Wednesday, September 13, 2023

T5W#422-Top 5 Moments from One Piece (2023 Live Action)

It’s still kind of hard to believe that Netflix actually learned their lessons from Cowboy Bebops major screw ups.  It’s been a couple of weeks since One Piece’s Live Action Adaptation dropped and its proven to be one of the most welcome Live Action Anime projects in a really long time.  It may condense a lot of events from the first arc of the Anime but there’s no denying this show has done a pretty good job of proving that an Anime almost 25 years old can be brought to life in a way that fits the silver screen and still remains faithful to its source material.  So, how about I, the Anime fan who doesn’t read or watch a lot of One Piece, share his favorite moments from the first (and hopefully not last) season of this surprise Live Action Anime hit.  Here are my Top 5 Moments from One Piece (2023 Live Action).

#5-The Battle of Arlong Park
If One Piece’s debut season was a burning fuse, the Battle of Arlong Park was the powder keg exploding before our very eyes.  Everyone gets their moment to shine in this epic showdown from Usopp getting to use his marksman skills and tricks to outwit a stronger opponent to Luffy literally bringing down the house on Arlong himself.  Personally, I love the team up of Zoro and Sanji, something I’d waited many episodes to see and wish we got more of in Season One.  Watching them slice and kick their way through Fishmen while trading cute insults back and forth like an 80s buddy cop comedy, seriously Season Two had better have more of this.

Inaki Godoy nailed the role of everyones favorite Anime Pirate Captain, bringing him a bit down to Earth but still keeping him his usual energetic and slightly oblivious self.  His intro scene alone was a contender for this list.  It’s very Jack Sparrow how he announces his grand intentions to a seagull and when it flies away he mutters, “Mutiny.”  But my favorite line from Luffy comes later on when he realizes that the Navy Admiral who’s firing on his ship is Garp aka “Grandpa?” I couldn’t stop laughing.  Luffy’s not terrified in the slightest.  It’s like he spotted Garp in a car on the opposite side of the highway and went “Oh hey is that Grandpa?”  Freaking great, I love this kid.

#3-A Nightmare in Kaya’s Mansion
Kuro got upgraded to more than the Butler from Hell when he made his heel turn on Kaya. When he locks her mansion down and begins stalking the halls with his knives for hands, all I could think of is “Freddie Kruger’s Coming for ya”.  Alexander Maniatis is having an absolute blast playing a psychotic stalker who’s free to drop his servant persona and go for the jugular with terrifying taunts and shouts while scrapping his knives against the wall in true monster under the bed fashion.  I never expected to see One Piece do a horror episode but here we are and it was awesome.

#2-Zoro vs. Mihawk
Of all the fights in the first season, as soon as I saw Mackenyu in action as Zoro and Mihawk’s intro scene, this duel of the ages had to happen.  Mihawk clearly had the advantage over Zoro, the dude cleaved a battle ship in half with his oversized Anime sword.  So this wasn’t going to be an easy fight for our favorite tri-sword sporting Straw Hat.  Deep down, we all want Zoro to win and fulfil his promise to himself and his departed friend that he’d become the greatest swordsman in the world.  But Mihawk’s on a whole other level and such an epic and sound defeat, Zoro’s got a long way to go…bring on Round 2.

#1-“Luffy…Help Me”
This is a scene that is almost recreated shot for shot from the Anime and Manga.  Nami’s hit her lowest point, double crossed after all the sacrifices she’s made to save her village.  This is Emily Rudd’s time to shine as she unleashes all the guilt and grief right there in one scene.  And then Luffy appears, causing Nami to finally ask for his help.  To hear Luffy scream, “OF COURSE I WILL” is exactly what he’d do because he’s never given up on Nami no matter how hard she’s tried to push him away from her problems.  It’s the heaviest emotional moment of the entire season and a true “F*** Yeah” moment as well. And as a final topping, you get the moment where Luffy walks towards Zoro, Usopp and Sanji, all ready and waiting to finally kick some ass and help their friend.

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