Wednesday, October 11, 2023

T5W#426-Top 5 Things I Wanna See in Castlevania: Nocturne Season 2

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone but just over a week after its debut, Netflix has renewed Castlevania: Nocturne for a Second Season.  Looks like viewers have been ready for more of the Belmont Clans never ending smackdown against the hordes of Darkness since the finale of the original series and Nocturne has delivered on almost every front in that regard.  While not quite as good as the beautiful opening season of its predecessor, Castlevania: Nocturne still delivers the solid action, character works and stunning animation that brought near universal acclaim to the original series and left many heralding it as one of the Best Video Game Adaptations ever made.  I’m sure work is already well under way on Nocturne’s sequel season.  But given the many cliffhangers left in the Season Finale, what are the Top 5 Things I Wanna See in Castlevania: Nocturne Season 2?  Let’s chat about them in today’s Top 5 Wednesday.  Also, this goes without saying but I will be discussing a lot of major plot points and character moments from Season One of Castlevania: Nocturne, so beware spoilers ahead. 

#5-Dig Deeper into the Vampire Messiah
Castlevania: Nocturne built up Erzsebet Báthory as the most feared Vampire threat since Dracula himself, billing her as the “Vampire Messiah”.  However, Erzsebet might seem imposing with her Saint Seiya villainess armor but Season One hardly digs deep into her actual character.  More often than not, the Vampire Messiah is overshadowed by more interesting characters like fan favorites Drolta (Man I cant wait to see how cosplayers pull off those boots) and Orlox.  I don’t doubt that Erzsebet is a major power house of a foe but there’s not much more to her than that, definitely not on the more profound level of the conflicted Dracula.  It’s funny how I thought that Drolta was Carmella done right but Erzsebet ended up feeling more like Carmella instead, a monster in battle but hardly the most profound villainess.  Explore the character some more in Season Two, make me fear her for more than just her powerful skillset.

#4-A more meaningful role for Maria
Maria Renard is setup as a younger sister figure for Richter.  When she isn’t helping her brother and Mother, Tera, slay monsters, she’s trying to rally the townspeople to take a more active role in the ongoing French Revolution.  Kind of like with Erzsebet, that’s really all there is to Maria for most of the season.  She goes on and on about being oppressed and yeah I get she has to be in hiding cause she could be perceived as a witch cause of her magic.  But when Annette has a far deeper and more meaningful reason to want to start a revolution, Maria just sounds like she’s whining by comparison.  Maria’s story gets a huge boost due to the revelation that the corrupted Abbot Emmanuel is her father and her Mother sacrificing herself to Erzsebet in the Season Finale.  Maria needs more to do in Season Two because if she, Richter and Annette are supposed to be the Trevor, Alucard and Sypha of this new series, she’s easily the weakest of the trio.

#3-Edouard, the New Issac
One of the more tragic fates to befall a character in Nocturne’s First Season is seeing Annette’s best friend, Edouard, getting slaughtered and resurrected as a Night Creature.  Following this transformation, Edouard slowly recovers his memories and his beautiful opera voice.  He eventually began reaching out to his fellow Night Creatures and worked to help some of them restore their own memories.  Clearly, Nocturne has a plan for Edouard and it reminds me a lot of Isaac from the original series.  While I doubt Edouard has a lot of qualms against humanity, which led Isaac to create his army of Night Creatures, I think Nocturne should do the opposite and have Edouard trying to use Night Creatures for a more positive purpose like protecting the people from Erzsebet.  Also, we need more of his singing, they somehow managed to mix some pulse pounding action to the most beautiful music we’ve heard between the two series so far.

#2-Make Richter and Annette an official couple
Annette wound up being a real scene stealer for Season One.  From her exotic design to her harrowing backstory to her indomitable spirit, she was more than welcome addition to the long line of bad asses Castlevania has show us so far.  The moment she laid that cute smile on Richter though, sparks were bound to fly.  Richter and Annette proved a formidable power couple but also faced their fair share of personal challenges that rocked their early friendship.  Clearly though, this show is trying to make them the new Trevor and Sypha of Nocturne and Season Two needs to make this happen ASAP.  The chemistry between these two is obvious and they did nearly kiss towards the end of the season.  Richter come on dude.  Annette is right there and she is both gorgeous and really into you…MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!

#1-Don’t Waste Alucard
In a season full of “Hell Yeah” moments, none got the biggest cheer from me than when Alucard finally made his epic reappearance and tore Drolta apart like she was nothing.  Sporting a faded colored look, Alucard is clearly meant to look as he does in the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night video game.  It’s so good to have him back and with James Callis reprising the role no less.  I had a feeling he might pop up somewhere in Nocturne given his immortal state.  Now that he’s officially back in the game, Alucard shouldn’t overshadow the potential of the new cast but also he should not be allowed to sit in reserve status.  This is the guy who beat the crap out of Dracula and was instrumental in helping Trevor and Sypha conquer Death itself.  Now we get to see him interact with another Belmont and the next generation of Warriors of the Night…we should be allowed to see Alucard show everyone how killing Vampires with ease is done.

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