Wednesday, March 2, 2016

T5W#29-Top 5 Classic Toonami Anime

For a lot of Anime fans, myself included, our love for Anime was sparked by a little galaxy of television awesomeness known as Toonami.  Toonami first debuted as an action oriented block on Cartoon Network and featured several classic action hits like Thundercats, Voltron and Johnny Quest.  But not long after, it began to delve into the realm of Anime.  More and more shows began to trickle in and by the summers of 2000 and 2001, Toonami was almost entirely made up of Anime that were massive hits with viewers everywhere.  I reveled in those summer days from 4-7pm when they had arguably their best block of shows.  Toonami was aimed at teens and in 2001 a more adult centered block was formed for late night tv viewing (but we’ll get to that next week).  This was on my mind a bit the last few days.  So figured id do a top 5 of my most cherished Toonami shows from that era.


Before Toonami got real Anime heavy, we were treated to some of the Americanized 80’s classics like Voltron.  Robotech was something different though.  The action was more fast paced. The Veritech fighters were incredible.  And the characters were something else I hadn’t seen before.  I think this was the first Anime I watched where a main character bought it and didn’t come back (at least not in a so so English dub where references of DEATH had to be omitted).  Wont say who, but it’s in the infamous Macross Saga and it involves Pineapple Salad…sniff.  The second and third sagas of Robotech were hit and miss but the Macross Saga is the one everyone remembers fondly.  This was one of the biggest gateways into the Giant Robot Anime Genre for me.  And that opening theme was my alarm ringtone for about a year…best wake up music ever.


#4-Ronin Warriors
I got super excited when I saw the promo for this one.  I actually first saw Ronin Warriors a few years prior, one summer when it ran in rare syndication and then vanished.  I never thought of it as Power Rangers Samurai, but rather as a whole other level of cool.  The adventures of Ryo, Rowen, Sage, Cye and Kento are still near and dear to me and I long for the day I can find the English Dub (the original Samurai Warriors Japanese Dub is out there if you can find it).  I can say though that I knew about Ronin Warriors before it was cool.  And I cant wait for the announcement of any studio picking it up to share with us all once again.


#3-Sailor Moon
Yes, this one was, and still is, a favorite of mine.  In a time dominated by dudes who kicked ass, what was there to not love about a quintet of pretty girls with super powers and skirts battling space demons?  Even better was when the S and Super S seasons debuted and introduced us to everyones favorite “affectionate cousins” Uranus and Neptune.  Yeah even in a heavily edited dub for kids, it was obvious to anyone that Haruka and Michuru were more than just “cousins”.  Thankfully the new dubs coming out rectify this little outrage.  Still, the Sailor Senshi were just as cool as the Gundam Pilots and Z-Fighters and gave girls an in to the Anime genre.  Nothing wrong with that at all.


#2-Dragon Ball Z
Does this one need any explanation?  Dragon Ball Z still remains today Toonami’s biggest show and has one of it’s longest running stretches of episodes.  So many big moments in every kids Anime childhood came from Dragon Ball Z: Goku vs Vegeta, Frieza, Super Saiyan Goku, the Androids and Trunks, Cell, Majinn Buu, the Fusions.  I’m sure you can find at least one moment in this series that was your defining moment as a blossoming anime fan.  For me, it may very well be the day when, after nearly a year and a half of running the same 53 episodes over and over again, Toonami held Z-Day: The long awaited arrival of new episodes that would see Goku battle the Ginyu Force and, FINALLY, Frieza.  You were not a cool kid if you never watched Dragon Ball Z.  And even if you weren’t, there was always another one waiting to introduce you to it.  Books of information, binders of pictures printed from the next, VHS tape trades by the week.  Many attribute the boom of Anime in the US to Akira.  But for me and many others, it will always be Dragon Ball Z.


#1-Gundam Wing
It all started with one 15 second trailer: battle cries, transformations, robots shooting bullets from chest placed guns and the cryptic, “Those who have laid eyes on a Gundam shall not live to tell about it”.  Who would have thought how big of an impact this show would have on me?  Gundam Wing is probably the only show besides Sailor Moon to rival Dragon Ball Z in popularity on Toonami.  And for me, it holds more than a special place in my heart.  This is the series that convinced me to become a writer.  I know Wing isn’t the most beloved entry by die hard Gundam fans.  But me? I am a die hard Gundam fan because of this show.  I loved the characters (especially Heero and Duo).  I loved the mechs.  I loved the twists and turns.  I wanted to write a story like this one day.  And now I spend my time reviewing Anime, not a bad trade off if I do say so myself.  And no one need look no further for the impact of Gundam Wing on my life than my online handle…Gundam.  Dragon Ball Z may have gotten me into Anime.  But Gundam Wing taught me how to fall in love with it.

Next Wednesday we’ll take a look at Toonami’s older brother, who Toonami also shares a slot with now, Adult Swim.

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