Monday, July 8, 2024

Sailor Moon Crystal Part 3 Episodes 9-14

In making the ultimate sacrifice to save Usagi, Mamoru falls under the sway of the Dark Kingdom.  With their final battle close at hand, Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako travel to the Moon, where the remains of the Moon Kingdom stand.  But the truth about their past isnt the only thing waiting for them.  The Sailor Senshi find themselves facing off one more time with Queen Beryl and her Four Kings.  What’s worse, Mamoru has also become one of their most powerful warriors.  Can Usagi keep history from repeating herself and save the world, her friends and her love?

There were a number of times watching this final act in the First Season of Sailor Moon Crystal where I couldn’t help but groan and proclaim, “OH FOR F***s SAKE!!!”  Things have not been good for this reboot for several episodes and believe it or not, it hasn’t gotten any better.  Any praise I had for certain things earlier on were so far from my mind here.  Instead of an epic final battle to rival the ending of the original series First Season, we get a depressing and infuriating finale on par with that of the end of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars.  And when much of my criticism rests with the star of the show herself, you know something is very, very wrong but cause it’s not impossible but it is very difficult for me to give Usagi a hard time.  But here we are.
Let’s start with Minako.  Remember when I was kind of impressed with her more serious introduction, that it seemed the show might do her right with some much needed early direction and a more clearly defined role as veteran Senshi?  Yeah, you can toss that praise in the trash.  Minako is now less the girl with the most experience as a Senshi and now the Queen of Exposition.  So much of her dialogue sounds like someones reading off a Wiki page, especially her recap of the tragic romance between Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion and the Fall of the Moon Kingdom.  This could have easily been given to Queen Serenity when the girls met her on the Moon as she goes into her own separate account of the same events.  But no, Minako has to have her exposition dump moment because otherwise she’d be in the same state she was in the original series: just kind of there.  You know what though?  I miss that Minako, the fun loving, ditzy, boy crazy ball of energy even if she didn’t have a true character arc until the last season of the original Anime.  Honestly, that wasn’t the last time I was yearning for the good old days of sitting through a 200 episode series instead of this botched rush job.
Next up is the Four Kings.  Last time I hinted that the show was teeing them up for a big reveal that I knew I was going to hate: well tee off time was here.  Turns out, Jadite, Nephrite, Zoicite and Kunzite used to be Endymion’s equivalent of the Sailor Senshi on Earth AND they also just happened to be the love interests of the Senshi.  Why is this a thing?  It’s even more mind boggling because none of the girls remember these guys from their past life.  Only Minako does, because again Exposition Queen.  Her attempts to get through to Kunzite made me roll my eyes.  Maybe if we’d seen them encounter each other in a flashback during Minako’s Sailor V days, maybe I could buy them as a pairing.  But then why pair up Rei, Ami and Mako with the other three?  To not have them feel so left out?  If this is why the Four Kings were all being kept alive instead of being offed one after the other by Beryl or the Senshi then wow what a waste of time this little forced revelation was (they don’t even survive the final battle and I doubt the girls or the show will be losing much sleep over them…also, seeing Rei, Ami and Mako weep over the guys they barely knew once theyd been killed off is one of my least favorite moments of the Season Finale).
And now, for easily the worst part of this trainwreck of a Season Finale: Usagi and Mamoru.  I already talked about how quickly the two were pushed together without much resistance or pause for concern.  Crystal has, up until now, treated Sailor Moon’s flagship romance as a true fairy tale affair, just without the magic it thinks it has.  Well the finale flips the fairy tale on its head and changes things up to a more…tragic state of affairs.  In fact, the show goes full on Romeo and Juliet with Usagi and Mamoru not once but twice (once in a flashback to the Moon Kingdom and the second in the present when Usagi kills herself rather than live in a world without Mamoru).  That latter part almost made me scream in fury.  Usagi Tsukino is romantic through and through.  But even after she lost her friends (several times) and even Mamoru, she never gave up hope and just laid down and died in the original series.  The end of the 90s Anime First Season basically completed Usagi’s evolution from constant crybaby to perfectly capable Superheroine and Champion.  Here, Crystal does the unthinkable and turns one of Anime’s most beloved and iconic Magical Girls into a shell of what she normally is.  This is an Usagi who gives up multiple times rather than hold onto hope that somehow, everything will work out.  Even if she somehow pulled out the win in the end, I cant say that was my Usagi Tsukino I was watching on screen.  My Usagi is way better than this.
I’m not done with Mamoru btw.  The boring block of wood with no character or urgency was turned into a psychotic maniac by Queen Beryl and Queen Metalia and set upon the Senshi.  Everytime there was a close up on his “evil” grin, Mamoru was begging to be punched.  It’s hard to believe that while he was a villain for a much shorter time compared to the original Anime, Mamoru was even more despicable.  And you can argue all you want about the brainwashing.  If he was that deeply in love with Usagi, we’d see some signs that he was fighting it his own way rather than us just watching him brutally attack her and her friends.  Instead he just looks excited to inflict pain on her or anyone…Jesus this guy is messed up.  Mamoru was already a douchebag to begin with before but THIS is the guy Usagi would rather die over than live without?  God Crystal somehow made this “romance” even worse than before.
Probably the only praise I’m willing to give these six episodes are a couple of scenes.  The first is when the girls visit Usagi and her hair has grown to Rapunzel level lengths because of her exposure to the Silver Crystal.  Seeing Ami, Rei, Mako and Minako all tend to her, cutting and brushing Usagi’s signature doo back to it’s normal form is a moment this season needed more of: the girls just hanging out like this, not just pilled around an arcade machine or Luna’s secret command center discussing danger and missions.  The second is seeing Usagi take down Queen Beryl with a sword she received from the Moon.  Beryl didn’t really amount to much in the end, just like everyone else in this series so far.  Still, it was somehow cool to see Sailor Moon use a sword to fell an opponent, it’s honestly probably the most bad ass thing she does in the entire finale really.
Sailor Moon Crystal’s First Season ends on a pretty bad note.  Whereas Season One of the 90s Anime ended triumphantly with heartbreaking sacrifices and an exceptional showcase of Usagi’s indomitable spirit, Crystal reduces Usagi to a blubbering mess who cant do anything without Mamoru (or against him when he’s attacking her and her friends).  It was so hard watching the Sailor Senshi being treated so poorly I couldn’t believe I was hating watching Sailor Moon again for the first time since Sailor Moon SuperS.  To make matters worse, Chibiusa does appear briefly to segue us into the next arc…and given how poorly Crystal’s handled everyone else so far I feel like even one of my favorite characters from the original series isnt going to be safe from some good old character assassination.  One arc down, two more to go.  But hey, at least they’re skipping the Doom Tree right?  Let’s see if Sailor Moon Crystal can redeem itself from this debacle when we return to it on Friday right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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