Friday, October 11, 2024

FIF#218-Kaiju No.8

When Kaiju threaten the city, the Japansese Defense Force is there to save the day.  When the battle is won, that’s when Kafka Hibino comes in.  His job is to clean up after the Kaijju’s are dead and it’s not the most glamorous job.  Long dreaming of joining the ranks of those who kill the Monsters, Kafka finds an in when he accidentally injests a mysterious bug that transfroms him into a human sized Kaiju.  Forced to lead two different lives, Kafka puts his newfound powers to the test while trying to prove he’s worthy to stand alongside the best of the JDF, especially his childhood friend and the JDF’s best fighter, Mina Ashiro
When I think of Humans battling Kaiju, my first thoughts go right to Giant Robots as the most effective weapons against them.  After all, how else are you going to handle skyscraper sized monsters otherwise?  It looks like Kaiju No.8 is looking to answer that question and even expand upon aspect of the Kaiju fighting business that are seldom explored.  Add in a nice dose of humor and some gross out gore courtesy of Production IG and I can see why this has become a bit of a favorite in 2024.
The most fascinating aspects of Kaiju No.8’s first episode is the look at the two divisions in the war against Kaiju’s: the offense and the clean up crew.  Like I said, there’s no sign of any mecha to pummel the monsters so it begs the question how humans are handling the threat in this universe.  Simple, pack some hot 20 somethings into skintight power suits and give them some high powered guns.  It brings up memories of Attack on Titan seeing the Japanese Defense Force Third Division zip around their Kaiju adversarives while the beautiful poster girl (literally) Mina Ashiro, gets in a solid kill shot.  It’s kind of nice seeing Humanity use more than just mecha to solve their problems (cant believe I just write that sentence).  Then there’s the clean up crew and man, oh man, they might be the true heroes of this world.  Having to go in and carve up dead Kaiju for various means isnt easy and they go into great detail about the work they do, even going into the places no man should ever have to see (or smell). 
As for the characters, eh theyre fine.  Kafka’s likeable enough though you’re still not sure why he isnt working alongside Mina like he’s always wanted.  Dude’s a hard worker and a team player, seen when he both coaches newbie Ichikawa and saves his life from a surprise Kaiju attack.  He’s got the heart of a defender, so why’s he cleaning up dead Kaiju doody?  Thankfully it looks like he’s gonna get his time to shine (in a manner of speaking) now that he’s a Kaiju who looks a lot like Ichigo’s Final Hollow form from Bleach (also Shonen heroes inheriting powers from swallowing some kind of evil object?  I feel like Jujutsu Kaisen’s starting a disgusting fetish/hero trope). Ichiwawa has some good chemistry with Kafka and seems like an OK guy.  As for Mina, besides knowing she’s a second to none Kaiju slayer, we don’t spend too much time with her outside of that and a couple of flashbacks to Kafkas childhood.  A lot mustve happened to turn that determined little girl into a grown up Ice Queen always at the ready.  Still, being a girl of few words I can see her becoming a heartthrob for Anime fans everywhere.  And yeah, of course she looks good in the suit but personality goes a long way, just sayin.
The first episode of Kaiju No.8 is a fascinating presentation of the bad ass takedowns of Kaiju’s and the struggles that follow to clean up the bloody and disgusting mess left behind.  Production I.G.s’ clearly in the zone with all the bloody carnage and crazy action.  And the twist with Kafka at the end continues to add to the uniqueness of this Kaiju anime outing.  Might be worth exploring a bit long if only to see what he does with this newfound power and if Mina can be a bit more than just the sexy Poster Girl for Kaiju exterminators.

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