Friday, April 15, 2022

IGPX Part 5 Episodes 18-21

Team Satomi’s sophomore year in the IG-1 has been a disaster.  Amy is in the hospital after a dangerous race with newcomers Team White Snow.  Andre has returned to the pilots seat to replace her but he’s not the legend he used to be.  And all the loss and pressure is putting Takeshi at odds with his teammates and his girlfriend, Fantine.  All the while, from the shadows, Team White Snow continues to toy with the golden boys confidence, hoping that the next time they face off, Takeshi will be a shell of his former self.  Is the end nigh for Team Satomi?

So Monday, I was pretty peeved at IGPX.  It was as if the nostalgia goggles I have for this series being a major moment in Toonami history kind of came off.  As an action series, the show is fine.  As an overall Anime, it can come off as basic and at times below the par for the course of Sports Anime.  The racing action is great and the Mechs are rendered nicely in the 3D animation.  The characters are mostly generic and stagnant with a few exceptions.  Season One was passable in spite of these flaws.  But the start of Season Two left me fuming.  Takeshi was throwing hissy fits left and right and the villains of the Season, newcomers Team White Snow, were so full of themselves being awesome cheaters that could get away with nearly killing Amy, it just pissed me off…and the rest of the characters acting all out of sorts or without any actual sense only made things worse.  This might sound like I’m going into final thoughts, but we’ve still got one more review come Monday.  No, I’m bringing all of this up because this penultimate set both emphasized my irritation with Season Two while also working really hard to redeem it and get things on more stable ground.  In short, it started pretty bad but slowly got better.
The race against Velshtein was notable because of Andre’s return to the pilots seat for the first time in years.  The old man made no qualms about the toll it took on him but Andre still held his own quite well.  As for his little stunt to win the race…well Velshtein, and Cunningham in particular, can whine about Andre pulling such a dangerous move but are they really ones to talk?  Sure their little Triple Tornado move was no longer in use but they’ve used it in the past and you cant tell me that’s a safe attack to use on anyone.  The match still ended in a tie, which means both teams will get to face off again probably very soon.  Hopefully Cunningham gets over his hurt feelings…or doesn’t.  As much as I love him being voiced by Steve Blum, his character is…well as everyone says “weird”.  For all his love of the sport, Cunningham still seems miffed when OP or dangerous attacks get used and not by him and his crew.  It paints him as a bit of a self entitled elitist, which he thinks he is cause he’s been a champ multiple years.  I doubt Takeshi and Team Satomi end up creating any megaton nuclear bomb attacks to maintain their championship position.
Moving past Cunningham, Takeshi, yeesh if there was ever a time to truly be fed up with him, it was the front half of this set of episodes.  And I wasn’t the only one.  Liz, Andre, Mark and even River all had enough of his BS.  I got the biggest laugh out of River, who flat out told Takeshi, “Why would you think I’d sympathize with you after how I was treated by Team Satomi?”  I bet Miss Satomi actually regretted letting River go when she thought she’d have to bench Takeshi to teach him a lesson.  Even Fantine was getting tired of Takeshi’s pity party but that’s not the sole reason she dumped him.  Fantine has been presented as a genuinely good person and a major supporter of Takeshi.  His not listening to her kindness and appreciating his cute girlfriend is all on him and him alone.  And yet, Fantine ends up breaking up with Takeshi because…well she’s like River: she feels more into the IGPX being Takeshi’s rival instead of his support  (Oh and she knows Liz needs Takeshi more than she does…noble I guess).  Strange turn of events but this seemed to be the thing to get Takeshi’s mind back on straight. From the moment he stepped into the Skylark Race, he seemed more like the guy he was at the end of Season One, a better Team Captain and more competent racer.  The actual race against Fantine was beautifully choreographed and likened to a dance by the IGPX Commentators.  And yet, neither held anything back, with Takeshi taking the win to show he was truly back in the game.
From here on, everything just started to improve.  Sure White Snow was around to rub Takeshi’s poor fortune in his face and whine that Team Satomi winning was boring.  But now that the team is acting like a proper team again, they have a chance to throw White Snow’s arrogance back in their faces (Takeshi snatching Zanak’s stress ball and doing the over the shoulder toss without looking was pretty bad ass).  But the true reason to Team Satomi coming back together wasn’t Takeshi learning his lesson (though it helped).  It was Amy finding her groove again following a near death experience.  Watching her rebuild her confidence, face her fears and bring the spirit of unity to her entire team was the kind of stuff good Sports Anime thrive in.  And it all came together in the match against Sledge Mamma.  Thanks to Amy’s quick thinking and some great ingenuity from Takeshi and Liz, Team Satomi won as a whole.  Seeing Takeshi and Liz work together, both being down an arm, was awesome but seeing Amy bring all three Mechs together into one combined racer was a nice touch to signal that Team Satomi was back and complete Amy’s confidence arc for the season (thinking she was holding the team back when she’s the reason they won their race).  Icing on the cake, when Takeshi finally apologized for his crappy behavior this season, he looked to Amy as a source of inspiration…and Liz too cause Lord knows Takeshi doesn’t deserve her (Fantine knows he does though, so yeah, good on her for noticing).
There was actually a bit of a subplot going on with Sledge Mamma in this set, with Yamma facing the danger of forced retirement if they didn’t win the Championship.  Seeing Yamma get in the zone and actually having a blast on the track (Mark Hamill was definitely having fun in this role), makes me wish we followed more teams besides Satomi in this series.  Yamma showed in Season One that he’s a bit more layered than his wicked appearance would indicate.  We’ve already seen how River can have an arc of his own even after he moved on from Team Satomi.  How about following Velsthein for a bit or Edgeraid?  How about checking in again with Fantine and Team Skylark now that theyre heading back to the IG-2?  Come on IGPX, even the best season of Free (Eternal Summer) split time pretty evenly between the boys of Iwatobi and Sumezuka.  Takeshi doesn’t need all of your attention.  Still no need for White Snow to have any extra screentime, screw those guys.  Actually, White Snow’s presence was surprisingly minimal in this set.  Max did invade Takeshi’s online video game to harass him more…jeez I might not care for Takeshi half the time but White Snow I’ve never liked from the beginning and I want them to get what’s coming to them (Life imprisonment for attempted manslaughter of Amy is still preferred).
So yeah, Season Two seems to be righting a lot of it wrongs to start the push into the final stretch.  Takeshi, Liz and Amy are more united than ever and they’ve finally riled up White Snow and aren’t going to take any of their crap anymore.  BTW, the OP Theme, “Go For It” got used to great effect at the climax of both races and I wish this song got actual playtime in the Toonami broadcast.  Maybe we’ll hear more of it in episode during the last two races of the season.  IGPX has redeemed itself…for now.  But how will it all wrap up?  The answers arrive on Monday with the Series Finale of IGPX right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.  See ya then.

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