Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Dragon Ball Z: ROCK THE DRAGON Marathon Part 2

(Welcome, one and all, to the Dragon Ball Z: ROCK THE DRAGON Movie Marathon, here at the Anime Corner. For the next couple of weeks, I’ll be posting reviews for all 15 Dragon Ball Z movies, from Dead Zone to Resurrection F.  A couple of notes to remember about these movies: For the most part, these are not series cannon (those that are, I will point out when I get to them).  They don’t fit into the series at all.  There isn’t even a need for backstory.  Everyone’s favorite fighting warriors club is thrown into a life or death situation with a villain of the flick.  That’s all the basics there.  You may see some familiar faces that may confuse where they fit into any timeline.  But just treat them all as what they are, stand alone, mini universe tales.  Everyone good?  Ok, let’s summon the Eternal Dragon and get these thoughts shared.)

Part 2

Movie 3-Tree of Might (The Decisive Battle for the Entire Earth)
They call it the Tree of Might.  Once planet on a world, it grows rapidly and drains the life force from every man, woman, ocean and plant it can find.  And a group of Space Pirates just unleashed it on Planet Earth in order to attain the tree’s fruit, which would make them the most powerful warriors in the universe.  Standing in their way are Goku and the legendary Z-Fighters: Gohan, Krillin, Tienshinhan, Yamcha, Chaotzu and Piccolo.  As the battle for Earth begins, the leader reveals himself…a Saiyan survivor who bears an uncanny resemblance to Goku.  It’s the greatest challenge for the Z-Team yet.  And this time even Goku’s Spirit Bomb technique may not be enough to win.

I always felt odd about watching Tree of Might.  On the one hand, I first saw it as a special three part episode to make up for the fact that the rest of the Frieza Saga was unavailable to broadcast on TV.  So it was different but I still wanted to see Goku fight Frieza.  It also made no sense to jump to this point without any context.  Did this take place before Namek?  Why would the Z-Fighters all be fighting together when if they hadn’t fought the Saiyans, Piccolo was still their enemy?  It was here I learned of the self contained stories films based on Anime series usually tell.  So, looking at Tree of Might on it’s own…it’s not as good as the first two films.  The film wastes a lot of excitement bringing the original seven Z-Fighters together only for most of them to be dispatched pretty easily.  Even Piccolo doesn’t get much action in this time around.  Again, it falls to Goku to kick all the ass that the others cant.  But the villains are duller than usual and even the image of Goku fighting Mirror, Mirror Goku…ahem I mean Turles, doesn’t do much for me.  It’s pretty dull.  Which sucks because this is the only time we will ever see the original Z-Fighters team up like this in any of the movies.  Wasted opportunity.



Movie 4-Lord Slug (Super Saiyan Son Goku)
A spaceship crashes to Earth and begins to freeze the planet.  Onboard is the aging Namekian warlord, Slug.  And he’s well versed in the power of the Dragon Balls, using them to restore his youth and power.  As the planet freezes around them, Goku, Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo find themselves facing an unstoppable foe whose power knows no bounds.  If Goku is to win, he’ll need to tap into strength he never knew he had and perhaps…surpass his own power to become something Super.

You know, one thing that I never understood about this one?  Why was it called Super Saiyan Goku in the original Japanese title?  I mean, Goku never goes SSJ, maybe a one step higher Kaio Ken at best.  So why advertise it like that?  I mean had the Super Saiyans even been shown on TV yet?  I don’t get it, but a lot of people don’t like this one because of that.  For me, it’s fair.  Some of the actions alright.  Mostly I like it cause Piccolo gets one really good fight in, reminiscent of the ass kicking he gave that one guy in Dead Zone.  Otherwise, this really is just a recycling of the King Piccolo Saga from the original Dragon Ball series, it’s just not King Piccolo looking for eternal youth.  It would have been fun to see a Namekian at the forefront of the villany this time.  But Lord Slug’s wayyyy to generic to be interesting or a threat.  Definitley not a must see on the Dragon Ball Movie List.


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