Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Gundam Build Divers Part 5 Episodes 17-20

It is a time of new challenges and personal growth for the Build Divers.  Feeling he’s getting left behind, Yuki accepts a special challenge mission to improve his skills, alongside an unexpected ally.  Riku’s meteoric rise through the ranks finds him in the crosshairs of his Mentor, Tigerwolf, who seeks to show his student how much farther he has to go.  And the Build Divers welcome a new teammate in Nanamie.  But the celebrations come to a crashing halt when a new slew of game breaking bugs appear…and theyre all tied to the mysterious origins of Sarah. 

Up until now, Gundam Build Divers has been a very fun series to watch.  It’s got its flaws for sure but its still got a lot of heart and it still paints a great picture of what it means to be a fan of both Gundam and Gunpla and Gunpla Battle Nexus looks like an amazing experience for longtime and casual fans alike.  And while there’s still a lot to love about both the game and the cast of characters, if the end of this episode set is any indication, the good times are about to come to a halt on account of the less than picture perfect Administration threatening to take the mood from Gundam Build Fighters into Gundam Build Fighters Try.  What do I mean by this and do I think the series is in danger of ending on a sour note?  Well let’s run through the events of this second to last set of Build Divers episodes and find out.
While the final conflict of the series was glimpsed at several times before the big reveal, most of the first three episodes in this set were decent stand alone stories.  I do feel for Yuki believing he’s been left behind while everyone else has gotten stronger.  Its hard to believe that given all the Riku centric storylines that this show began with Riku and Yuki sharing co-lead status.  Not that Riku’s been a jerk to his best friend, it’s more the writers have been jerks to him and pushing Yuki further away from the spotlight to focus on Riku’s journey.  So giving him an episode to work on his skills was welcome.  Not only that but the episode also gave the problematic Doji a chance to confront how much of a jerk he’s been since Episode 1 and actually apologize for his actions.  Unlike the writers trying to get me to sympathize with him earlier when he used a Break Decal to prove his worth to his Brother and his Force, this felt much more earned and honest.  Doji is a good kid, he just needed to take responsibility for his actions and learn to accept the help of others.  I also like how the Mirror Mission used seemingly mundane tasks to help improve the duos Gunpla skills like Baseball catching or an obstacle course, very Karate Kid style.
The Riku vs Tigerwolf fight might be one of the best duels in the entire series.  It has such a chaotic and fun energy to it that you cant help but get G Gundam chills watching.  Seeing the two go all out and Riku come so close to actually defeating Tigerwolf was great.  But of course, you can only give Riku so much good luck in battle.  So of course he was going to ultimately lose and Tigerwolf couldn’t help but rub it in by beating the mess out of Riku’s 00 Sky when it was at its weakest (the Master still has to be the Master after all.).  And on the opposite end of Tigerwolf’s psudeo Kumite tournament we had the all girls Nadeshiko-athalon.  As good as it was to see Nanamie get in on the fun and officially join the Build Divers, the real stars of the episode were the severely underused supporting female cast members Emilia and Rose, who belong to Kyoya and Ogre’s teams respectively.  Their rivalry was as fun to watch as they are themselves (insanely attractive I mean).  Plus the race presented new and unique ways to have fun with Gunpla in GBN beyond simple displays and fights.  There’s tons of creativity brimming in this shows core video game concept.
But, the fun had to end eventually and at last we got to the truth behind the new slew of bugs popping up in GBN.  It seems kind of obvious in retrospect but when it all becomes clear, it makes a lot of sense: why the hell hasn’t anyone asked about Sarah’s history until now?  Her very existence has been a not so well kept secret since Episode 1.  With her being able to “feel” a Gunplas emotional state, I said it reminded me of a Universal Century Newtype.  And yet no one has questioned Sarah’s sixth sense nor why she hardly shares anything about herself outside of the game even to those closest to her.  Well, if she wasn’t a Newtype, the only other possibility was she was born of GBN herself.  It’s hardly a shock at all and everyone being totally stunned by this reveal feels…it’s like NO ONES THOUGHT TO ASK SOME SIMPLE QUESTIONS ABOUT SARAH UNTIL NOW!!!???  Even if there was a possibility she lived far away and couldn’t meet with the Build Divers outside of GBN like everyone else can, someone should have gotten something about her personal life out of her by now.  And yet the series treats this event like a major bombshell when the only real impact comes from the reveal that Sarah’s existence could threaten the very fabric of GBN itself.
Yeah since Sarah is a sentient lifeform born of GBN (just roll with it for now), the game is starting to suffer from being unable to compensate for her emotional development.  Point is, if Sarah can’t be safelt extracted onto some kind of external storage device, GBN could be destroyed in a matter of months.  Ok, so if a select group of people team up with GBN’s creator, who’s Avatar is that weird Pokemon bird who’s been shadowing the Build Divers ominously for a while, and put their heads together, this problem can be solved with just a little bit of time, right?  Nope, leave it to the Game Master and the Administration to go right to Defcon 2 and put out an APB on poor Sarah, revealing her identity and classifying her as an “El-Diver” (Electronic Life Form Diver).  For a game that’s all about making a safe and welcoming space for Gunpla and Gundam fans to have fun and form long lasting friendships, the people running it clearly adhere more to the Gundam Build Fighters Try way of doing things instead of Gundam Build Fighters.  By that I mean, if this were Sei and Reiji from Build Fighters, they would have immediately jumped on finding a solution that benefits everyones happiness.  But no, instead the Game Master is going right for the “welp, she’s a virus and we need to purge her for the sake of the game, sorry”.  This sounds like a rant and it is.  If it weren’t for the fun the Build Divers were having on a regular basis, I’d quit GBN for this because who would want to play a game run by heartless A-Holes like this.  Also, the Game Master refuses to do anything about the Break Decals because of a “lack of (obvious) evidence” but when Sarah’s true nature is revealed, bring in the troops.  I already didn’t like him when he was first introduced by now I flat out hate him.
Ugh, I don’t mind some conflict in my more light hearted Gundam series, I really don’t.  Again, Build Fighters had some amazing and personal drama going on but none of the main or supporting cast ever lost hope that everything would be ok in the end.  But then you had Build Fighters Try which took the coolest game ever made and turned it into the most super serious and dour experience that would kill my interest in every trying GP Duel.  Gundam Build Divers is inching towards the latter and even if Riku and the Build Divers aren’t at the front of my frustrations, the rest of GBN’s response to the Sarah reveal is gonna be a major factor in how I score the series based on the finale.  Cause right now, the show just went in the wrong direction for me after a predominantly fun run.  Come on Build Divers…be like the Build Fighters, not Build Fighters Try.  I guess we’ll see how everything comes together when we get to the Series Finale of Gundam Build Divers This Friday at the Gundam Anime Corner.

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