Wednesday, July 17, 2024

T5W#466-Top 5 Sailor Moon Ships

Now I know Ive been ragging on Sailor Moon Crystal a lot since it started but come on, it’s bad and you cant blame me for feeling like the best Magical Girl in the genre isn’t getting her due.  Today on Top 5 Wednesday, however, I’m gonna take a break from bashing Crystal to focus on something a lot more fun: Fan Shipping.  We all do it no matter the series and we gnaw our teeth supe hard waiting for the powers that be to hear our prayers.  Now obviously, the couplings in Sailor Moon are well set in stone.  That doesn’t mean I cant share who I think should end up together or who would be a better match for certain characters *COUGH COUGH USAGI COUGH*.  So today, Dear Readers, I present my Top 5 Sailor Moon Ships.
#5-Chibiusa and Hotaru
Much like her mother, Chibiusa doesn’t have the best luck when it comes to suitors.  Pegasus/Helios keeps secrets from her althroughout Sailor Moon SuperS right up until everything goes to hell and Chibiusa’s life is at stake.  On the flipside, I think Hotaru is a more fun pair up for my favorite Junior Senshi.  The pair have an instant and deep connection that only grows more so as their time in Sailor Moon S goes on.  Chibiusa is pivotal in restoring Hotaru’s heart, freeing her from Mistress 9 and awakening her Sailor Saturn persona.  Plus Hotaru being terrified of the secrets she keeps us much more understandable than Helios just being a pain in the ass.

#4-Minako and Yaten
Given how love/boy crazy Minako is (she is the Senshi of Love after all), it’s amazing she never finds a long term love interest like Usagi and Rei.  But who in the world could prove worthy of this energetic fashion Queen?  Well, is it out there to say Yaten?  Arguably the most distant and quiet member of the Sailor Stars, Yaten is fiercely dedicated to their comrades, their mission and their guise of being a pop idol.  Since Minako settles on that goal in Sailor Stars, she should be the one to pull Yaten out of their shell while also learning how to achieve her dreams with Yaten as her coach? 

#3-Usagi and Rei
If anyone deserves a better love interest, it’s Usagi.  I’m not gonna go into another full on Mamoru rant but there are so many others worthy of her love and attention who can give it back in full and then some.  One of the top candidates is Rei.  Usagi and her fellow Sailor Senshi go through a lot when it comes to their friendship started like frenemies in Season One before becoming confidantes by Sailor Stars.  Usagi and Rei have a lot of close moments and while she does love everyone about equally, it’s clear that if Usagi ever lost Rei, that would hurt her the most.  Plus, Rei clearly cares about Usagi so much she’ll literally bulldoze her way across town to come to her aid if a special whistle is blown.  If that’s not love I don’t know what is.

#2-Ami and Makoto
Ive seen this one pop up a lot across the internet and amongst my friends who are Sailor Moon fans and you know what, I dig it.  Ami’s a quiet bookworm who doesn’t think she’d have time for love or anyone would want to love her.  Mako is a bad ass amazon with incredible strength and height that makes her look imposing and intimidating to everyone.  However, you never get any of that when these two are together.  It’s clear Ami and Mako are each others go to for comfort and advice and it could go deeper than that.  Surprisingly, the one moment that might cement this ship is buried in the abysmal Sailor Moon SuperS when the two share a dance together and look like something out of a fairy tale.

#1-Usagi and Seiya
Even before I ever watched Sailor Stars, this one had been championed by a lot of people I know, including one cosplay and one artist friend of mine.  And you know what, only a couple of episodes into Sailor Moons final season, it just works.  With Mamoru MIA all season, Seiya steps in to fill the void he leaves behind and I buy in less than half of Sailor Stars, Seiyas feelings for Usagi more than Mamoru in the whole damn show.  Seiya is fiercely devoted, unwavering and just plain head over heels in love with Usagi.  They’d even sacrifice their standing with the Sailor Starlights and their mission to help Usagi save the world. I mean come on…Chibiusa could somehow still happen if Mamoru wasn’t her Dad…right?  Help me out here Legendary Silver Crystal.

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