Friday, September 27, 2024

FIF#216-Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist

Welcome to the world of Tokyo 2030.  Here you will find nothing that can corrupt the mind and soul as everything that does so is outlawed.  This includes lewd materials, foul language and a ban on almost all sex education.  But there is one dares to rise against this oppressive mindset: the Blue Swan.  This vulgar and promiscuous terrorist raises Hell wherever she can and now she’s roped a poor freshman student into her plans to start an all out revolution of sexual freedoms and the will to speak as raunchy and wild as one wants.
Random question: has anyone ever seen the 1993 action classic Demolition Man with Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes?  I only ask because the world of Shimoneta feels very much in line with that vision of the future: a utopia where violence and anything that’s bad for the brain has been eliminated, oh and harsh language has been outlawed. Anyone who breaks these laws is fined for it (and honestly I forget if there was any larger punishment for multiple offenses).  It’s the kind of world Stallone’s cop out of time is prime to tear a new one with his old school action ways.  But Shimoneta isnt about bringing back the ultra violence, no it’s got something a lot more fun in mind and if you haven’t laughed your butt off by the end of the first episode, this might not be for you.
Most of the humor in the premiere comes from how over the top Tokyo polices temptation amongst its populace.  Heck the first few minutes show a group of guys ogling lewd magazines of gorgeous, scantly clad women only for multiple SWAT teams to burst in on them.  It feels like something you’d see in something like Kill La Kill and it’s so wild in how it plays out before the world is properly explained, the scene alone sets the stage perfectly for Shimoneta’s crazy schenanigans.  It’s also bewildering how tame and sheltered the students are at the Public Morals School.  Doesn’t mean some like the sleep deprived Hyouka aren’t doing some research in their own way in their spare time (just enough to skirt the rules too, brace yourself.)
Then there’s the revolutionary hurricane that’s Ayame aka Blue Snow and she is easily the best part of this shows premise.  One could point to her simple white cloak and panty mask when talking about her but for me, it’s her voice.  Thanks to an occasional way to bypass Tokyo’s Big Brother system, Ayame reveals she has the greatest potty mouth I think I have ever heard…well ever.  Nothing is off limits to this girl, especially when it comes to sexual innuendos and bad sex related puns and jokes.  And even without her little cheat, Ayame knows how to censor herself well enough she still gets her point across and still sounds absolutely hilarious.  I cant help but wonder just how much fun her English Voice Actress, Jamie Marchi, is having with this script.  It’s like she can say whatever she wants, however she wants…and its alright because even if its not a direct translation, it probably still fits with the intended delivery.  Gotta love a role like this because it allows a VA to really go nuts and have the time of their lives with a character like Ayame.
Should I continue with this series?  Well I am sold on the premise and I love the uncut 18+ convention panel vibe of the dialogue and Ayame is a golden girl of lewdness…so yes I should.  A better question is: should I review this at the Anime Corner?  That’s tougher.  Probably the dirtiest series I’ve covered thus far is Panty and Stocking and this might have the potential to top even those boundaries that mainstream Anime wouldn’t dare to cross.  It’s food for thought but I’m definitely all in on Ayame’s sexual revolution, this is gonna be a fun ride.

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