Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise Part 6 Episodes 22-26

The War for Eldora has reached a breaking point.  As Alus grows more and more deluded and deranged, he sets his sights on conquering his enemies right at the source: Gunpla Battle Nexus Online itself.  Hiroto and the others find themselves facing a final battle on two fronts with two worlds now at risk for destruction.  For all their improvements individually and as a team, even the new Build Divers are going to need help to finish this fight.  Good thing GBN has plenty of defenders as two generations of Build Divers unite to protect that what they most hold dear.

Since the first few episodes, my expectations for Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise have become increasingly low.  The story frustrates me, the characters irritate me and it just feels like such huge potential was squandered in favor of trying something radically different that didn’t pay off in the end.  So it’s no surprise that in these final five episodes of the series, anything that had to do with the current cast left about as unsatisfied as I expected.  However, there was an actual light in this dismal series, moments where I did enjoy watching the show for once…and they all came from catching up with some old friends.  Is it enough to save this series from a low score, Hell no.  But I’m never gonna pass up a chance to watch Riku and the OG Build Divers cast in action once again.
But before we get to me gushing over seeing characters that actually made me smile again, let’s rant about everything else.  There have been moments in this series back half that have seen Re:Rise trying to go full hard into classic tragic Gundam tropes that feel so out of place with this little universe.  It’s made Re:Rise a depressing watch when really I was just looking for another feel good romp around GBN.  Last time, it was Eve begging Hiroto to end her existence so she wouldn’t wipe out GBN days before Koichi and Tsukasa found a fix for the El Diver dilemma.  This time, it’s poor Char Clone Masaki begging even harder for Caudron and the Build Divers to kill him because of all the damage he’d done to Eldora, even if he was being forced to against his will.  After Par has a heartfelt chat with Caudron about the power of the Human Spirit…Caudrons just like “Ok Masaki if that’s what you want.”  NO!!!  I have issues with forced redemption arcs in this show, more on that later, but Masaki is someone who didn’t need redemption, he needed to be saved and reassured.  We didn’t need another senseless mercy killing here and I was so disappointed Cuadron went right to that rather than listening to Par’s wisdom and trying to free his old friend.
Having Masaki back to his normal self showcases more wasted potential from Re:Rise.  He seems like a chill and cool guy, riding motorcycles and teaching little kids how to build Gunpla while he’s recovering in the hospital.  We spent so much time watching him wail under mind control but I wish we could spend more time with him as an official member of Team Build Divers.  Sure he seems to work through his trauma of being Alus’ puppet pretty quickly but cudos that he doesn’t wait half a series to try and get his crap together.  Barely a few scenes with him and Masaki could already be my second favorite new character after Par.  As for Alus, ugh.  This thing was so far past the point of no return it wasn’t even amusing.  And yet May thought that Alus could still be redeemed.  Yeah I’m gonna call a hard stop on that.  Masaki had an excuse.  He was being mind controlled and forced to do terrible things he didn’t want to.  Alus was damn well aware of what he was doing and yet refused to see otherwise, right up til the very end.  He even went so far as to actually invade GBN because he saw “the people of the Gunpla” as his true enemy.  Alus is a sore loser if there ever was one and I laughed when his fleet showed up in GBN only to see the Third Coalition and basically say, “Hi there.  Welcome to GBN…get off our lawn.”  Look I’m all for second chances and its one of Build Divers driving themes.  Alus doesn’t fit the criteria though.  Once you start a path of pure fanatical level genocide, that’s the point of no return.
With all of this in mind, it’s little wonder I didn’t care a single bit about the final stretch for Build Divers 2.0.  Hiroto, May and Kazami might be some of my least favorite characters in the franchise.  While Par grew into his role as a leader and the heart of the team pretty quickly, everyone else was either stagnant or stubborn.  Even if Hiroto, May and Kazami did finally show proper character growth (and in Kazami’s case actual maturity), I just cant bring myself to like them.  They just weren’t the characters I wanted to see in this forced space age adventure.  If anything, this should could have been a spin off for Team Avalon, aka Hiroto’s former team.  We already knew Kyoya pretty well and his two subordinates, Emilia and Karuna, and it would have been great to get to know them even better.  This goes double for Karuna, who seemed to have a special soft spot for Hiroto, I cant imagine how he felt when Hiroto just ditched Avalon after Eve’s death.  Still have Par around but have Hiroto and Avalon discover Freddie’s SOS together, get rid of May and Kazami, and let the show continue from there.  I doubt it would make the premise any better but at least I’d care more about the cast.
Ok, let’s talk about the actual good stuff.  Magee did exactly what I’ve wanted for the entire series: he got the band back together.  Not only did we get to see older Riku, Sarah and Yuki along with Koichi and Ayame but all of the old Build Divers favorites were back too: Shary, Tigerwolf, Ogre, Doji and Rommel to name a few.  I wont lie, it did put a smile on my face seeing these well oiled vets school the new Build Divers during the practice run.  Just seeing them all in action again reminded me why the original Build Divers worked out so well.  Yes they had their own characters journeys to travel and their own issues to work through but they did and they did so in less than half the time of Hiroto and his team.  So it makes sense that any really awesome moments in the finale came from seeing the Third Coalition of vertrans taking on Alus’ forces and doing a surprisingly good job against them, way better than Hiroto’s crew for most of the season.  There are also the little moments like seeing Ruki and Orge are still friendly rivals or seeing Shary share a brotherly wink with Par or seeing Rommel is a fan of Captain Zeon (who also shows up for the final battle, WHERES HIS SPIN OFF!!!???).  Also the scene where Riku and Hiroto meet and talk about the death of Eve and how Riku felt responsible was nice.  Like I said last time, Hiroto couldve gone full Shinn Asuka and blamed Riku for Eve’s death in some way and never forgive him, maybe even become a more dangerous rival for him.  But they didn’t take that route and seeing these two shake hands made more sense and felt more earned than seeing Shinn shake Kira Yamato’s hand at the end of Gundam SEED Destiny.
Before I get into final thoughts, sigh, theres one more major rant I need to get through.  So you know how I said a few reviews ago that I hoped they wouldn’t try and retcon the creation of El Divers and tie it back to Eldora?  Well for a moment I was relieved thinking that the show was almost done and that hadn’t come up.  That is until we see Kyoya at lunch IRL with the Game Master and Miss Tori…and Tori reveals that some of Alus’ scattered remnant code matches something similar to an anomaly that is the missing key to Sarah’s creation and thus the creation of El Divers as a whole….noooooOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!  Are you kidding me?  Why retcon that?  Why not just have El Divers be a natural occurrence in GBN?  What was wrong with that?  There was something wonderful about life finding a way (to cite Jeff Goldblum’s popular line from Jurassic Park).  But no we have to make this excursion into deep space and encounters with aliens mean something in the long run.  This wasn’t needed, it feels wrong and I freaking hate it.
Ok, final thoughts.  Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise is one of the most disappointing Gundam entries I’ve ever watched.  It always felt like it was meant to be another Mecha Anime altogether.  Hell I think it could even make for a decent Macross Anime (especially since Macross has Aliens in it).  Except for Par and Masaki, I didn’t like the characters.  Some Eldorans like Freddie and Maiya were fine but they weren’t the reason I wanted to watch a series about friends having fun with Gunpla online.  The tone leaned continuously into darker territory to the point where the show wasn’t fun and their chances to add humor right after just felt tasteless.  The best moments of Re:Rise were when Riku and the rest of the OGs came back to kick some fake Gunpla ass and remind me why they should have taken the lead reigns from the start.  Re:Rise tried to do some very different things with Gundam, the kind that had only been tested once in one other divisive movie (The Gundam 00 Movie).  I really wanted this “Story Mode” to feature interactions with events and characters from across the Gundam franchise with new and old fans and Gunpla flying alongside legends like Amuro Ray or Setsuna F. Seiei.  Instead, we got a needlessly depressing and frustrating space adventure with drama that wanted to hit hard but only made me angry.  Much like Gundam Build Fighters Try, Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise took a cool and awe inspiring concept and turned it into the more depressing freaking thing ever…screw that noise
Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise gets a 2/10
(only because of seeing Riku and the others again and the show not deserving Par’s awesomeness)
And with that travesty finally done, OTAKON AWAITS!!!!!  No review Next Monday cause of the Con and to give myself a short series break.  But I’ve got a couple of movie reviews on deck, starting August 4th with something I should have looked at months ago but…Here we GOOOOO.  It’s The Super Mario Bros’ Movie, Next Friday right here at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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