Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Part 2 Episodes 6-9

Celestial Beings “Armed Interventions” have begun across the world and now Earth fears the appearance of a Gundam.  It seems few can barely even match these nearly indestructible forces of nature until a mysterious terrorist group appears to challenge the Gundams…by indiscriminately unleashing terror attacks across all three world powers.  Enraged beyond words, how will Celestial Being deal with a threat unknown to them?  And further more, how will they react when Sergei Smirnov and the Human Reform League take their own action to capture a Gundam?

“You have inspired good.  But you spat in the face of Gotham’s criminals.  Didn’t you think there’d be some casualties? Things were always going to get worse before they got better.”  That quote from The Dark Knight I think hold some merit with these episodes.  Celestial Being may not have inspired good but their Interventions were bound to bring about some form of retaliation, if not from the big three world powers then at least someone or some group.  We didn’t get to see too much of this terrorist group, La Edenra…which is kind of disappointing to be honest as their mysterious appearance could have made them good foes for the Gundams, as if they didn’t have enough to deal with challenging the world.  What we did get out of this that was great were the Meisters reactions, especially Tieria and Lock On…or should we call him Neil now?  Tieria is just begging for a punch given how he basically says, “Eh, bound to happen so what?”  His not giving a crap attitude about how the world responds to the Gundams attacks is less than human, thus not earning him any popularity points. 

As for Lock On, we know he’s got some deep rooted ties to a hatred of terrorism but we also saw him open up to one of the Ptolemios crew members, poor Feldt.  Lock On’s been one of the strongest characters from the get go, reminding me a lot of Duo from Gundam Wing but with more of a mature attitude to life.  He comforts Feldt and does his best to keep the peace amongst the Meisters, even when theyre threatening to shoot each other for missions screw ups.  Setsuna got some nice development here too as we see more of his past being a child soldier and his connection to the sure to be a handful Ali-Al Sachez.  His scars dealing with war run deeper than probably anyone we know so far, though Lock On’s might equal it…speaking of him again, he has a twin? By the way, is it just me or is Setsuna’s “I am a Gundam” hero worship a bit creepy…not anywhere close to Graham Acker’s down right creepy Gundam love (for joking purposes I may start calling him Mr. Gundam Fetish later on)…just saying a fetish for Gundams is a bit much isn’t it?

Speaking of Setsuna, fans of Gundam Wing will no doubt see the similarities I pointed out last review between Wing leads Heero and Relena and 00’s Setsuna and Relena.  Their meeting in this set is a trade off of ideals but it’s Setsuna’s dropping of the act that is the kicker.  He outright reveals who he is, what he can do and that someday he might come for Marina and her country, especially for what they did to his homeland years ago.  It bears plenty of shades of similarity to Heero’s imfamous “I’ll kill you” exchange with Relena.  I do like Marina’s reaction after Setsuna runs off though though, “That…that wasn’t a very funny joke.”

We were left with a nice cliffhanger with Sergei and his HRL unit ambushing Celestial Being when someone wasn’t doing their job.  With the Meisters a bit outmatched in space, it looks like Alleluia might be in danger.  Hopefully this means we get more insight into his hair changing split personality as he heads into a rematch with Soma Peries.  It was intense seeing Celestial Being on the defensive for once after seeing them confident since the shows beginning.  Heck even Sumeragi was content to chill out on Earth and supply swimsuit fanservice while the Gundams carried out her attack plan perfectly…nothing wrong with that but man that’s confidence.

Lastly, shout out to the King of Confidence Patrick Colasaur, who made a return to the battlefield after his hilarious defeat at Setsuna’s hands in episode one, we need more of him asap…and way less of Saji and Louise, seriously I think that’s a fair trade off, anyone agree?

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