Friday, July 19, 2024

Sailor Moon Crystal Part 6 Episodes 23-26

The battle for two time periods has begun as the Black Moon Clan prepares for their final assault on both the Past and Future.  Leading their efforts are an aged Chibiusa, now Black Lady.  Reunited with the rest of the Senshi, Usagi desperately tries to reach out to her friend.  But it will take more than kind words and courage to win this ultimate battle and even those who have sworn not to intervene will be forced to step in.

There are moments in the Season Two Finale of Sailor Moon Crystal where I can feel that the show is sometimes trying its darndest to be something special.  It wants me to believe that the Sailor Moon I’m seeing in action is the same one at the end of Sailor Moon R, who took on Nemesis with her daughter at her side and kicked it out of the park.  But no matter how hard it makes the attempt, it can never seem to shake what it’s been doing wrong and how it’s doubled down on it all season long.  When it comes to the actual conclusion of the Black Moon Arc, my prediction of it being on par with the terribleness of Season One’s ending pretty much turned out right.  New situation, same missteps, same lackluster results.  At least Pluto and (mostly) Chibiusa were able to continue outshining the stars of the series…like I said mostly.  Cause oh boy, what they did to Chibiusa, we might as well start there cause I’ve got things to say.
I’ve been an Anime fan for what feels like forever.  I’ve seen all manner of things that excite me and gross me out and things I will never be able to ever unsee.  Black Lady, the grown up evil version of Chibiusa, locking lips with Mamoru (aka HER FATHER!!!) falls squarely in that far end category.  Who’s sick and messed up head ever thought this was a good idea?  And yes, this did happen as a vision in Sailor Moon R and guess what, I hated it then too.  This feels far worse because its shown in real time, not once but twice.  The second time is right in front of Usagi’s eyes and Usagi just reacts like she’s reacted to every other bad thing happening, with the minimal amount of disbelief instead of you know freaking the heck out.  You could argue that this is the Wiseman/Nemesis influencing Black Lady and being a dirty old planet…but how the heck is no one traumatiezed after seeing a grown version of a 6-7/900 year old girl kiss her freaking father?  I swear I was near rage quit levels seeing this happen (TWICE!!!)
Pushing aside that topic that a therapist could make serious bank on, what else was wrong with the end of the Black Moon Arc?  Jeez where to go after the Black Lady debacle?  Maybe Saphir getting taken out as easily as the rest of his fellow Black Moon cohorts?  Maybe Demande going full on psycho and trying to destroy all of time because he cant accept that Neo Queen Serenity/Usagi just isnt into him?  Or how about the fact that Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus don’t do jack other than get subdued and then stand around while Usagi has to save the world without them…again.  Once again, it’s the latter that irks me the most because why are the rest of the girls going to be here when it comes down to Usagi needing Mamoru’s cheerleading to get her powered up to battle a planet with the Silver Crystal?  Whatever happened to the messages of how the best of friends can lift you up and help you conquer any challenge?  Not according to Crystal.  Here, so long as your creepy lover is around and not trying to kill you (yeah Mamoru getting mind controlled to attack Usagi again, it’s hard to tell who’s more the Damsel in Distress between them), that’s all you need.  It’s the worst example of trying to justify “true love” since Twilight.
Plus, the actual destruction of Nemesis felt so dull and boring.  How do you make Sailor Moon vs. a freaking planet boring?  By having her and the others shoot at a hologram before being teleported to various realms of whatever while Nemesis prattles on about how the Dark Crystal will destroy everything and blah, blah, blah.  There’s nothing exciting and a lot of this is because eveyrthing’s been so lackluster and bad it’s kind of hard to care whether or not Usagi succeeds in saving the future or not.  Such an enormous threat was wasted just like the rest of the Villains in Sailor Moon Crystal so far.  With the bar set so firmly beneath the ground at this point, there’s nowhere to go but up for the Death Busters in Season Three, right? 
Ok, I do actually have a couple of nice things to say…just not about Usagi, Mamoru or the Sailor Senshi.  I wish Crystal cared as much about them as it does Sailor Pluto because wow, her big moment outshined anything any of them have done in two whole seasons.  While she did manage to escape her post via a loophole provided by Diana (another season MVP candidate), Pluto still managed to reach the battle in time and make the ultimate sacrifice.  I cant say I’ve seen anything done by Usagi or the other girls that has measured to the level of Pluto stopping time, knowing it would kill her, that made me feel something in Crystal.  In her short amount of screentime, Pluto became the most fascinating, mysterious and likeable of the Senshi, with an origin story you wanted to know more about and still got enough to relate to her and her hopes, dreams and duties.  The moment after Chibiusa became Sailor Chibi Moon and she wanted Pluto to see her, knowing Pluto had passed, was pretty hard to watch too.  You did feel the connection between these two girls from different plains of existence and their bond felt more genuine and adoring than…well you get where I’m going with this, no sense in repeating myself again like Crystal likes to do with it’s exposition.
Oh yeah, Chibiusa becomes Sailor Chibi Moon a few episodes sooner than before.  I’m not 100% sold on this: not Chibiusa becoming a Junior Sailor Guardian during this arc but rather its timing.  See she becomes Chibi Moon after banishing her Black Lady persona but at that point it didn’t feel earned, not after everything Chibiusa had done in addition to what she’d done to set this whole thing in motion.  Personally, I’dve had her confront Nemesis with Usagi as Chibiusa and then, once that victory was claimed, then her big reward would be becoming Sailor Chibi Moon.  It would be a strong cap off to Chibiusa’s decent character arc and set her up to already be in action in Season Three.  I will say that after bouncing all over the map in regards to her feelings about Chibiusa, I didn’t really feel that Usagi and Chibiusa’s false farewell was earned either.  Again, look back to Sailor Moon R and everything they did together, even before going to the future, especially when they kicked Rubeus’ ass.  Season Two had Usagi treating Chibiusa pretty poorly throughout, mostly when it came to Mamoru.  I’m sorry, Usagi hasn’t earned this kind of repentance in my eyes, mostly because I do not like Crystals take on Usagi at all.
And that brings us to the end of Sailor Moon Crystal Season Two.  The only reason it is a step above the first is because of the strong work done with Chibiusa and Sailor Pluto.  Everything else was treating Usagi like a jealous brat and making the Sailor Senshi virtually irrelevant because none of them are in love with Mamoru, who is the key to bringing out any and all special powers needed to win.  The Black Moon Clan was even less of a footnote than Queen Beryl and her Four Kings and the final battle with Nemesis was bogged down by all of the Seasons overall pacing and writing problems and a lack of excitement or care for most characters involved.  Overall, this really is the new rock bottom for Sailor Moon, in fact, Pluto and Chibiusa were the only ones keeping it from not hitting bedrock. 
I’m just gonna say it, when we come back on Monday for the next (and Final) season, I’m not even going to ask if things can get worse than they are for Crystal, all bets are off.  Plus, we have Uranus and Neptune debuting and they were already handled poorly in Sailor Moon S.  Ugh, whatever happens, happens I guess.  Check back Next Mondy as we dive right into Season Three of Sailor Moon Crystal, right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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