Friday, July 26, 2024

Sailor Moon Crystal Part 8 Episodes 31-34

The looming threat of the Death Busters seems like nothing compared to the brewing storm between two teams of Sailor Senshi.  Revealed as the Outer Senshi, Uranus and Neptune declare they are not Usagi’s allies and don’t hesitate to attack her and her friends.  Meanwhile Chibiusa forms a friendship with the kind but sickly Hotaru, whose Father might have a close connection to the Death Busters.  Everything comes to a head when a showdown between two teams of Sailor Senshi reveals the ultimate power of Sailor Moon…and Hotaru’s true destiny.

Its weird watching this penultimate chapter of Sailor Moon Crystal and actually enjoying it more than ragging on it.  The first two seasons were so horrible in their depictions of Usagi and the rest of the Senshi it was infuriating.  But Season Three’s strides to be better have worked in its favor and there’s a noticeable difference in basically every aspect of the show…well almost every aspect.  There are still drawbacks for cramming everything into a 13 episode run and the show is trying to compensate, albeit not with much success.  Still, this is the first time I think I’ve started a Crystal review and my blood isnt boiling.  Let’s see why that is.
If anyone remembers my review of Sailor Moon S back in May 2023, I was not big on how the Outer Senshi were presented, or more specifically Sailor Uranus and Neptune.  I hated how rude and arrogant they were around the Inner Senshi and couldn’t stand them badmouthing and belitting Usagi, especially during the Season Finale when they chastised Usagi just because she wouldn’t go through with their plan to kill Sailor Saturn and she STILL saved the world.  One of my biggest wishes for Crystal was to see this portrayed differently and better and low and behold, my wish has been heard.  The duo still want the Senshi to stay out of their way because they know they cant agree on how to handle Hotaru.  However, they aren’t being total jerks about it.  Haruka and Michiru actually do realize that despite their different approaches to the Death Busters, they do want to be allies with Usagi and the girls.  Probably my favorite moment from this set was when Usagi transformed into her Queen Serenity mode and instead of being gawked at and dismissed by Uranus and Neptune, the Outer Senshi bowed in respect to their Queen and came clean about everything rather than holding out because “We’re the best, you’re not our Queen and we don’t have to answer to you”.  THIS is what I’ve been looking for in Sailor Moon Crystal all along: taking when didn’t work about the 90s series and making it better, plus improving on what did work in the first place.
The entire Outer Senshi roster ended up making an appearance in this set, and all together in a flashback.  Sailor Pluto made her triumphant return as Setsuna Meioh, a sexy college student studying Particle Physics.  I loved her reunion with Chibiusa, finally being able to hug her and see her in her Junior Senshi form as Chibimoon.  It’s a nice payoff after Chibiusa had attained this form and tearfully couldn’t share it with her friend after Pluto died.  Much of Pluto’s solo chats with the Senshi in the original series are gone as she quickly links up with her fellow Outer Senshis.  And yes, no silhouettes or shadows, Sailor Saturn did appear in a flashback to show off her awesome destructive power as she wiped out not just Uranus, Neptune and Pluto but also Silver Millenium all at once, yikes.  I like that Hotaru’s darker side has been more present in her appearances.  The poor girls fighting a three way battle for her own soul between herself, Sailor Saturn and the latest bad girl incarnation, Mistress 9.  When Mistress 9 does peak out before her full appearance at the end of the set, I got chills, Hotaru looked deranged and dangerous.  Obviously we’re still gonna see Saturn before the series is done, but since Mistress 9 is the last major baddie of the season who can make any kind of an impact, I hope she gets a memorable run.
The full arrival of the Outer Senshi laid out the mission and direction for the rest of Crystal: find Hotaru Tomoe and kill her while also stopping the Death Busters.  Naturally, this causing division between two teams of Sailor Senshi hasn’t changed.  Like I said though, theyre not making the Outers choose this lightly and they know the girls are going to hate them for it.  So I guess it makes sense that when the two teams end up in a Team Deathmatch courtesy of some brainwashing on behalf of the last of the Witches 5, it’s not because the Outers are acting stupid.  What action we did get was pretty decent and it did highlight just how much faster and more impressive the action has been overall in Season Three.  We’ve been getting a lot of combo attacks from Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus, showing off a lot more teamwork than the normal one at a time approach.  But the best bit was seeing Ami leap out of a skyscraper, call out her transformation, land in a pool and burst out ready to kick some serious ass, damn Ami has never looked this bad ass and I love it.  (ok that’s partly a lie, Ami’s always been awesome but the new animation really lets her feel as unleashed as the others). 
However, there are still things I need to pick apart because this is Sailor Moon Crystal.  My biggest gripe is Professor Tomoe.  Gone is the psychotic, grinning genius with white shinning glasses working on various side projects while cackling about his plans and instead he’s just a regular, generic dark figure without any personality.  It’s why I hope Mistress 9 can make an impression because NONE of the villains in Sailor Moon Crystal have been as memorable as their 90s counterparts (sometimes even less so in the case of the Witches 5 who aren’t Eudiel and Mimmete).  There’s little to no depth and little more for villains like Kaolinite to just sit around and talk about their plans and how they haven’t been coming to fruition (though I still enjoy watching Kaolinite just sit around cause God she’s gorgeous).  My other major gripe has to do with Uranus.  Again, she’s better here than in Sailor Moon S but I still see a lot of Seiya Kou’s character arc in her appearances.  Now that she and Usagi know who each other are, Uranus apologizes for being forward and flirty with her and…that’s it?  Was this kind of needless character change necessary if it wasn’t going to go anywhere?  They may call back to it for some reason in the Series Finale but yeah, why doesn’t Uranus stick with Michiru and leave the best romance in the series to Seiya when they arrive in Sailor Moon Cosmos.
Wow, there was more praise in this review than any I’ve done for Crystal yet.  Guess later is better than never but we still need to see if the show can finish strong…and even if it does, it’s still weighed down by the badness of Season One and Two but depending on how things go, I might try to be more fair with the final score.  The stage is teed up for a finale that I’m actually invested in.  We’ll see how Sailor Moon Crystal wraps everything up Next Monday right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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