Wednesday, October 4, 2023

T5W#425-Top 5 Scariest Power Ranger Villains

My periodic look at the legacy of the Power Rangers Franchise continues as we also kick off a month of Halloween themed Top 5s for T5W.  Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, the 30th Season of Power Rangers, dropped on Netflix last weekend.  While I’ll have a First Impression of it coming later for a special occasion, I wanted to take a look at some of the meanest and nastiest big bads the various teams of Rangers have had to take on over the years.  Some may be clumsy, some might actually be good at their jobs.  Most can be the stuff of nightmares and since this is October, those are the ones I want to spotlight most.  These are my picks for the Top 5 Scariest Power Ranger Villains.  Specifically, these are the big bads, the lead villains or most prominent of their respective seasons as Monsters of the Week are too many to sift through.  Also while they may have been highly efficient at kicking Ranger ass, some baddies like Tommy and Astronema either had redemption arcs or became full on good guys eventually, so they wont be on the list (come to think of it, that rules out Ransik from Time Force too, damn I really liked him.)

#5-Scorpious (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy)
He may seem confined to a single room but god this is one ugly…well you know the Predator quote.  Scorpious is easily one of the more disgusting and nightmare inducing villains of the franchise due to him being a very neatly designed practical effect.  Yeah this limits his movement but Lost Galaxy works around this with solid writing and always making Scorpious an imposing figure whenever he’s on screen.  After all, this black eyed insect was once capable of controlling armies which he’d use to enslave planets and capture valuable resources and artifacts.  He even tried to force his daughter, Trakeena, into a forced evolution to look just like her Daddy dearest, father of the year and ugly to boot.

#4-Mesogog (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)
One look at this guy and you’ll be having nightmares for days.  I mean just look at his head.  Mesogog is a Humaniod Dinosaur who’s eyes just scream evil, which helps make one take him a bit more seriously since he does want to send Earth and Mankind back to the Stone Age.  Scarier still, Mesogog has a bit of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation going on as he shares existence in the same body as the man who brought him to life, Dr. Anton Mercer.  Eventually, the two would separate, with Mesogog now free to unleash his fury upon the Earth and the Dino Thunder team without being held back by his Human influence.  It also gave him an even more horrific look and made him crazier too.

#3-Master Org (Power Rangers Wild Force)
Not every Big Bad the Rangers face is an Alien or Ancient Creature.  Sometimes the deadliest of enemies can be very much human.  Master Org was once a scientist, Viktor Adler, who was in love with the Mother of Wild Force Red Ranger Cole.  However, she ended up with Coles Dad and put Adler in the Friendzone, Adler didn’t take that well and was instrumental in the tragic death of Cole’s parents.  This darkened his heart to the point of no return.  Adler only descends further into madness as Master Org, wiping the floor with the Rangers multiple times and bringing plenty of unresolved anger out against the child of the woman he loved.  It’s a tragic fall from grace that proves even humans aren’t immune to the darkness and can become the scariest of Monsters.

#2-Venjix (Power Rangers RPM)
The scariest thing about Venjix isn’t that it’s mostly faceless for the bulk of RPM.  No, it’s earns the #2 spot on this list for being the one big bad to actually accomplish what no other had up until that point: conquer the Earth and push Mankind to the edge of extinction.  Yeah Venjix is basically the Power Rangers answer to Skynet from Terminator, an AI that went rogue and turned the planet into a Mad Max style wasteland.  With almost total control and an army of killer robots at its disposal, Venjix is an absolute evil entity that seems to be undefeatable.  And even when he seems to be defeated, Venjix manages to find a way into another reality in Beast Morphers to continue its reign of unstoppable terror.

#1-Lord Zedd (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
Hail to the King Baby.  It’s been almost 30 years since he first crushed Rita Repula’s castle on the Moon but Lord Zedd still remains the most iconic and terrifying villain in the entire Power Rangers franchise.  From his H.R. Geiger inspired character design to his fear instilling voice to that Z staff, Zedd is imposing and dominates every moment he’s on screen.  Plenty of times in his early days saw Zedd come pretty close to ending the Rangers once and for all and he even managed to go mano a mano with Tommy in his White Ranger form.  Clearly Zedd is such a popular terror that he’s even returned as the big bad for the most recent seasons of Power Rangers (Dino Fury and Cosmic Fury).  Of course, if you’re gonna celebrate the history of the franchise, might as well bring big the scariest villain who still reigns supreme.

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