Wednesday, July 3, 2024

T5W#464-Top 5 Changes I Wanna See in Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal/Cosmos

Usagi Tsukino has made her return to the Gundam Anime Corner and we’re going to be spending the whole month of July with Sailor Moon and her friends with Sailor Moon Crystal.  It’s been a few months since I concluded my year long look at the original 90s series, looking over its highs, lows and Sailor Moon SuperS.  While we’ve started dipping our toes into Crystal, there’s still plenty I hope the show can improve on from its previous iteration of Usagi and the Sailor Senshi.  We’ve already seen the Senshi starting to assemble a bit faster, so what else can happen?  That’s the topic of todays Top 5 Wendesday (the first of what I hope is a full month of Sailor Moon themed lists), these are the Top 5 Changes I Wanna See in Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal/Cosmos.
#5-Do we have to have Chibiusa fall for Pegasus Again? (Sailor Moon Eternal)
While I don’t hold the relationship between Usagi and Mamoru in the highest regards, the only romance I cant stand more in Sailor Moon is the one between Chibiusa and Pegasus.  Much like with the former relationship, there’s no real fault on Chibiusa’s part because she’s asking all the right questions and being a bit more open than she should.  No Pegasus is the problem.  Just like Mamoru, he speaks in riddles or isnt clear about his intentions and his common tactic of keeping things to himself typically leads to Chibiusa getting hurt in some way.  I know Sailor Moon Eternal covers this particular arc of the Anime so I doubt axing this entire stupid first romance for Chibiusa is gonna happen.  But a man can dream though, right?  Like Usagi, Chibiusa deserves beter.

#4-Give Venus a bigger role (Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal/Cosmos)
Of the original quintet of Sailor Senshi, Sailor Venus always struck me as the odd one out.  While Usagi, Rei, Ami and Mako all had well defined and plotted character arcs, Minako was just kind of around without much direction.  She did finally settle on wanting to become a world renowned Idol in Sailor Moon Sailor Stars but that was after 5 seasons of aimless wandering and so-so comic relief.  Crystal can rectify this and hopefully beef up Minako’s overall role within the Senshi.  After all, as Sailor V, she was fighting the Dark Kingdom before Usagi even awoke to her powers.  She’s got experience on her side and should lend some of that knowledge and wisdom to the team.  I’ve always felt bad for not liking Minako the same as I do the other girls.  Come on Crystal, make me like her better.

#3-Make Sailor Uranus and Neptune Likeable (Sailor Moon Crystal)
My biggest criticism of Sailor Moon S were the star attractions and everyones favorite Sailor Moon power couple, Uranus and Neptune.  For an entire season they were disrespectful, arrogant, selfish and just generally unpleasant to Usagi and the Inner Senshi.  They eventually got better by Sailor Stars but damn they were stagnant in their first appearance.  Crystal can change this by dialing back the over dramatic and unfriendly air of Haruka and Michiru and showing there’s more to like about them beyond just being the bad ass Queens of the Sailor Moon Ships.

#2-A Better Ending (Sailor Moon Cosmos)
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars was almost as perfect a season as Sailor Moon came close to…and then the finale happened.  After a season of well balanced drama and fun adventure, the final episodes of the series went for a full on bleak and depressing conclusion.  Sure Sailor Moon still won but the road to get there was needlessly dark and left me wondering if anything had been won at all.  The ending needs an overhaul, big time.  First, don’t wipe the Inner Senshi off the map so easily just to prove how strong Galaxia is.  Second, don’t make it just all about Usagi and the Sailor Starlights, spread the hard work around the cast.  Third, don’t extend the fight just to keep upping the stakes.  We get it, it’s the grand finale, doesn’t mean it needs to take an eternity that makes us feel less and less hopeful that Usagi will make it.  Oh and definitely make Galaxia more interesting beyond her visually impressive wardrobe.

#1-Lose the Makai Tree and the Amazon Trio (Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal)
Besides the end of Sailor Stars, the two things I hated most about the original run of Sailor Moon were the Makai Tree filler arc that started Sailor Moon R and the bulk of Sailor Moon SuperS.  The Makai Tree Arc lasted longer than needed and it’s main threats, the twins An and Ail were boring as heck.  As for the Amazon Trio, they may be the thing I truly hate the most about Sailor Moon in general.  Their plots are the same and are all sick, twisted and aimed at younger targets so often these three need to be on a damn watchlist.  Crystal and Eternal (which probably cover both Sailor Moon R and SuperS) would do better than to just leave these two atrocities out of the mix.  Have Crystal just jump right into the Black Moon Arc and have SuperS skip right to the Amazoness Quartet, aka the better villains of SuperS.  BUT If they Amazon Trio does have to pop in…girls wipe them out fast and make it hurt.

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