Monday, October 14, 2024

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead-Part 2 Episodes 4-6

The Zombie Apocalypse is in full swing and Akira Tendo is living his best life.  Best part is: he’s no longer alone.  He’s managed to rescue his best friend, Kenchiro “Kencho”, and officially form an alliance with the beautiful Zombie survival strategist Shizuka.  As they narrowly dodge the Zombie carnage, eyes soon look past Tokyo as Akira decides to find his parents in Gunma.  But it’s anything but smooth sailing when Akira runs into the last person he wants to see on his little vacation: his work horse Ex Boss.  Suddenly, surviving the undead seems preferable to the terror Akira must now relive.

Welcome back to how to survive the Zombie Apocalypse with an unapologetic smile…or Zom 100.  After a pretty seamless, exciting and fun premiere, Zom 100’s sophomore outing dials up the creative possibilities, amps up the suspense and provides some major challenges Akira has to endure and not the ones he was hoping to ever face again.  It’s loud, it’s frantic and it’s still entertaining as hell, so much so it’s hard to think of anything to complain about but we’ll see how that sticks as I get into this weeks review.
I love how Akira’s optimism is beginning to rub off on the people around him.  Yes, there the collapse of Tokyo to think about but that doesn’t mean fun cant be had.  It helps that those he’s got in his corner are also help keeping him grounded while also encouraging him themselves.  Kencho is the source of the latter.  He’s not as happy go lucky as Akira and will question a decision or two but at the end of the day, he’s hanging out with his best friend who did risk his life to save him.  These two are a fun pair of bros and Kencho doesn’t think twice about jumping into action to aid Akira, this dude’s with him til the end.  As for Shizuka, she’s still a freaking gorgeous source of reason who isnt without her fun little embarrassing quirks.  Sure she’s always in research and prepare mode but that doesn’t mean she cant get flustered at not being able to drive or swooning over a super nice looking RV that she likes even if it doesn’t meet her survival goal expectations.  Akira’s in good company and his chances of making it to his completed 100 bucket list looks even more in reach than before.
Akira did get put into a couple of situations that challenged his happy go lucky mindset.  Like I said, the dude isnt blind to the chaos and death around him and this week he got to see it up close and personal.  His pleasant encounter with Flight Attendant Yukari was very nice but sadly tragic as while she does get zombified, she encourages Akira to remember his childhood dream and follow through on it.  Apparently said dream is to become a Deku meets Super Sentai Style Superhero with a special suit that can withstand Zombie bites (but not the pain that comes with getting your arms chomped on sadly).  It’s a little crazy but Akira’s not taking “No you cant” for an answer…within reason thankfully.  Somehow seeing Akira going all in without a plan is one of the reasons Shizuka decides to give him her contact info, even she’s impressed with his boldness in the face of the impossible. 
This weeks set actually ends on a cliffhanger as Zom 100 goes full on Walking Dead with Akira being forced to face Kosugi, his former abusive Boss who has lost none of his nastiness in the face of the Zombie Hordes.  And before anyone says I’m picking on the Walking Dead again, the dude is barking orders and threats with a bat while making Zombies do hard labor (with even Akira looking to be degrading to their state by the final shot of the set), yes this is easily Walking Dead territory.  You could argue that Akira shouldn’tve caved into Mr. Large and In Charge again so soon but this is also a test of how much he’s had to put up with and just how much more he’s willing to take before he finally lets Kosugi have it in full.  And trust me, I hope we get to see Akira lead the revolution against this asshat he probably wishes he could have back at his old job, he deserves the satisfaction.
BTW are we sure Bug Films isnt a subsidiary of Trigger because the sheer balls to the wall action and visuals is very Trigger like.  From the multi colored Zombie blood to the changing of various animation styles while Akira and Shizuka battled that multilimbed Zombie Shark, has all the crazy manic energy of Kill La Kill or even Trigger precursor Gurren Lagaan.  Also yes, I said Zombie Shark, how is that not something Trigger wouldn’t animate after a fever dream.  Point is, Bug Films is nailing the look of this show, helping it stand out from the Zombie packs.  This set also gets bonus points for including a gas tanker truck being driven by a Zombie Truck Driver with a Dog while eating a burger.  That’s straight out of the beginning of Resident Evil 2 and that got a chuckle and applause from me, good reference.
Zom 100 is 2 for 2 right now with its episode sets thanks to piling on the bonkers situations Akira and his friends can get into.  Plus we’ve got Akira’s ultimate test (for now) that will hopefully get a satisfying conclusion next week.  Cant help but get the feeling with all the ground the show wants to cover we may end up with another High School of the Dead unfinished deal.  That might come down to the series finale but we’re nowhere near there yet.  Looking forward to Akira hopefully starting a revenge revolution when we return to Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Next Monday right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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