Wednesday, July 24, 2024

T5W#467-Top 5 Outer Sailor Senshi With the Best Attacks

This past Monday we crossed into Season Three of Sailor Moon Crystal.  Since it’s tackling the Death Busters Arc, better known as Sailor Moon S, that means the Outer Senshi are back in play (most of them at the moment).  While the Inner Senshi are hardly bad at their jobs, the Outer Senshi are almost on a whole other level with the kind of bad ass chaos they can bring, sometimes just by showing up and looking stylish (looking at you two Uranus and Neptune).  And just how bad ass are these five Outer Guardians?  On todays Top 5 Wednesday I’ll be ranking the Outers based on the devastation (and versatility) of their attacks: the Top 5 Outer Sailor Senshi With the Best Attacks.  Quick note: since I’ve only just started Season Three of Sailor Moon Crystal (and don’t really like how they’ve handled any of the Senshi except for Chibiusa and Pluto so far), this list will be using observations from the original 90s series as my basis for these rankings.  Whether Crystal improves or lessens the Outer Senshi’s effectiveness, well that remains to be seen.
#5-Sailor Chibimoon
When it comes to character, Chibiusa is easily one of the strongest and best developed of the entire Sailor Moon cast.  The same cant really be said for her attacks.  While she can get a major power boost fighting alongside Sailor Moon (aka her future Mom), Chibimoon’s attacks are mostly relegated to her shooting heart from her mini Moon Wand, which kind of act more as an annoyance than anything dangerous.  If anything, she can provide an effective distraction but Chibimoon still has a long way to go before she can defeat Monsters in one hit like Sailor Moon can.  Plus she is still a kid, so I’m not being super critical, like I said Chibiusa’s still one of my favorites in the entire series.

#4-Sailor Neptune
Neptune and Sailor Mercury’s attacks have a element in common: that of water.  Whereas Mercury has a few offensive but predominantly defensive abilities, Neptune is all about sending the tidal wave at you full force.  On its own, Neptune’s main attack “Deep Submerge” is pretty powerful but its even more so when she and Sailor Uranus combine their signature moves.  Neptune also has her mirror, which enables her to destroy illusions and sometimes the cause of said illusions.  I guess you could file that last bit in with defensive abilities, which does mean she and Mercury are a lot alike in this regard (though Ami still provides more analytical battle data than Michiru).

#3-Sailor Uranus
Uranus is the Sailor Jupiter of the Inner Senshi.  When it comes to raw strength, Haruka can throw down without using her special abilities and can kick some serious ass in hand to hand combat.  When she unleashes her “World Shaking” technique, you can feel the impact and the titular shaking effect when it lands on an opponent.  As I mentioned above, Uranus and Neptune can combine their two attacks into one of the strongest finishing moves in the entire Senshi arsenal.  Plus, Uranus has her trust Star Saber which she doesn’t use as often as she should but when she does, she can cleave through most enemies like they were nothing.

#2-Sailor Pluto
As the Guardian of Space and Time, Sailor Pluto is one of the strongest Senshi in the entire line up.  That pretty much gives her the power of a Goddess but Pluto usually keeps much of that power in check.  After all, if she has to actually stop time, it can cost her very existence.  Despite not having complete control over time itself, Pluto is still super strong and powerful in battle.  Her “Dead Scream” looks like it has an even stronger effect on enemies than Uranus’ World Shaking (and damn she looks hot when she pulls it off).  Like the rest of the Outer Senshi, Pluto also has a physical weapon with her staff that she can use in close quarters.  So if a beauty like Sailor Pluto guards time and space, why is she #2 on this list?  Welllll that’s because…

#1-Sailor Saturn
Sailor Saturn only appears a handful of times in the original Sailor Moon series.  In her first appearance, you can feel immediately that she lives up to the hype Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have given her.  Armed with her Glaive, Sailor Saturn is a Goddess of Destruction, capable of ending the existence of entire planets with a single strike.  It’s quite the opposite of Sailor Moons more life saving super abilities and, like Pluto, Saturn has to keep the impulse to end everything at once in check.  However, even when not using her main weapon as intended, Saturn is still pretty good with her Glaive and honestly, just her mere presence is enough to justify the terror and beauty around her legend.

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