Monday, October 7, 2024

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead-Part 1 Episodes 1-3

For three years, Akira Tendo has wasted away at his dead end job with few breaks and no future in sight.  So when he awakens one morning to find Tokyo infested with Zombies and he realizes that he wont have to go to work anymore, Akira celebrates his new found freedom by creating a list of things he’d like to do before he becomes one of the living dead.  Chill out around the apartment, do some day drinking, learn how to ride a motorcycle?  Nothing is off limits so long as you don’t get bit.  It’s the end of the world but for Akira Tendo, it’s the vacation he’s sorely needed for three years and he’s gonna live it up.

Welcome to another October here at the Gundam Anime Corner and this year we’re taking a look at a surprisingly refreshing twist on the Zombie genre.  Zom 100 made immediate waves when it debuted in 2023 and, having seen bits of the pilot at Otakon that year, I can see why.  This isnt being presented as your typical survival horror title.  Sure there are plenty of the genres tropes still present (it’s kind of tough to do a straight forward comedy of such a nightmarish event).  Zom 100 still wants to joke about those tropes while still being honest and presenting a more optimistic POV on a world overrun by Zombies.  It’s still scary at times, its still hard hitting.  But damn if this isnt set to be one of the best feel good Zombie tales ever told.  Let’s hop into it then.
The very first episode is one of the best Pilot Episodes I’ve ever seen in an Anime ever.  It’s animation is brilliant, showing the slow degradation of Akira’s mental state to the point where he might as well be a Zombie, shuffling around in black and white film grain.  But when the spark ignites within him and he realizes that this sudden apocalyptic event has become the best thing to ever happen to him, wow the color literally explodes onto the page, quite literally when Zombie start spilling multi colored paints for blood.  The rush of excitement is infectious and you’re immediately on board with wanting to feel as refreshed and wide eyed as Akira has become.  It’s a nice change of pace from the normal dour and depressing projects from the Zombie genre while also not trying to replicate the “rule of cool” Zombie slaughterfest that is High School of the Dead.
In terms of Akira’s mentality in this world changing scenario: on the one hand though, it’s also a sign of a major mental breakdown but on the other: Akira isnt living in denial either.  No there are moments where Akira sees that others aren’t as carefree or safe as he is.  Heck even he’s aware he isn’t safe from potentially turning into one of the undead.  Again, this is where Zom 100 does things differently.  Rather than wallowing in despair and waiting for the inevitable, Akira decides to do what he feels he hasn’t been able to do at work for three years: live.  Hence the titular Bucket List of what he’d like to do before he becomes a Zombie. And he’s passing on that same vibe to others, such as his best friend Kenichiro, or Kencho, who Akira risks a rescues trip just so he can apologize for not heeding Kenichiro’s advice about getting out of his dead end job.  We all probably wish we could be as wide eyed and cheerful as this guy when Zombie start flooding the streets.  Honestly, seeing him sit naked with an equally naked Kencho (he lost his clothes trying to perform a joke), is as zen as you can get at a time like this.
To contrast Akira’s let’s go live life to the fullest mind set, we have Shizuka.  She’s beautiful, rocking a cute work out wardrobe, and she’s complete opposite of Akira.  She plans, she studies, she’s all about figuring out the best ways to make it through the hellscape Tokyo has become.  She’s doing pretty well for herself too.  But much like with Kencho, Akira’s arrival has clearly had an effect on Shizuka.  She’s taking the Zombie Apocalypse as seriously as any normal person should.  However, Akira’s pretty far from normal, happily skipping down the aisle of a convenience store to get some beer for day drinking while cleaning his apartment.  Shizuka’s got the right idea about priotizing safety…buuuut maybe she can also learn to stop and smell the roses before its too late.  Also, she’s just plain gorgeous and a date with her should be on anyones Zombie Survival List of things to do.
The last bit of the premiere I’ll talk about is the introduction of another character Akira doesn’t directly interact with: Shou.  It looks like he runs a pleasure club that’s acting as a safe have for survivors, where Kencho happens to be held up.  Shou and his staffs last stand (for most of them) against the Zombie hordes is as close to High School of the Dead as Zom 100 has gotten so far.  For as different as Zom wishes to be from that other fun Zombie romp, wont lie, I kind of wanted to see more of it.  Shou seems like a good guy, comforting a young girl whose lost parents to the disasters outside, before walking into battle to protect who he can.  It’s inspiring and I’m glad Akira’s quick thinking with the car horn saved his life by drawing the Zombies away.  I’m all for the feel good messages and comedy but if Shou’s gonna provide some action, I’m here for that too.
Whod’ve thunk the Zombie Apocalypse would make for the ultimate holiday?  Zom 100 has and it’s here to break all the rules and tropes.  Akira is here to spread the word that it’s not just about survival, it’s about living and doing what you want when you want cause that opportunity might never come again.  It’s bright, it’s colorful, it’s a way less depressing slough than the Walking Dead and I’m here for more and hopefully you are too.  See you Next Monday for more Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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