Wednesday, July 31, 2024

T5W#468-Top 5 Classic Sailor Moon Villains Done Dirty by Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal

Sailor Moon Crystal barely scrapped by to a mid tier score thanks to the improvements of Season Three. That doesn’t mean it still redeemed for the mountain of mistakes and mishandlings of the legacy of Usagi Tsukino and her fellow Sailor Senshi.  There’ll be plenty of time for a more thorough breakdown once we get to Sailor Moon Cosmos in November (maybe even a Top 10 special?).  Today for the last of our Month long Sailor Moon Top 5 Wedndesday’s, I’m looking at one of the more frequent missteps of the new series: the Villains.  Now not every villain from the 90s Anime was perfect (looking at you An & Ail and the Amazon Trio) but most of them were immensely entertaining and a genuine threat to the Senshi.  Just how did the reboot manage to reduce them all to mere two dimensional letdowns?  Let’s find out as I count down the Top 5 Classic Sailor Moon Villains Done Dirty by Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal.
Eudial is one of the funniest and craziest antagonists from Sailor Moon S and set a high bar for the rest of the Witches 5 to follow.  Her plans of the week were simple but she excelled in her over the top execution of said plans, which usually started with her taking her Initial D Car at top speed to reach her targets and flee just as quickly once a lack of Heart Crystal was confirmed.  However, she like the rest of the Witches 5 were reduced to mere Villains of the Week to be wiped out pretty easily by the Senshi, both Inner and Outer.  Ironically, only Eudial and Mimmete got any real screentime compared to their other Witches who were killed in rapid succession in Sailor Moon S just to get to the finale.

#4-The Spectre Sisters
These four Siblings were the standout stars of Sailor Moon R.  They made for a nice anti Senshi team and even went head to head with Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in awesome team deathmatches.  What makes them truly stand out were their redemption arcs as their rival Senshi managed to bring them over to the side of good and show that even those on the wrong path can be steered in the right direction.  But Sailor Moon Crystal isnt about such things (save for Hotaru but that’s a different case).  No in Crystal, all villains are evil and need to be taken care of swiftly.  Much like the Witches 5, all of the Spectres are taken out one after another as Monsters of the Week and little else. 

#3-The Four Kings
These guys are the four OGs who tormented the Senshi all the way back in their debut season in 1992.  While Jadite might’ve been light on character, his fellow generals: Nephrite, Zoicite and Kunzite all had solid story arcs that made them fun to follow.  While they aren’t brought down to the level of easily dispatched Villains of the Week, the Four Kings arguably get it worse of any grouping in Sailor Moon Crystal.  Rather than being stone cold evil, Crystal throws in a an unnecessary wrench by making these four the former counterparts of the Senshi who served Prince Endymion..and were apparently also the love interests of the Inner SenshI?  Not only does all of this come at viewers at the last second but it feels just…ugh, wrong.  This was a pretty bad benchmark for any villains to follow in Sailor Moon Crystal…and save for one they didn’t get much better.

#2-Professor Tomoe
This shadowy figure was scary and intimidating as heck in Sailor Moon S.  Mostly seen in his dark laboratory with his glowing white glasses, Horatu’s father maniacally envisioned plan after plan usually while enjoying some kind of extracurricular activity, like working out on an exercise bike.  This dark humor was surprisingly welcome and Tomoe’s unpredictability made his next appearance all the more exciting.   Plus there’s the whole he sacrificed his soul to save Hotaru’s life and became the envoy of the Death Busters.  Season Three of Sailor Moon Crystal erases all of this in favor of a one note, generic bad guy who’s evil to the core and only thinks of his ailing daughter as the ultimate science experiment.  It makes him so boring compared to the tragic figure he was in the original series who managed to get an actual happy ending for himself and Hotaru.

#1-Queen Nehelenia
She’s my favorite villainess in all of Sailor Moon and the main nemesis of my favorite arc of the original series…the one that showed us Sailor Moon SuperS could have just been a movie but I’m not here to rant about that.  Nehelenia has one of the closest and arguably most personal connections to Usagi’s past life, making her the ultimate nemesis, a darker side of Sailor Moon that could have been Princess Serenity.  Such depth and complexity made her appearance and usage in Sailor Moon Eternal all the more groan worthy.  Personally, if her story had been edited differently, the setup of her beef with Usagi could be perfect.  However, Nehelenia simply feels less like Usagi’s ultimate foe and more like the standard one off Villainess of a Magical Girl Anime Movie, a true waste of one of Sailor Moons best baddies ever.

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