Monday, July 29, 2024

Sailor Moon Crystal Part 9 Episodes 35-39

With Chibiusa’s life hanging in the balance, the Inner and Outer Senshi unite for a final assault on Mugen Academy, headquarters of the Death Busters.  But can even the combined might of eight Sailor Senshi stand against the most powerful darkness they’ve ever faced?  And when the long prophesied harbinger of destruction, Sailor Saturn, finally awakens, will she choose to adhere to her title or choose another path?  Whatever the choice, Usagi Tsukino presses forward, determined to save the world no matter what it takes.

To say that Sailor Moon Crystal has been a challenge would be an understatement.  But after two seasons of Anime’s top Magical Girl getting the dark and depressing reboot treatment, Season Three has really surprised me with how much its gotten right even though it isnt close to fulfilling a new age Sailor Moons full potential.  The last two review within this season have had more highs than the usual lows, which makes the need for the season to close out the series strong all the more imperative.  Well, there are a few problems with Crystal overall I haven’t delved that deep into as opposed to others and some of those are highlighted clearly in these final few episodes.  As far as three season finales go, this one is the best but its both not saying much and also it would be sad if Crystal made it 0-3 in the successful finales department.  I feel like I’m being cryptic.  Does Season Three of Sailor Moon Crystal wrap up the overall series as best it can or does it slump back to the lows of its two prior season predecessors?
The final five episodes of Sailor Moon Crystal are essentially one big last battle against the Death Busters.  Most of their remaining numbers are taken out pretty easily all things considered.  Kaolinite even resurrects the Witches 5 for a pretty pointless return only for them to be obliterated quickly by the Outer Senshi not long before she and Professor Tomoe are also taken off the board.  It’s pretty disappointing to see Pharoh 90’s Third and Fourth top members have the same lackluster imagination when it comes to their blob like true forms.  It’s even more disappointing to see Professor Tomoe is a far cry from his 90s counterpart.  Instead of a father desperate to save his dying daughter make a deal with the devil, Crystal’s version is just a nutjob who would do anything to further his scientific research, including infusing his dying daughter with an evil entity and making her part Cyborg.  It makes Usagi’s take down of him a bit less impactful than it should.  Yes, Usagi is forced to take his life to save Uranus.  But were this Tomoe enslaved and pleading for Usagi to save him and Hotaru, then it would be a challenging moment.  But Hotaru’s Dad was not a good man, he might’ve been even more of a Monster before actually becoming a Death Buster.  So much like the Death Busters overall, Usagi shouldn’t lose sleep over them.  (Still, RIP my beautiful Kaolinite, I’ll miss watching you sit sexily by your fountain). 
Thankfully in a series full of letdown interpretations of classic villains, Mistress 9 more than impressed the heck out of me…in fact she downright scared the mess out of me.  Thanks to a ton of extreme close ups of red eyes wandering in different directions and a voice that was only becoming more and more demented in each scene, Mistress 9 brought the terror and nightmare fuel.  Seeing her more and more unhinged was pretty unsettling but its way more of an impression than any other villain in Crystal.  Plus it made Hotaru struggling against her dark side even more of an investment.  Hotaru felt like more of a principal player in this finale than she did back in Sailor Moon S, giving her all not once but twice to save the world, even if the second time almost ended in her destroying it.  Her farewell to Chibiusa was heartbreaking and another strong character moment for the littlest Sailor Senshi.  Even if we didn’t see them together that much (more on that later), Chibiusa and Hotaru did gain a lot of strength in their friendship.  This was most evident in Chibiusa channeling the best of Usagi as everyone faced off against impossible odds against Pharoh 90.
As much as I’ve criticized how she’s been written this entire series, Usagi really became her old 90s bad ass self in the Crystal Finale.  She was tested but rarely faltered and was willing to give it all to save the world.  Her big sacrifice felt more earned and right for her instead of just killing herself because she couldn’t be in a world without Mamoru like in Season One of Crystal.  We also got to see Usagi show off how agile she is in several of her various fights, especially her showdown with Tomoe.  This is the Sailor Moon I’ve wanted to see all series long.  Sadly, the same cant be said for everyone else.  I haven’t said much about it but while the Inner Senshi have gotten time to shine in battle, overall they haven’t done much more than just be there for battles and the expositional group huddle.  It’s not just Season Three either, it’s been the whole show.  Rei, Ami, Mako and Minako seem to do even less in the Season Three Finale than in Season Two, so much so you wonder why they’re even in the show at all.  Heck, Usagi is quickly placed with the Outer Senshi instead of her main team when they invade Mugen Academy.  It bares shades of how fast the 90s Sailor Moon Finale got rid of the Inner Senshi just so Usagi could have more time with the Sailor Starlights.  There have been good bits among the girls throughout this season though but again, this is where a shortened run really hampers and does a disservice to the overall show.
I also feel as if the Series Finale dragged itself out longer than necessary.  I feel like we could have shaved 1.5-2 episodes of runtime down or maybe dedicated it to a more important story element other than the Outer Senshi regaling us with how Usagi’s changed them or Professor Tomoe’s backstory shoehorned in at the last minute before his demise.  Again, having the Witches 5 back was pointless and we could have just jumped to everyone fighting Kaolinite and Tomoe.  By the time we get to Saturn almost ready to unleash the apocalypse, I kind of wanted the finale to be over and done with rather than watch the Inner and Outer Senshi and Mamoru lament that they’ve lost for good…also why the heck was Mamoru even here?  Useless as always, he unleashes his Smoke Bomb attack with the Senshi in their one big attack scene and that’s all.  Overall, the finale did go dark and big with how crazy the Pharoh 90 crisis was.  Maybe it lingered on the “all is lost” moments a bit too long rather than let Usagi have her big near sacrifice moment and have her win.  But no, we had to drag that out as if this was a 90s apocalypse movie like X-1999.
Overall, Season Three of Sailor Moon Crystal ends about as well as it can given what it had to work with and against.  The characters felt closer to their original selves, Usagi in particular was much stronger in her portrayal.  The Outer Senshi were better than in Sailor Moon S but Haruka’s implied romantic feelings for Usagi overshadowed her iconic romance with Sailor Neptune (we get to see her kiss Usagi but never Michiru?  That’s just wrong).  The reasonings for why the Outer Senshi work how they do never came off as antagonistic as before and I welcomed the two teams being on a more even keel.  The Death Busters suffered like the Dark Kingdom and Black Moon before them.  Mistress 9 brought the crazy and scary though, giving us the most memorable villain of the rebooted series (still got that soft spot for the sexy Kaolinite even if she didn’t do much).  The Finale gave us the Sailor Moon this show has needed for a while now, powered by her trust in her friends and not soley on her terrible romance with Mamoru and some of the best moments were when future Mother and Daughter were spitting images of the other in battle.  Season Three was a major improvement but how does it affect the final score of Sailor Moon Crystal?
Sigh.  Even with the better strides made by Season Three, this isnt a case of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ coming in halfway and cleaning up its act big time.  I can see why Sailor Moon Crystal isnt as beloved as the original series and is widely talked about in a mostly negative light.  The animation starts out horrid but while it does get better, it’s the least of the shows problems when stacked against the bad writing for Usagi, the overreliance on her romance with Mamoru (and making it more tragic than fairy tale), the lakc of any development for the most of the Sailor Senshi except for Chibiusa and Pluto (and even her progression stops after Season Two), lackluster villains and just a general disinterest in revisiting or improving on what make Sailor Moon such a legend in the first place.  Even Season Three for all it does work to fix has the same faults as Season One and Two, it’s just slightly more enjoyable.  This feels like a project that wanted to emulate the darker approach to Magical Girls like with Madoka Magica and when that wasn’t well received, it tried major damage control but the damage was done and done.  Honestly, it's surprising that the Dead Moon Circus and Sailor Starlights arcs even got the go ahead but we’ll get to those in time.  As it stands, Sailor Moon Crystal manages to scrape its way past Sailor Moon SuperS and not be the worst entry in the franchise…it’ll still settle for second worst (it really should thank Season Three for even getting it to that spot).
Sailor Moon Crystal receives a 5/10 (which actually ties it with Sailor Moon S: The Movie but I’d def place that movie above this show).
But the ride aint over yet.  While we’ll have to wait a bit longer for the Sailor Starlights to return, it’s time to see if this newer Sailor Moon can take the aforementioned worst season of the franchise and make it better…as a two part movie.  Check back Wednesday as we look at both parts of Sailor Moon Eternal, right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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