Friday, May 6, 2022

FIF#157-Cromartie High School

It's Takashi Kamiyama’s first day at Cromartie High School.  Though he strives for academic success, he’s entire school is comprised of delinquents…and everyone has a bone to pick or a curiosity about Kamiyama.  In a school full of guys who claim to be the biggest bad ass of them all, Kamiyama is about to learn that there’s more to being super tough than just a scary face.  You have to also contend with Gorilla’s, a Robot unaware he is a Robot…and a guy who is a dead ringer for the lead singer from Queen.  Welcome to Cromartie High School, Kamiyama…hope you survive the experience.
High School Anime are a dime a dozen and many tend to blend together at the end of the day, save for the ones with a unique stand out feature like Haruhi Suzumiya or Bunny Girl Senpai.  Cromartie High School seems to fit into that Unique Stand Out category simply based on its look and premise and I think I am all on board for it.  I mean, it’s not everyday that the first joke in the first minute and a half of an eleven minute episode lands so well it basically set an immediate benchmark for the rest.  But it’s that brilliant and that funny and it only gets better from that point on.
Kind of in the same vein as Detroit Metal City, Cromartie doesn’t look like it wants to overstay its welcome but rather be a quick little distraction with its short episode run time.  The first episode throws us in quickly and maintains a great momentum as we follow Kamiyama on his first day at the delinquent filled high school.  The art style feels as tough as its student population claims to be and is Production I.G. pushing the limits of Anime once again.  Though he looks just as tough as nails as everyone else, I liked listening to Kamiyama’s inner monologues breaking down everything he sees.  He’s very soft spoken and you can tell he is a good natured guy beneath the surface…how he ended up at Cromartie though is a mystery given the company he’s enrolled with.  His reactions to the feats these guys will go through to prove themselves are dead on how any sane person would react.  Once again, the opening joke of “He…ate…my…pencil…HE ATE MY PENCIL!!!” is pure gold and a great way to kick off the show.
But it’s more than just the physical comedy at Cromartie High.  While a lot of the thuggish character designs can blend together, there are two of particular note that bear notice.  The first is a robot named Mekazawa…who seems blissfully unaware of his mechanical nature.  And yet they claim he’s one of the toughest bad asses in the entire school.  He also sounds incredibly intelligent and proper for a powerful robot bad ass, interesting.  The second is an older gentleman who bears an uncanny resemblance to one of the greatest rock artists of all time: the lead singer of Queen himself, Freddie Mercury.  The guy even has an epic guitar riff that plays when he first appears on screen and I can see that becoming a recurring joke throughout the show.  And as an added cherry, Kamiyama decides to call this nameless student “Freddie”…so there, Freddie F’ing Mercury is in an Anime and it is as epic as you’d think even with a small appearance.
Well…I guess with all this constant praising I guess I should continue on with Cromartie High School.  Like I said, with episodes clocking in at 11 minutes total, it’s a nice little snack to have every once in a while.  I suppose you could binge it but I think Cromartie works best in these quick and small doses.  This aint your average High School Anime.  Let’s hope Kamiyama survives his experience.

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