Friday, September 22, 2023

FIF#192-Super Life-Form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo

The never ending war between the Cybertrons and Destrons rages on.  When Lio Convoy and his unit on Gaia go missing, the Cybertron Elders call upon “The One Man Army”, Big Convoy, to train a new generation of young Cybertrons for battle.  This untested and hot headed bunch is about to get the ultimate crash course training as a message from Lio Convoy sends Big Convoy and the recruits across the galaxy to collect capsules of Angolmois Energy.  Following close behind are a new and more dangerous breed of Destrons.  Leading them is the mighty Magmatron, who has a personal score to settle with his old rival, Big Convoy.
A couple weeks back, I took a look at the Anime sequel to the original Beast Wars series, Beast Wars II: Super Life-Form Transformers.  Sure it wasn’t as dark and depressing as the official direct US Sequel, Beast Machines, but Beast Wars II was still just Beast Wars in name only.  It featured no characters from or connection to the original series and, much like the trio of Anime projects that followed the end of the 80s Transformers series, took things in a very Anime Super Robot direction.  Still, the show was successful enough to spawn a direct sequel, Beast Wars Neo.  While my interest in Beast Wars II was minimal, since this is the only other Beast Wars Anime I’m aware of, figured I’d take a look at the first episode.  Does it improve upon Beast Wars II’s setup or falter further?  Well, it’s mixed.
The positives first.  I do like the idea of an Optimus Prime type like Big Convoy being a solo act.  Anyone who remembers the true Optimus Prime from the original Generation 1 Cartoon knows that the Autobot leader is the ultimate Transformer bad ass, capable to taking on an entire Decepticon army single handidly.  Big Convoy seems capable of the same feats and while he isn’t accustomed to working with a team, he’s a decent teacher.  There’s also the fact that Big Convoy’s search for Lio Convoy means the Neo is officially confirmed to be a direct sequel to Beast Wars II.  That kind of connectivity was largely absent from the 80s Transformers Anime, which all acted as their own stand alone tales.  Lastly, unlike the Vehicle based Destrons in Beast Wars II, Magmatron and his new unit actually take on Animal forms.  Not sure why Magmatron looks like a slightly larger Galvatron from the previous series, guess all Destron leaders are made to look alike?
Now the negatives.  If you thought the bumbling antics of Lio Convoy’s team of actual veterans was bad comedy, boy the Cybertron rookies might be even worse. They’re either so pumped up for action they might as well be loose cannons or theyre scared of their own shadows, there isn’t really an inbetween.  Not only that but their Animal designs, yeesh.  Longrack and Stampy stand out in particular for their super cartoony and kid friendly Giraffe and Rabbit Beast Modes respectively.  It adds more to the kids show centric vibe that made Beast Wars II’s first episode a bit tough to sit through.  If Big Convoy was being joined by more seasoned and serious vets, I’d say Neo has a chance.  But as it stands, I’m surprised his class of rookies even survives their first sortie with the Destrons.
Much like Beast Wars II, Beast Wars Neo might not be for me.  There’s still that air of making the Beast Wars Anime exclusively childrens fare as opposed to the all ages friendly US Beast Wars that rubs me the wrong way.  To be fair though, the first episode of Beast Wars Neo does show promise with a decent lead in Big Convoy and the promise of a galaxy hoping adventure to find his old comrades.  I hope that goes well because if the Destrons don’t get him first, one of his rookies accidentally pressing the self destruct button on his own ship will.

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