Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Part 5 Episodes 18-21

The Trinity’s path of blatant destruction ravages Earth.  When one “intervention” harms a friend, Setsuna decides enough is enough and goes to face the ruthless siblings on his own.  As Gundams clash, the rest of the world receives an unexpected present from a mysterious benefactor, a gift that will enable Mobile Suits to clash with Gundams on an even footing.  The balance of power is shifting and the days of Celestial Being are now numbered.

Wow, so…Saji and Louise…man that got serious didn’t it?  I mean yeah I wasn’t a fan of their little rom com romantic break aways from the main storyline but this was…wow it got brutal for them real fast.  I suppose one could always look at this as a clear example of those who have or want nothing to do with war getting caught in the crossfire.  If there was laughter to be gleamed from the Saji and Louise storyline, it’s definitely all gone now.  And on top of maybe losing Louise, at least in terms of their relationship, Saji also lost his reporter sister.  Talk about a gut punch for these characters.

Of course the culprits of this tragedy were the infuriating Team Trinity and when Setsuna found out about it (not so much Saji and Louise but an attack on innocent civilians) he said enough was enough.  And if you aren’t going F*** YEAH when Setsuna and Tierria team up to kick the crap out of these high and mighty triplets, then something is wrong with you.  Sadly Team Trinity is still alive and kicking but by the end of this set, their sense of safety as well as all of Celestial Being was called into question, big time but we’ll get to that little development in a second.

This was a strong round of episodes for all of the Meisters…except Alleluia who seems to have lost all purpose after his own story was concluded a couple rounds ago.  Setsuna’s dreaming of Marina (not in that way…or is he?) and wondering if he might be ready to stop his long career of fighting.  Lock On continued to be everyones go to guy for cool and awesome moments as he confronted Setsuna over his involvement in the group that killed his parents and sister.  He forgave him and then proceeded to bond with Tierria, who Lock On ended up taking a serious hit for.  The look on Tierria’s face…the super computer he had so much faith in has failed him but now a teammate actually made the bold call to put their life before his.  I wonder if this newfound development with who used to be one of my most disliked characters will stick.

What surprisingly stuck from last week was the world coming together…all part of the plan apparently (and shades of another Anime I might cover sometime in 2016 but more on that later).  And they even received presents for aligning their interests…GN drives, similar to the ones used by the Gundams.  It was cool to see Sergei and Soma square off with the Trinity’s on an even footing…not so much to see the military nearly take out the Meisters again.  With such successes, the world declares “The age of the Gundams is over”.  Hate to say that may be true but you know by now Celestial Being wont go down without a fight.

The weaker elements from these episodes stem from yet again, another plot device thrown in for convenience sake and lacking any and all development.  When I heard “traitor in Celestial Being” I wondered who it could be.  Wang Liu Mei was a prime candidate, though she’s changed to Team Trinity for their swifter world changing methods it seems.  Alejandro Coroner could have been another possibility as he’s always been shifty but he was never with Celestial Being to begin with.  Nope, it’s Laguna Harvey…WHO? Oh don’t worry.  As I said, he fell under the camp with La Edenre as a disposable name just thrown in for the heck of it.  Only bit of info we got with his being around was Alejandro FINALLY quitting with the shiftiness and getting to his endgame goal…the acquisition of VEDA and Aeolia Schenberg…wait say what on that second bit? 

Lock On injured.  Mobile Suits made to fight like Gundams.  VEDA in the wrong hands?  Saji and Louise in hostile (narrative) territory?  Yep I think we’re about ready to wrap things up with the first season here.

BTW cant end this round of episodes without a cheer for my man Patrick Colasour, who managed to score a date with Mannequin.  This guy needs his own spin off, his segments may be brief but theyre hands down some of the best parts of this series.  He’s way more cheer worthy than Graham when it comes to seeing an Ace take on the Gundams…you almost want him to win, ALMOST not definitely.

Check back Friday for the Season One Finale of Mobile Suit Gundam 00.

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