Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Gundam Anime Corner 6th Anniversary

Call me crazy, but ive gotten into the habit of planning out reviews well far in advance.  Case in point, most of 2020 is more or less locked in (still finalizing stuff for the end of the year) and I have at least 2 confirmed titles for 2021.  Why bring this up?  Because my blog turns 6 today and it is such a huge feeling to be able to see this plans go into action.  Reviews, Top 5 lists, First Impressions, other odds and ends, I cant believe how much the Gundam Anime Corner has grown since it’s humble beginning on March 31, 2014.  Now we come to the end of Year 6 with celebration and begin Year 7 with a lot of enthusiasm.  Before I give a sneak peak of whats coming over the next couple of months, I want to take a second to say “Thank You”.  Whether you’ve been a long time reader, just passing through for a casual second, or discovering my neck of the woods for the first time, every little bit helps and it energizes me to seek out more titles to look at and review.  This blog is my baby but it wouldn’t be where it is without your feedback and support (whether directly on the blog itself or through my various postings on Facebook and Instagram).  So yeah…thank you so much for your time and heres to Year 7: hopefully the best year yet for the Gundam Anime Corner.

Ok, here’s the breakdown of everything from Spring to Summer:

 While I do have Gundam plans for later in the year, it’s still a ways off.  So why not kick off a new year on a blog named after Mobile Suit Gundam with some actual Gundam reviews?  Starting tomorrow you’re getting all of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin across three back to back days (2 episodes per day).  Next up we have the debut of a title a long time coming, a sequel (kind of) to one of the first Anime I ever reviewed on this blog-Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.  That will take us from the beginning of April to about mid May.  April also brings us the Final Fantasy Friday Retrospective-a three part look at the history of Final Fantasy, one of the greatest video game franchises of all time.  To coincide with the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake on April 10, part of the retrospective includes a special review of the first Final Fantasy Anime, Legend of the Crystals.

The month of May brings us as big a summer blockbuster as you could imagine.  I’m finally tackling a Fate/Stay Night spin off with Fate/Apocrypha.  Just imagine two teams of mages with seven servants each in a giant game of Team Death Match and you pretty much get the idea.  This will actually start at the end of May and run til the end of June, yeah im starting the year with a couple of longer spread out shows.  We’ve also got the return of From Losers to Glory: A Gundam Wing Special, my latest Friday feature that just started when I do some comparing and contrasting between the Gundam Wing TV Anime and it’s most recent Manga adaptation: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz-Glory of the Losers.  This special will be taking a short break in April because of the Final Fantasy Friday Retrospective but will return in May and run until it’s conclusion at the end of June.

July is the month I reserve for what ive come to call my Summer Extended Series Review.  These are the shows that go beyond the average 13-26 episode lengths I usually cover.  This means I don’t just post reviews on Mondays, but also on Wednesdays and Fridays, kind of an accelerated schedule.  This year, the series getting the honor this summer is a little classic known in Japan as Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers…but to us in the States, RONIN WARRIORS.  I’ll be covering all 39 episodes of the TV Series as well as the three sequel OVAs: Gaiden, Legend of the Inferno Armor and Message.  If calculated correctly, the final review should go up the day before Otakon 2020.  For anyone new to the blog, I usually try to do something special for the 4th of July holiday as well…and I just so happened to purchase a big batch of Code Geass stuff.  So this 4th of July holiday you’re getting a big gift: All three Code Geass Compilation Films (Initiation, Transgression and Glorification) and the long awaited sequel to the entire saga: Code Geass-Lelouch of the Resurrection.  Normally I wouldn’t really bother with Compilation Films.  But since the Code Geass trilogy apparently sets up a separate timeline so we can have Lelouch of the Resurrection, I’ll overlook that this time and give reviews of them all starting July 1, with LOTR coming on July 4.

And yeah, that’s everything I’ve got planned for the first quarter or so of Year 7 of the Gundam Anime Corner.  Hope you’ll swing by and check everything out.  Til then, Welcome to the Gundam Anime Corner and thanks for you time.

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