Monday, September 9, 2024

The Case Study of Vanitas Part 6 Episodes 21-24

Noe and Vanitas return from Gevaudan only to find that their pasts have stealthfully caught up with them.  A sadistic child holds Dominique hostage and forces the two partners into a vicious confrontation.  Noe is determined to save Domi while Vanitas is determined to protect his secrets at any cost.  After surviving battles with powerful Curse Bearers, assassins and other worldly creatures, is it Vanitas and Noe’s shared fate to meet their ends at each others hands?

At some point during the extended stay in Gevaudan, it dawned on me that The Case Study of Vanitas still had so much left to deal with that there was no way the Series Finale would even come close to closing out everything.  Upon further research, I’ve found that, for once, the Anime and Manga are both neck in neck, so it’s not like there’s more to adapt for the time being.  With that in mind, my expectations for the finale were set to moderate.  I mean if the series couldn’t be concluded properly, at least it could go out on a satisfying high.  And sure enough, it succeeded.  It’s hard to say if this finale matched the same level of excellence of the Gevaudan arc.  Heck, in some respects I’d say it did the impossible and surpassed it.  But let’s break down Noe and Vanitas’ more emotionally wrenching outing and see how the finale cues things up for more adventures should the Anime or Manga wish to continue at some point.
This giant four episode finale focused on the much anticipated reveal of Vanitas’ mysterious past.  It covered everything I figured it would: his experimentation by Dr. Moreau, his brotherly bond with his fellow test subject, Mikhail, and his eventual meeting with the Vampire of the Blue Moon herself, Vanitas.  Let me tell you, if Moreau wasn’t despicable already, seeing him actively torture Vanitas and Mikhail to get the results he wants had me grumbling that he didn’t get his back in the first half of the series.  By comparison, the often spoken of OG Vanitas (as I’ll refer to her) was a saint, and a freaking gorgeous one at that.  I love her character design: jet black skin, silky white hair and a voice that makes you fall for her instantly.  We even get the truth of why Vanitas had to kill her but I feel like there’s a bit more to it than OG Vanitas almost becoming a Curse Bearer.  And I wonder when/if Vanitas will trust Noe enough to share his side of the story.
In a series full of detestable, self absorbed and holier than thou characters, Mikhail might take the top spot of that list himself.  From his cheerful disposition to his playing the victim of a story he doesn’t fully understand, this was Astolfo jacked up to 11 on the sadistic scale.  I get it, the kid was broken by the time OG Vanitas found him and losing her broke him even more.  But going so far as to kidnap Domi just to force a confrontation between Noe and Vanitas so he could get his big brother back all to himself?  Messed up doesn’t even begin to cover it.  He did feel dangerous the entire time he was around and not just because he had a second Vanitas Grimoire.  His demeanor and just the way he spoke made it clear this guy is damaged goods and it’s probably a good idea for Vanitas and Noe to track him down before the little psycho almost brings and end to the world just to get OG Vanitas resurrected.
The big centerpeice of this finale was the inevitable showdown between Vanitas and Noe.  Driven to rage for different reasons, this battle was bound to happen eventually.  After all, they may be friendly but Vanitas and Noe have had their reasons for maintaining their partnership.  As rain fell over their battleground, both men pushed themselves to the breaking point and it was just as heartbreaking to see them suffer at the behest of Mikhail’s twisted quest to get his family back.  These two have come so far since the first episode, especially Vanitas.  The last thing he wants to do is hurt the guy who’s become his closest friend.  Same goes for Noe, and I love how he openly risked his life, knowing Vanitas could never go through with it, betting everything to protect him and save Domi as well.  By the time you see them on the roof in the final moments of the series, it’s clear that things are different now.  Vanitas even apologizes to Noe (and Dante but really you don’t have to) for what he’s put him through.  This is a bromance for the ages right here and I’m glad it’s intact.
The finale also dedicated a lot of time to Domi, who’s been sidelined for much of this second half of the series.  Even after spending most of the finale as a mind controlled hostage, we got to see the continuation of Domi’s history with Noe following the death of Louis and wow…dammit Noe give the girl a hug and tell her you love her already jeez.  Domi confronting her internal self loathing and getting into the action with beautiful winter magic was easily one of the best moments of the entire series and proof she needs to be utilized more in future installments.  Jeanne also showed up for the final battle but she didn’t really do too much, which is both fine and disappointing: fine because she got to do so much in the Gevaudan Arc and disappointing because it’s perfectly fine for both of our sexy and capable female co-stars to kick ass together.
Naturally, while the ending was emotionally draining but worth it, it still leaves a lot of things unresolved.  Charlatan is still out there and it’s main contributors are a Curse Bearing Vampire Queen and her right hand man, Ruthven.  I’m pretty certain given his sudden appearance to collect Mikhail that Noe’s Teacher has his own nefarious part to play (btw love how Jeanne described the guy, “the only thing that scares me is how much I’m not scared of him).  Roland’s clearly looking to start some kind of Chasseur uprising after learning what part the Church played in the Gevaudan incident.  And probably more importantly, there’s the matter of Ruthven’s curse on Noe.  Remember, Noe’s narration in the first episode made it seem kind of clear that he was going to kill Vanitas at some point.  And I don’t think it’s because of that promise made between the two that if anything happened, Vanitas wants Noe to kill him.  Tragic as that may be, I still think Ruthven’s command might set that in motion…and clearly that has to be stopped.
So yeah, a lot of unfinished business but you know what, I still think The Case Study of Vanitas ends up being one helluva ride regardless.  Production wise, Bones is doing a lot of great work with the animation from the gorgeous sets and backdrops to the creepy designs of Naemia and her creepy traveling circus.  Yuki Kaijura’s score resonates with every scene, even if some tunes do get used a little too much.  But none of this show would work without its two leading men.  Vanitas is the star and one of the most complex, compelling and wonderfully demented wild cards in Anime.  Noe is kind of the damsel in distress by comparison but he does have his growth throughout the series and when he’s allowed to cut loose and kick some ass, it’s worth it.  And while I do feel like they weren’t used to their full potential, Jeanne and Dominique proved worthy of their own special stories and not just being love interests for Vanitas and Noe respectively.  Overall, this was a fun mystery to embark on and I’m hoping it isnt too long before we see Vanitas and Noe off on another case.  To quote Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock, “The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins.  Just the two of us against the rest of the world.”  Yep, I think that sums them up nicely.

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