Monday, June 29, 2015

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Part 4 Episodes 14-17

With no other options left to them, the Union, HRL and AEU come together for a historic operation.  Lured into a trap, the Gundam Meisters face the full might of all three world powers at once, a battle of 4 against 1000.  It seems the end is nigh…until the Meisters are saved by the intervention of three new Gundams: the Thrones and their pilots, the Trinity’s.  Are these saviors friends or foes and what new direction will this joint venture between the Worlds Leaders send the world?

This round: the world came together, our heroes almost died, then were saved by new more ruthless pilots…who then went on to kill more people.  I wont say the game has changed fully but it’s definitely taken a bold new turn.

So the powers of the world and their stuffy represenetives finally came to a conclusion they should have reached half of the first half of a season ago…if they cant defeat the Gundams on their own, TEAM UP!!!  Seeing the Gundams face the full might of the world was both cool in execution and also terrifying to watch.  I love these four pilots and it’s tough to see them get into a battle they may not come out of.  Which begs the quick question: Did Sumeragi know that this was in fact a trap she was sending the Meisters in to and did she expect theyd die and not tell them?  Might be reading too much into it but if so…that’s messed up. 

We didn’t get to see a lot of interaction amongst the joint forces of the three world super powers but there were some cute moments, mostly for Patrick.  He got off on the wrong foot with his new superior Kati Mannequin but after a powerful show of force…he got his act together? Surprising but im looking forward to Colasours pursuit of the no nonsense commander.  Sergei and Soma didn’t get a lot of new material.  But, sigh, Graham got to spout off all kind of Gundam love as he kicked Lock On’s ass in battle…this guy…seriously, I don’t like him.

But the Meisters were saved from certain death from not one, not two, but THREE new Gundam models.  Their pilots, the Trinity siblings, are appropriately detestable: Johann’s too calm and nice, Michael’s psychotic and Nena is…well Nena’s just a bitch.  Both teams of Meisters met and immediately they didn’t like each other.  Setsuna’s reaction to Nena kissing him was great…those lips are reserved for Marina if it ever comes to that.  And leave it to three new enemies to do the unthinkable: put Setsuna and Tierria on the same page.  And they’re right to be overly cautious.  The Trinity’s next sortie saw them literally carve a path of pointless destruction across a military base, killing Professor Eifman.  It’s curious he was the target of the attack, announcing moments before his death that he knows the “true goal” of Celestial Being Founder Aeolia Schenberg’s creation of the Gundams.  It has something to do with Jupiter, which we saw a bit in a brief flashback that featured the discovery of the Haro unit carried by the Trinity’s, a real foul mouthed piece of tech that attacked Lock On’s Haro.

Just when you thought Saji and Louise could not get anymore insufferable…Setsuna is forced to sit in with them for a very brief (thankfully for him and us) scene.  Poor Setsuna.  I know he could use some more of a social life but he’s got his team for that, no need to pair him with easily the weakest element of this series (do I detest those two as much as Graham? It’s too close to call to be honest).  There was also the matter of Alejandro Corner and his secret SEELE, sorry Observers meeting.  His role has never really been defined much like Wong Liu Mei.  Is he a good guy or a villain?  Is he on the side of the Gundams or someone else?  Whatever the case, his meeting with this secret society resulted in a half episode recap that we definitely not needed.  We could have just skipped to the Trinity’s meeting the Ptolemaios Crew and moved the story along.

So the world united to battle four Gundams but will it stay united to deal with three deadlier ones?  Will they figure out the Trinity’s aren’t exactly like the ones they’ve been facing til now? (Judging from Graham’s reaction to the brutal death of the Professor…im going to go with no).  And more importantly…will Saji ever see Louise again as she goes home to Spain for break without a kiss?  Kidding, kidding.  But seriously, the Meisters need a plan to deal with these triplets.  Cause if their future missions are just as needlessly destructive, it’s going to be a bad time to be associated with a Gundam.

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