagery.  I mean multiple, tiny, hospital gown dressed Quons all hovering around an enormous black egg…giggling like drunken mad women.  It almost drove Ayato mad trying to make sense of it all.  Oh and we saw wings similar to the Rahxephons, only black (shocker), emerging over a dig site.  It almost seemed like Quon was instigating her own Third Impact for a second.  But we’re only about halfway done with the series.  And apparently the Babhem Foundation can shut her down at any given time?  I guess that’s an easy out but I hope they explain that…and why Chairman Babhem has a fixation with clones of a girl named Helena…again with the creepiness. 

A lot of new mysteries this week and almost zero answers, only minor hints.  Ayato’s mom betrayed the world?  Kunnigi had an unwilling hand in attack that cost the lives of thousands, including his own daughter?  The black egg?  The only mystery that doesn’t really need a lot of brain power is Itsuki’s assistant, Sayoko, Istuki’s assistant, knocking boots with Makoto (right next to Quon’s observation room with Quon unconscious…no shame), all so she can help Istuki somehow.  Yeah…cause trusting a shifty looking guy like Makoto is going to do anyone any favors. 

That’s one mystery solved.  Hoping more either get solved or start to become a bit more clear next week.

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